Saturday, 7 July 2012

The Elements of Man part 12 - Words


One of the easiest ways to determine what Element a person is to listen to the words they use. It also makes it easier if you want to create rapport with someone to speak in their own words. As a counsellor or therapist, teacher or presenter it makes it easier for the listener if you speak in their words. 
Fire uses words which are expanding, inclusive, general, and full of passion and vision. That is why Fire is at its happiest when burning brightly. Fire, being about expansion, grows in confidence speaking in front of large groups. At first the spark sputters into life, growing in size as it grows in confidence, warming whoever it comes into contact with. The difficulty for the Fire Element is to control the size of the Fire, to keep the ego under check or it will consume all before it.
When you hear a Fire speaker, you can pick their Element by the words they use, words such as: exhilarating, electrifying, inspirational, magnetic, fantastic, magical, initiative, innovative, brilliant, articulate, and symbolic; words which create pictures for the Fire is truly visual.
Water deals with feelings, their words lack the harsh edge of the other Elements, words that flow like a river, words joined by emotion, words laced with feelings, words which can almost seem child like in their beliefs. Words such as Romantic, modest, innocent, deeply moving, childlike, poignant, serene, consoling, faithful, family, gentle and graceful; words that tap into the emotions and the feelings.
Air like Water, cannot be denied; for it is the Element of Air that gives us the structure in our lives. Too much Air and we lose our freedom; too little and we have anarchy. As with all things we need a balance of the Elements to exist, and yet to go forward or backward we need an imbalance; for in balance everything stays the same.
Air is about the thinking process, it is about the left brain and logic. Its words tend towards judgment and towards reductionism. Our whole scientific age is built on the words and concepts of the Air Element - Judgment, logical and rationalism. Their words are; qualified, logic, thought, professional, aloof, rarefied, guarantee, systems, and experience. Their mind mode is auditory. They are auditory.
Earth deals more with the senses and their words reflect this. Words such as: ecstatic, stimulating, dramatic, direct; the words themselves touch you, make you experience them; pleasurable, concrete, sensational, great and magnificent.
Watch as the seasons progress themselves, be a part of them and you will not only understand the words and the language they use but also the essence beyond the form. Come with me as we take another journey with the Elements themselves and open up to the experience of them, in all their manifestations.
In the ice and snow we have the potential, as yet unrealised, the vision of the future. Within each flake of snow, or seed, or sperm, is the potential for growth; individual growth is the key to this element. It takes the Water and the warming of Spring to begin to bring out this potential. As the snow melts, the sun and the water come together to release the potential of the unforeseen sources. In the early spring this can be easily missed as the seed germinates or the foetus grows, but with time the increase in water comes and all is seen, because growth cannot be hidden. As it goes towards the Summer, there is much turbulence as the winds of the season of Air begin to stir things up. Air affects all Elements, all individuals. It brings them as a group towards the harvest.
Then things start to change colour, first brown where there was once green; the trees begin to lose their leaves. The words, the language is shorter, for it is nearing the end of its cycle and why waste time with words? It is a time of celebration, of enjoying the harvest. It is a very physical, sensual time. Nature gives its last gasp of beauty before she dies only for the cycle to begin again in the Fire of Winter.
The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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