Friday, 20 July 2012

Elements part 20 - Air Transcript

Air Transcript

The Air Element is the one, basically, deals within this earth plane, in a karmic sense, with their mentalness and their intellect. This element, more than any other, is in conflict with the logical, the scientific, the subconscious. Liking and eating, and many times marrying the subconscious, or what is called the ego, they delight within the energy force that is created. One of the things that the Air Element does is see and feel. They are in essence, wanting to see why something works - but to see why it works to its nth degree, having difficulty accepting that it just works. They are always in the midst of decisions, experiment. They are your debaters. They are the ones that have a tendency to overshadow your political scene. They are the ones that intellectually must project themselves and, in any way, will seek and look upon a form of following. They are the ones that find the cause, hold on to it, and take it for the rest of their lives, whether it is polo tics, or prisons or sex.  They are those to think and not feel. They say that they are against poverty because it is not good, but they think it out, they logical it, they look into the logicness of it. They cannot deal with the feeling. Very few of the true Air Element ever meet a spiritual project. Many are involved within science, within psychology and the medical field; most that deal in these areas you will find Air Element. If they are not Fire, they are an Air. They find themselves rooted into patterns that they cannot get out of. Of all the elements, it is easier for them to conservative in grand, to believe something from the time they are taught it to the time they die.

Very few, very few within your world are true Air, in the center. Most are fringes, Air/Water or Air/Earth. Not many in the center, for there are not many who are, in essence, succinctly and fulfillingly in the logic to the nth degree. But there are some, and those you find will be your recuses, your hermits. Those that cannot express themselves, those that, basically, withdraw, to think, to read, to write. Even though your world has many monks and hermits, it is almost, at this time within your world, to be a mystic or a recluse and not be an Air Element. They have a tendency to think rather than feel. Because of that, you find that these orders are lacking in the freedom of self-discipline. Your world, in the Western tradition - in the Americas, the European continent, the Asian or Russian area - most men are Air Elements. And it is the Air Element who has a tendency to rule, to influence, because people have fear of the logical; or, basically, of the individual who can prove and throw words time and time again; or who tries to prove their point through argument and through infusion.

The Air Element male in the center can only get along with a Fire female. Perhaps a little, to a degree, with the Air female. The center Air female is as rare as a water buffalo in the city. You will be every fortunate if you meet one in your lifetime. But those that you would meet could only marry an Air Element male - if they marry at all. The Air Element is, basically, dealing with the fringes, with water and earth. Consider, the Air Element that is dealing with Water: Air is yellow, Water is blue, which makes green. They have many of the same reactions of the Earth Element.

The Air Element male with Water will be dealing, basically, not only with their thinking, but they will try to thinkingly correct their material and sexual life. And because they will think about their sexual life, it will be sparse and there will be a great difficulty in interrelating. The female within this area will, basically, be a female that is extremely strong, but is dealing a lot with materialism - dealing, specifically, with always hunting money, trying to find it, trying to think of way to get more of it. Not necessarily aligned with the physical, or great difficulty in physiological, may be using it to get money; but, basically, that is their area. The Air Element male over Water, in a highest perspective, can have a metaphysical view and deal within metaphysics: going beyond science: going beyond the logical, written; being able to see and perceive because of their technicality, the beginnings of the universe.

But it is sad, again, that those that you find, within your world. That are Air Element males, that learn to use the metaphysical and to go beyond it, are as rare as a water buffalo in the city. Those that usually reincarnate in that area will never hear the words of Old Chinese. Not because they are lower, but because it is their evolution. Those that are Air over Water can begin to work with their scientific approach, but dealing with the elements of earth, mineral and animal in a scientific, or in a logical way. They are to involve and to work within the livingness of that element, putting some of the softness of water, some of the feelings of water, out. The Air Water male can deal a lot with the Water Fire female. There is a good strength there. The Air/Water male can deal with the Fire/Earth female, basically needing that balance, that strength, but that earthiness. They have the ability, within the fulfillment, to understand. The great alchemists were Air over Water, for they used the earth, the minerals, the metals.

The Air over Earth becomes Fire in their feelings, much like the Fire Element. They will always be concerned with people loving them and not feeling loved, more so than the Fire Element. They will not have the confidence. They will be, basically, concerned with what other people think of them. A part of the Earth feeling, but the logicalness. Someone can say they do not like them and they will be able to logically figure out why they do not like them and why no one else would like them. But the Fire part would bring obstinance, will make them hard, and make them stick to something, even to the point of ridiculousness. They are the ones that you want to lead armies, for they will stay at the head, no matter what is fighting them; but they usually would not be found there. The Air over Earth deals specifically with beginning to learn their energy and their strengths too.

The Air over Earth male - here is where you find your politicians. Here is where you find those that are dealing with the great controversies of your world. Free your world from disease, from poverty, from the negativity, and they will carry it and they will lead it. They will seem Fire but they will have the stick-to-it-ness, or the mental capacities, logically thinking and trying to scientifically prove every step. The true Fie Element will not care if it scientifically does not prove. He knows he is right anyway. And the Earth that is, basically, is more Air is constantly trying to prove what they are doing. The Air that has Earth has abilities to deal with leading, but not in the forerunner. They are supporters. They are the ones that can do what needs to be done. They are the best supporters for a Fire Element. You will find them as assistants, as the second or or third in command. They will, basically, be the organizers or the generators behind the scene.

If they are in the forefront, they will be there but there will be a strength, or they will working under the light of someone else. They deal consistently with learning to be accepted by people, and try to project themselves there. Most female actresses are in this line. Vanity is this, but, utilizing this, they can express and facade like no other; and they will make the best actresses. That is why they can make the best politicians. Dealing with this as Amalie, their highest perspective will be a supporting role; or they will be an actor, giving forth energy, entertaining. They will those that are always known as the serious actors, as the serious projectors, as the serious entertainers. The female in this, the same. The seriousness, dealing with the vanity of self. But, being, entertainers, they are the ones that bring escape to others, into worlds that are real, or unreal but have reality. Those that are involved in this can be a part of one, or two, or three, and they are good balance, for they bring humour; but they bring it a flair that not many have.

In their mating they deal well, the female with the Fire Element male, the male with the Fire Element female. They deal fairly well with the Water/Fire female, the Earth, but the female will usually deal with every male within a lifetime, never usually being monogamous.

The Air Element is the most misunderstood. It is the hardest. It is the individual that has the most to give, and they will try to give it forth for others to live off. But it will be hard for them to realize that, without the winter and without the spring, they could not be; and, without the earth They are what is called the individuals that, basically, stand up but do not know how to use their power in the higher, positive way. They will struggle with that. The female Air over Earth will have a tendency towards hypochondria, as will the male Air over Water. They will find things wrong with them that no one has even thought could be wrong with a human being. The male Air/Earth will not be hypochondriac; they will usually not have time for that. The female Air over Water will, basically, be dealing with difficulties with the female organs, physiologically. They will also have malfunctions of the thyroid that will lead to dryness and toughness of skin, and are the ones that are very wrinkled in old age.

The Air Element is the hurricane: blows a great wind, will cause great damage to all areas. They will tear and rant and rave, because no one would listen to them. Like your hurricanes, or typhoons, or tornados, you can warn people that they must protect themselves, that they must be in tune, and they will not listen. So, a hurricane will come and an Air Element will come and cause chaos in their life. They will wonder 'Why is this person trying to think me to death - trying to, basically, deal with me in the way they are?' those that deal with Air, deal with a heavy spiritual karma, for they are the most misunderstood; and, because of that, they are the most destructive in the way they deal.  

It is the Air Element that created atomic energy. It is the Air Element that is a logistic; that creates the plans of war; that creates machines; that invents and is the scientist; that dissects the subconscious mind; that does not believe in mysticism and, in religion, is very difficult.

The music of the Air is forceful. It can be like a breeze; but it can be like the thunder: Wagner, Khatchaturian, Tchaikovsky, Liszt. Or it can be softness. It can be the softness of Handel, or Mendelssohn, or Debussy. But they will not deal with it consistently. They will seek the classical; and if they are pulled to one musical instrument, it will be the reeds, organ, flute: those that use air. They can find great energy within the organ or within the flute or the air or wind instruments.

Their stone is clear crystal, or the champagne crystal; but, like the true Air Element, a champagne crystal is as rare as a water buffalo within this city. They deal with a lot of energy and power. They can deal with it consistently and fully, and the stone that will help them center and feel calm is the champagne crystal, or is amber interlaced with moonstone. It can calm them more than any other.

Air Elements are interspersed throughout your world. They are the thinkers, the scientists, the logical ones. They are the ones that are, basically, the computers. Their strength is not all in one area. Their is not one country that is strong in what they are. There is not one that is overstrong. This country (England) is very strong within Air Element, extremely strong. France is another - France with a little tinge towards Earth, but it is there. America, it has a lot of it, but it is offset by much Earth. The Air Element becomes prominent and there are many of them at the end of a cycle, just before the fall, the retiring and the renewal.

There was a sage that was sitting under a plum tree, and a student walked by and said, 'Sage, why cannot we fly like the birds? Why cannot we fly through the air like moth or butterfly?'
The sage said, 'Why can we not? We can.'
The student laughed and said, 'Let me see you.'
The sage said, 'I just did.'
And the student said, 'No, you were sitting there.'
The sage said, 'No, I was not. I was flying. I was a bird.'
The student said, 'I saw you sitting there. You did not move; you were stable. You were man sitting there; you did not fly.'
Then the sage said, 'You will never see anything fly that you cannot believe will fly.'

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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