Monday, 23 July 2012

Elements part 21 - Earth Transcript

Earth Transcript

The Earth Element is a very creative being, having the essence, or the alignment, with the mineral, with the plant kingdom, and even with the animals. They are your geologists, your horticulturists, your zoologists. They are the ones that like working with the stones, animals, plants. They are the ones that understand and like to deal with the livingness of things. But you will find, within their personal lives, they are dealing with the rejuvenation and with constant evolution within this existence. The Earth Element deals with a high creativity within music. But because of this, again, they will deal with the physiological. Many of the great musicians, artists, deal with homosexuality, deal with the inability to maintain any kind of monogamous relationship. Many have difficulty within the financial field - a part of the Earth Element.

The creativity of the Earth is always held in awe, for they bring forth most of the beauty of our world; and in it men like what they see. They are pulled and drawn to it. But within it, they find depression, and many time they will find that, if they get involved with the artist, it is the artist's life that sells his art, more than the art itself. Because of the evolution of the trials and tribulations that are going through, their leaves are falling consistently. They are cutting away old wood, but most do not cut away any. 

Financially, they deal with great trauma, great difficulties within the physiological and sexual sense, having problems in regard to sexuality and identifying themselves mostly with their creativity. The greatest artists are able to find a balance of materialism, and their sexuality usually becomes a celibate element within that area. They find that within their creativity they can replace the male, or the female. They can have an orgasm within the creativity that they place forward, whether music, whether art, or wether plant or animal; and they find their life involved within a celibate fine art creativity. There have been many of those; and they not only feel and see what you are but they are able to express it from beyond your perception, no matter what the element you are.

They have the ability to work with plants. Plants will respond; plants will find beauty with them. Plants will feel not only their warmth and loving, but will respond completely and fully. And, in many ways, as a young child would respond to the mother, a plant responds to an Earth Element. The same with Animals. They would feel the affinity of the Earth Element and be drawn to them because of their strength and because of their alignment. The mineral kingdom would feel it also. The gems, earth itself, would renew upon their hand. Horticulture, biology, botany - all of these areas exude their creativity.

Within music, they have the ability to use music to play the seasons - play the music of the fall, of the winter, of summer and spring. They have the understanding of the livingness of things and can bring the flow within it. They have the gift of basically being able to bridge the gap of the three lower kingdoms and know the privateness that will usually be their world.

Without the Earth Element, this world would be very boring. There would be a great difficulty in feeling a baseness, or creativity itself. This does not mean that the other elements do not have it; but it means that this element deals with it the most. But, because it does, it's greatest sorrow is sexual, physiological and, material.

The Earth Element over Air deals with creativity, but deals with it ver logically. They will have the tendency to have the ability with good finances. They will have the ability to see it and be very money-oriented within their creativity. The true Earth Element will create, no matter what, and not care; but the Earth/Air will create, wondering where the money is coming from and knowing where every cent will be. The Earth/Air will also be dealing in the physiological sense with how to deal with their own energy - how to deal with it in regards to others. They will be greatly concerned with that. But within that projection, they would be those that are the film-flam artist, those that can sell you a dead water buffalo. They have those abilities. They sell themselves easily. They have the creativity going out of them. Their weakness is the fact that they are misers, what you world would call Scrooges. Money can be their greatest difficulty.

The Earth over Fire deals specifically with sexual, having difficulty with their sexual self - having a tendency, whether male or female, of feeling that everything within this world is fertile for them. They will treat it that way, seeing not only what is called double standard, but triple and quadruple. They will be dealing with the physiological and sexual self and they will not care about money. There will be money within their life, but it will not be of much concern. They will have a tendency to have it around them all the time and in great quantities, but it seems never to stay for very long. Their strength deals with the ability, in the highest part of their creativity, of bringing the strength of creativity of the earth, the plant, and of the animal. They have an ability in spirituality to communicate to those elements. They have the ability of mediumship within that area, of communicating a spiritual idea.

They are Water in the opposite: they can deal with emotion. They can be greatly overwhelmed, but it is usually dealing specifically with anger - very difficult for them - anger of things that are around them and the way things do not go. They will have a tendency to be very outward and, in many ways, be very violent. The Earth Element is a violent individual. They are the ones that, in regards to expressing themselves, will throw off violence. Rather than withdraw, they will hit. They are the ones that usually are what you may call in the fighting. They are the ones you will find in those areas of great accident and catastrophe. They are your boxers. They are those that deal with the cruelty of most sport, of those sports that men get together in to see how much harm they can inflict upon another, or even women.

These are the Earth Elements, dealing specifically with the baseness, with the foundations, with the roots. And you will find within them more fundamentalism, religious and faith-believing. They will believe something and they will die believing it, no matter what. And everyone who does not believe it is going to go someplace where it is warm, or is not going any place at all. They will have a tendency to project fanaticness within religion so much that others cannot stand to be around them. But within that, they create a strength of those that are with them, a strength that allows them to evolve from that pattern. As they deal later they can step above fundamentalism into a creativity of self; but that step is hard.
The true Earth Element is dealing with Fire in the male sense; the Earth Element female will be drawn to the Fire Element because of the strength and the power and the leading, being able to tell them how to do it, when to do it, and when they can. They are the epitome of a servant-type situation.

The Earth male, pulled to the Fire female, will usually be developed within great creativity, and the Fire female will be their manager, or the person that is pushing them for greater creativity and greater beauty. This can be a good matching.

Earth to Earth: they usually wear themselves out either in getting money or in sexual relationships. You know many Earth to Earth individuals that marry within your world. They are the ones steeped in poverty and famine, a part of their experiential pattern in the evolution of this plane.

Earth to Water: an Earth female to a Water male can have some strength. Water male will be trying to play down their emotion, and so the Water can bring life to the Earth female. And they will be drawn to that energy or that softness; but they will have a tendency to rule the situation, even more so than the Fire female, for they will rule it by the use of sex, or the misuse of money.

The Earth man and the Water woman will have great difficulty, for the Earth man will not be able to stand that water in the flooding of his earth. This is very poor and ver seldom has great link, because the female will be dealing with the emotion of water, and they will be dealing with trying to maintain a balance spiritually, and the Earth Element is not concerned with that in the beginning stages. They are more concerned with the plant, the animal, an pd the mineral, not within ethericness.

The Earth female to the Air male can be a good relationship. This can have strength, in this one way: where the Air male is so involved with inventiveness and creativity that they do not know what they are doing half of the time; then the Earth female can be the grounder, and keep them on the ground. A Water female would have a tendency just to withdraw and cry a lot because they could not communicate with them. The Fire Element would basically let them do their own, but would not find any stability. They would find that the Earth Element would be their home. They would have a tendency to take them for granted. The Earth Element would develop a home and would be, in many ways, somewhat slavish. If it is an Earth male and an Air female - you will find very few of these, for the Air female does not want to have that kind of basing. They do not what to have that kind of serving. They will usually be celibate, or very deeply involved with their own maidship.

The Earth Element is a diverse element because they are the rejuvenators. Fire being the birth and creator of new life. Water being what you may call the fertilizer, the refreshment, the spring. Summer - Air - being the essence of new life, of harvesting. The Fall, of pulling things together, of getting rid of the old. Of letting the dying go. Each of you has lifetimes, more than one, within the Earth Element. It is not an easy life, physiologically. The Earth Element, in the female sense, very seldom will have what you may call an average weight. They will either be very slim, or very fat and stout - very few in-betweens. The male will be dealing with slenderness, physiologically to deal with their body. Their problems will come with their feet and and with the spinal cord. The female will be dealing with the inner organs and glands.

The mineral of the Earth Element, being green, is specifically different from the others. It's strength is the smoky crystal to wear - not to use, but to wear - because they are so earthy. They do not want to project their earthiness, and the smoky crystal keeps that in. They can wear the emerald. If they do they are usually dealing with a lot of creativity, the creativity in art or art form. They should not wear blue. It will cause them great difficulties within the stone element.

The music - the music within your world you know - has two phases. It is what you would call soul, the blue, the folk, the earthy-type music. Within the classical, surprisingly enough, it deals with those areas of Mendelssohn, of Telemann, of Handel, Liszt, Tchaikovsky, Khachaturian - these areas they can deal with. You will find that the Earth Element is an excellent pianist, likes to basically use it; but they are better in the musical area in regards to the instruments that they can put a lot of energy into. The Earth Element has creativity in the highest, dealing with evolution each and every moment of their life. It is a lifetime of challenge, of dealing with material, physiological, but also spiritual within the kingdoms.

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