Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Elements part 19 - Water Transcript 3

Water Transcript Three

Now, the female Water Element is learning to deal with their emotion, and they have to learn, with fear, whatever it is, in any area - they can be afraid of the authority of money, or the authority of poverty, this essence - they have to realize that they have the ability, through non-recognition, to be spiritually in charge, more than any others. Secondly, in judgement, they have a tendency to judge themselves. The Hermetic tells old Chinese that if you put all the Water women together, you would have at least seventy five percent of the mirrors in your world. Meaning, basically, they are their own worst judges, for they are always looking at themselves, more than the others who have a tendency to throw themselves together. That term within your world, is most definitive.

But the Water female must be intricate, must be exacting, must work with every intricate detail. Not because they want to flaunt, but because they want the water to be clear, that people will drink and that they can see themselves. That is important.

The Water male will be somewhat of the same kind, but will have a tendency, in many ways, to be not as exacting with their presentation but be more exacting with their relatedness. The Water male will have more difficulty with interpersonal relationships than the Water female. One reason is that the Water make does not take as much care of their physical presentation. The female has - and it is good - a seemingly positive facade around them to be able to strengthen them. The Water male, of all things they deal with, they deal not much with fear - some; not much with anger; not much with judgment; but with frustration. In frustration comes the subheadings of jealousy, having a tendency to be anxious, to worry, always to wonder where things are going to come from. They will have a tendency to see a situation and, if it is a tornado, they will see it as a typhoon. They, basically, deal with frustration, trying to get things aligned. They will have a harder time consolidating their energy than the Female Water Element; but, in strength, the Water male has the ability to give a great amount of spiritual energy in the mediumship. The sad thing that happens in your world is that those Water makes who do this usually have homosexual tendencies. Because the effeminate energy that they have learnt to use and project is not accepted by masses of other men, they, basically, turn it in. They will pull to them strong Fire Element women who will have a tendency to say, 'This is where you put your water.' In the higher sense, the Water male can do things in intricacy, more than the Earth. they have abilities in intricate and long, exacting chores. They will take hours and spend hours on a project that a Fire Element would give up in minutes. They are long-suffering; they will be frustrated, but they will stay in a situation. Where the Water female will yell and scream and maybe leave a male who is not there, the Water Element male will stay with the wife, no matter how burdensome they may be. But, in creativity, they are strong. In empathy they will perceive, they will feel emotion, they can give it easily; they are strong in that way.

The Water Element female to Fire male must learn these things. There are very few true center Fire males - meaning that they have reincarnated in the center of December 21 - March 21. Very few; most Fire males are on the fringes. A Fire male that is on the fringe of Earth has a tendency to be like an Air male. A Fire male on the fringes of Water has the tendency to be like an Earth male. And so a Water female must know, that if they are dealing with Fire/Earth male, they will be dealing with an intellectual who tries to think and tries to think things for them, does not like to do things too fast, is a very slow individual who smokes a pipe. They have a tendency of this energy. The Water/Fire deals specifically with their sexual energy and with material. That will not have the confidence that things will be taken care of financially. They will have a tendency to worry a little too much of where the money is coming from, and of their sexual prowess. The Water Element dealing with these two fringe areas can understand them in regards to these concerns. But with the true Fir make, the Water female will have things that they must know. First, the Fire male in the center can deal with energy in any area. They will have, initially, no fear. If someone calls them a bad name, they will look at the individual as if they are right. They will go any place within your earth. There is no fear. There is usually not much judgment, hardly and frustration, and the only anger usually comes to the Water female herself, not to anyone else, and it is because of this projection of emotion. The Water female will feel that she is not being loved adequately by the center Fire male, and she will press, will want to have some kind of recognition. The Fire male gives the recognition by the total energy. The Fire male will be pulled to the Water female, and the other way also, because, together, working as a team, they have the greatest abilities, they will have the most difficult time.

The Water male, dealing with a Fire female, will find that, basically, they will be dealing with an energy that they will have to do what the Fire female wants and their life will be regulated along that area. They will find that their Fire female, if it is a Water make in the companionship, will have a difficult time spiritually projecting. To the water male, it will not be easy, and they will be torn between their individual growth and staying and steadying the relationship. The Fire woman, in relationship to the Water male, will try to regulate and strengthen them through physical action; through disease of the body, through feeling badly; through feeling, basically, that hey are being subjected, or not liked, because the Water male is growing in other ways.

The Water female in relationship to the Earth, dealing with the Earth male, will be dealing with an individual that is dealing materially and physiologically, sexually oriented, having a tendency to have difficult times with interpersonal relationships, being introvertive and very creative. The water female will drawn to them in this way; they will be drawn to the creative Earth male, to the one that can project themselves through the fine arts, or music, and want to be around them. They will want to feel that creativity, that energy, that power. But they will find that, within it, they will be the major strength and there will be slowly a draining of what they are, even though there cane be excitement in what they are doing. If they stay, or they match, then, the Earth male will have to deal with his creativity in a highest level, meaning that everything they do is creative art. That, the Water female can deal with. But if the creative art has tinged of financial insecurity, and sexual, there will be difficulty. Very seldom will you find an Earth male or an Earth female that will be what you may call a one-person man or woman. They will have a tendency to need the physical satisfaction and review of what they are from many people. The Earth male will be pulled to the Water female; the Earth female will be pulled to the Fire male.

The Water male cannot stand - and usually have great difficulty with - an Earth female. The Water male is dealing with spirituality; that is wrong analogy, but it has a tendency yo be soft, loving, warm, emotional, and to cry at the drop of anything. Whereas the Earth female, who has a tendency to deal sexually and materially, will have an area of wearing out the Water male. If the Earth female is creative, dealing in fine arts or the creative form, in the higher sense, a Water make can work with them. But it would be most difficult and, over long term, most unlikely.

Water/Air: what does Air do to Water? It churns it it up, it blows it away, it does not allow it to fall where it wants to fall. One thing you should learn about a Water person: don't push them away from where they are going - and wind or air does that. If it is raining, the wind will push the rain away; they will push the water someplace else. Water and Air. A true Water female and true Air male will have great difficulty: not being able, in the true sense, to have any lasting relationships, because the Air male will think so deeply and be so deeply involved in the scientific, the logical, the political, the psychological, that they will be, in many ways, intellectually above the Water female; but not in dealing with feelings, where the Water female is way above. A most difficult interrelationship, if it is true Air and true Water. The Air person will deal in a lot of insecurities; and a Water female will have a tendency to bring out these insecurities in an Air male. The Air male will say, 'We cannot do that because it costs two ninety-five,' and the Water female says, 'But I feel we can do it,' and the Air male will not be able to fathom that. It is that conflict. The Air make will have a tendency, in the metaphysical line, using their highest point, to be able to deal with a Water female, but as a working companion, not as a mate. Old Chinese has not seen one true Air male, one true Water female, that can make a lasting relationship.

But there are fringes. The Air/Water male and the Fire/Water female have a strong connection. It has a tendency to solidify: enough of the emotion of the air and enough of logicalness, or thinking, or what you may call orientation, to be able to help the emotion; enough of the Fire in the female to overcome and say, 'We are not going to do that, even though you have thought it to death.' That can go, both with the Fire female and the Air male, Air/Water, Fire/Water, or Water/Fire. The same with the make who is Water/Fire, and the female who is Air/Water, for they have a tendency to solidify; and all what you call the cusp alignments, that is one of the strongest, mainly because they have a tendency to balance each other very well. One of the difficulties is that an Air/Water male, in their thinking and in their logicalness, will be in many ways a part of other worlds in their mind. They learn very slowly that they can feel the water, what the female is putting forward; and even what they are thinking, or studying, they will begin to perceive, as the female projects. In her projection, she does not do it in yelling; she does it within visualization, and it will work, strongly. Even to the point of deep concentration, the Air/Water male will succumb easily. Now the Air female - very few, very few. The Water make will not be pulled together. You will not find them even aligning. That relationship, basically, is not a coordinate. The female will not want to have children and the male will; and it, basically, will not work.

Water is the spiritual: easy for the individual to develop a reality of self, and project it and live with it, more so than others. But equally is hard because, in that projection, they deal with the emotion that others put at them and they feel of self. fire, Water, Air and Earth each correspond and interrelate. But all of all them, Water deals with family, with home, with consolidation of your world and it's spiritual projection. Find a community, a group, an organization, a religion, a creed, a philosophy, a teaching, a guru, and you will find more Water females and Water makes than any other Element.

In Old China, the sage was walking slowly. He had had a very long day with many students. And as he walked through the spring for a drink, there sat at the spring a small girl. And the sage knelt and drank from the spring. And the small girl said, 'Are you thirsty?'
And the sage said, 'Yes; talk to me.'

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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