Extrovert - Introvert
Firstly thanks to many of you for following my blog on the Elements of Man. I have enjoyed sharing the teachings I received from my old sage. What has blown me away has been the amount of people from non English speaking countries who have logged on to my translatable blog. To date I have had people from 22 different countries viewing the blog. Unfortunately my book 'The 33rd Sage' is only in English but at least I can share the teachings that are found in the book through the blog.
Thanks again and if you have friends overseas who may be interested my blog is http://33rdsage.blogspot.com.au/
Today, we will not talk about the Elements, as such, but in terms of positive and negative - acid/alkaline - Extrovert/Introvert. This will help you to identify the personality types.
Basically, the extrovert, the Earth or Fire Element, is also the positive or acid personality or body type. The extrovert is always looking to expend and propagate self in every way. They achieve their ends by a multiplicity of relationships. This is not just in a sexual way, but also in business and personal friendships. They are always seeking new situations and people for stimulation. There is definitely an outer life. They are more inclined to the object than to the subject. They increase in energy when exposed to groups. They are, in many situations, the initiators. Generally, they experience solitude as loneliness; they find stillness boring.
Their opposite, the Introvert, the Water or Air Element, is also the negative or alkaline type and has a much deeper inner life. They are drawn more to the subject than the object. In large groups, they lose energy and would prefer to work on their own or in small intimate groups. They find solitude as a resource. They are concentrative and self-directing. They need periods of quiet and solitude, while generally avoiding new situations and people. The truth for them is specific and irrevocable, whereas in the extrovert the truth can sometimes be situation- or time-specific. They achieve their ends by monopoly of relationships. They have a volatile inner life.
Just for a moment stop and think about some of your closest friends, try and feel their energy. Does their energy come from them and charge you up? When they start telling a story of one of their adventures, do they stir your passions? Do you gain energy by just being around them or listening to their stories? If you do then you can be fairly sure that they are extroverts. But if they take energy from you, or if they always look at the negative, or they come up with problems instead of solutions or they look at what can go wrong then you can be reasonably sure they come from the category that we call introverted. This does not make them any better or worse than the extrovert; it just means they are different. The extrovert is coming out at you while the introvert is withdrawing. Both personalities have their strengths and weakness and everyone at some time plays the extrovert or the introvert, but they are generally one way or the other.
Your next little fun exercise is to go a busy place, such as a mall, airport or even a train station, find a seat and just take 20 or 30 minutes to observe people. Given the few pages of information I have shared in these blogs I am not expecting you to be able pick out people's Elements, but more to observe the differences. What is their body shape? Do they look extrovert or introvert? What words do they use and then if you like have a guess at whether they are Fire, Water, Air or Earth? It doesn't matter if you get it wrong, we are only at the crawling stage, none of us are ready to get up and walk.
I remember when I first studied the Elements, I thought I wasa combination of Air and Water. I could not have been further from the truth as I am in fact Fire Earth the exact opposite of what I thought I was. So if you become discouraged, just sit back and have a laugh at me. This is just like dipping your toe in the water, I want you to start seeing the differences. That is all. Have a bit of fun with it.
I hope you have been able to keep the discipline of silence around the Elements. If not give yourself a kick up the bum and learn to quiet your energy; especially you chatty Fire Elements.
The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
Twitter @GeofSpalding
Official Author Blog - the33rdsage.authorsxpress.com/
Translatable Author Blog - 33rdsage.blogspot.com.au/
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