Water Element Transcripts
Within your world, most Water Elements are female: seventy five percent plus are female. There is a reason for this, and if you are a Water Element female you automatically know that your inside is a positive force and your outside is negative. You know that you have this inner garden and it has deep inner beauty. It is a beautiful place for you to go, spiritually. The reason so many women are Water Element is because of that positive - negative energy, of the pulling together and the creating of strength. This is unique. Man does not have this but water does. Man dealing with this reacts differently as a Water Element than woman. We will deal with woman first.
The Water Element woman in her first fifteen days after spring is Water over Fire, meaning that they are dealing with emotions, dealing with expressing self, but have the ability to have the silence within, that strength within to go a little further. they do not react emotion as much. They are emphatic, loving, feminine woman that will very seldom cry. They are strong but they are centred around family. They are powerful and they have great inner beauty, but they have the ability to express their ability verbally; they have introvertish-extrovertish combination. Dealing with that, they need an extremely strong Fire Element male as their energy force, a Fire Element male that is the centre of the season. The reason for this is, in essence, to allow more energy to give their water the balance, but the male that is Fire over Water can also be a good balance with them. Within it, if they work together and develop a spiritual essence together and work as a team, they can have a good balance. The Fire/Earth male, to the Water female, has strength also; but he will be dealing with the material and the physiological, and the Water/Fire female will not want to be dealing with this. They will not want to be bothered materially or physiologically. They will want to be able to express their emotions stoically and with strength; not in the essence of softness, as a bud, but in the strength of a tree that comes forward powerfully, not with fear of not being loved or lovable.
Water Element reacting to the Earth: in dealing with the Earth Element they will, basically, have to be very withdrawn with their emotion, more so than with any other, not releasing it orally. They will have to be cautious in all areas, not overpowering in emotion and directing within their creativity, allowing them to be individualistic in the area that they are dealing with. The Earth Element, using their creativity, will have a tendency to be what you may call fanatical within cleanliness or within orderliness; and a Water Element may may be a little upset with that. Water dealing with an Earth Fire has a greater advantage, for the Fire can handle much of the emotion, will not withdraw all the way; and there can be a higher relationship there, a stronger ability. Of Earth/Air, great difficulty: should not be attempted, advised against.
The Water male is dealing in some cases as a positive-positive under the Water. In most cases, under the Earth. The Water male usually is coming forth from a last lifetime as a female and in most cases will deal with a lot of emotion and it's release; will deal with a lot of energy; will have great difficulty relating to a female Fire Element, because the female Fire Element will have a tendency to control their life, and they will not want to be controlled. But they will need that energy.
The Water male with a female Fire/Earth has the best advantage: they can release their emotion. It can be reacted to by Earth and by Fire, and they cane get the balances of both. However, the Water male can get along fairly well with an Air female. Within their emotion, the female has a tendency to be a little more relaxed and not as outward, fairly good aligning; but very seldom, for you have not many Water males and not many Air females and they are usually pulled to the opposite.
The Water/Water, in either way, you can imagine what you have: you have a Noah's flood. A Water/Water most catastrophic. If one is dealing with fear, the other has anger; if one has anger, the other has judgement; if one has judgement, the other has frustration. They are water, water all around them. They are usually pulled to the ocean, where there is more water and more emotion. Not a good alignment; very difficult, unless it is Water/Fire male and a complete Water female - possibility; or the other way around.
The Water male has the best alignment with the Earth female, for within their emotion the female's natural tendency is to absorb that, even though they are Earth; and there can be a rebalancing. The Water will be creative and warm and loving; the female Earth will want that loving physically, will have creativity, and so will Water male. Because they cannot have children and and will not be dealing with it, they will exceed in creativity, art form. Rembrandt was a Water male. Van Dyke was a Water male, and of course you all knew that the great artist Chou Li Nouk was a Water male - did some of the greatest paintings in China.
The totality of all these is that the Water female has beauty within family and expresses emotion and is clairsentient. The Water male is creative, artistic, has the ability of expressing; does not deal as much with clairsentience as with expressing their inner source as an art form, outwardly, rather than through someone else, as a Water female does. The Water Element is the spring; is the beauty of the flowers; is the fertility. It is a time of creativity, of warmth and loving. Utilized in the highest sense, the Water Element can give a balance of unity, warmth, and loving to people that will be drawn to them from Earth, Air, and Fire because of their femininity, or their creativity as a male, and the strength within that.
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