Monday, 9 July 2012

Elements part 14 - Fire Transcript

The Fire Element Transcript

The following transcript is of a channeling that was delivered by Old Chinese when he delivered the talks on the Elements. Over the next few weeks I want to share these with you as they will deepen your understanding of the Elements. This is Fire week; so over the next few days I will deliver the Fire transcript in three parts. 

May the spirits of Fire be with you in this time. May they shine their light upon you and keep you warm on the inside.
The Fire Element is that individual who reincarnates into his body between the 21st December and the 21st March in the Northern Hemisphere. This individual has the ability to reincarnate into the body from conception to eight weeks after birth. The individual choosing this period of time is choosing a high strength Element, a power, as you can see. Of all the Fire Elements in your world, approximately seventy five percent of them are men; approximately twenty five percent women. We will deal with their spiritual growth.

A man basically growing within the Fire Element has one of two ways to go. There is no grey within the Fire Element. It is either, a strong, powerful, positive, projecting individual; or an individual that uses the fire in the negative element to bring chaos and ruin to all he touches. So the Fire Element can be the most fearful, especially within the male. But at the same time, it can be the most charismatic, for the amount of energy, used in the higher sense, brings warmth to all who come around them; brings an energy; brings the sun after a long fall. Water, Air and Earth are automatically pulled towards the Fire Element, either out of respect or out of deep fear; not ever out of nonchalance.

The Fire male, using the energy he has, can melt all negativity in front of him. He has the ability of the sun, or the burning fire within the winter, to melt, to heat, to warm, to bring strength. He has the ability to see not only the warmth within all things, but to humidify and to make water less flooding in its essence, to make the air or wind less terrifying and to bring things from the earth by its energy. Without Fire, without its energy, Water, Air and Earth could not survive. If, at this day, all Fire Elements were eliminated from your earth, you would have chaos.

The Fire male puts forth an energy, in the negative sense, that is equally as terrifying upon the opposite scale. Instead of basically projecting the Fire outward, they pull it into a depth that is within them. They create what has been known by the biblical and ancient wisdoms as Hades, Saliel; as in China, Chou Me Ong - the hell within. You go to Hades within, you go to hell, because it is within an individual. A positive Fire Element brings it out into the world and it is not within. It is salient for all to see. A negative Fire Element pushes it so deeply within that it becomes chaotic, masochistic and terrifying. it is equally strong because, within your world, people are pulled to fear; they are pulled to negativity. If you say, in a brief moment, 'Go down this street, there is a positive man talking of the beauty of spring; but go down that street and there is a man talking of death, killing' - there is a man talking of the negative. you will have a horde going to the negative and very few to the positive. Because of that one thing, the negative is powerful in your world, but never as powerful as the sun. And the weakest point of the negative Fire Element is at the Summer Solstice when, in essence, the sun is the highest and the moon the lowest. One of the reasons that it is said that things happen differently at the full moon is because the negative Fire Element uses the coldness of the light, the reflection of the sun as, in essence, their energy; and it manifest then. Positive Fire Elements get along well together if they have the equal balance of Water, Air and Earth working with them.

The female Fire Element has great difficulty in your world. She usually comes into this world to deal specifically with understanding her femininity because she is coming forth from a lifetime or lifetimes that have been extremely degrading to others. She is having to express her femininity in the hardest way. A positive Fire female becomes beauty as the sun, but soft. A negative Fire female becomes what you might call, in your words, the darkness on wheels: meaning, specifically, that the female negative element uses the energy in a more secretive way. Because of that, it is more terrifying and usually they will support a negative male element. But because there are so few of them, there are not usually too many problems.

The attributes of the strengths of the male Fire Element are that they are leaders, they have the strength of society. They have the rapport; they have the ability to lead; they have the ability, in war, or in peace. Dealing with the Fire Element male, you must know these things: at times, his energy is like the sun and can come so that it is over powering. His energy, his instance that things, basically, must continue to go, asking for no rest, is very tiring to those who need relaxation and rest. He usually does not need long hours of rest but consistently wants to pout the energy forth.

They will deal with people usually very curtly and very straight forwardly. If you say to a Fire Element, 'Am I doing the right thing?' They will usually say, No,' it is 'No.' If you say that to a Water Element, they will cry and probably in one way say, No,' in a long explanation of emotion. To an Air Element, they will try to explain it, in depth, why it is 'No,' and usually put you to sleep. An Earth Element will usually not know which way to go, or will not have the strength and will say, 'Wait a minute, while I consult someone else.' But a Fire Element will say, 'This is the way we are to go.' Sometimes, when they are doing this and are not in tune, they go where they should not go, too fast.

They interrelate very strongly, in the male energy, with other male Fire Elements, as long as there is a balance. If two male Fire Elements are to work together, there has to be at least two female Water Elements to balance it, or three Air Elements, or a whole legion of Earth Elements. It is because of the energy. the Fire Element male, basically, does not get along with the Water Element male. Not saying they cannot be friends but to work together is very difficult. Not that the Fire does not need that emotion, that softness to balance, that intuitive point, but the male Water Element, because of the masculinity, will have a tendency to be a little draining and the Fire Element will usually not deal with them. The Water male will usually turn into intellectual projection and the Fire Element does not like to get into intellectual games. The Air male can get along with a Fire Element male, if the Fire is a strong one; if he has the patience to listen to all the Air Element wants to say and then go ahead, no matter what has been said. The Air Element and the Fire male can have a deep relationship if there is mutual understanding that they are sounding boards for each other. The Fire Element and the Earth Element can work together. The Earth Element usually becomes attached, or a follower, or what you would call a very strong second person or supporter - a minister of creativity, for it is the Fire that will pull out the creativity of Earth.

A Fire Element dealing with the other males deals best with an Earth Element; secondly with an Air; third with a Water; and with a Fire Element last, because they are so much alike in energy. You have heard that in Old China many empires fell because there were many generals who The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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