A Comparison of the Four Elements
All comparisons suffer from a certain amount of stereotyping because they only deal with basic elements rather than subtle mixtures. Everyone is a mixture of all four elements but in different amounts. No one is made purely of air, fire, water or earth. Therefore one must take such information and artistically bring it to life by associating it with living realties.
You will have to blend the portraits to understand the blends of influences in different individuals. It is true that some people show mostly air, water, fire or earth qualities so that pure elements of earth, water, fire and air are easily observed. Others have a strong primary element as well as a secondary element. Here one must blend the two pictures together. When one cannot make up their minds whether a person is one of two elements it means they are both may be strongly both.You then just have to figure out which element is primary and which element is secondary.
Few individuals show strongly in three or four elements unless they are out of a balance or very ill.
Differential Analysis
Human beings are initially divided into two types, the dry and moist temperaments. The two dry temperaments are the Earth and Air. The two moist temperaments are Water and Fire. Add to this whether they extrovert (Earth and Fire) or introvert (Air and Water) and you have some easy steps to get an initial feel for someone's Element.
The first differential is whether they basically dry (earth and air)) or moist (water and fire). The second differential is whether they are predominately a warm personality (earth or fire) or cold personality (water and air). The twin questions hold a key to understanding elements.
Perceptions of Reality
The two dry Elements rule the intellect and rational spirit while the two moist temperaments rule the emotion disposition and feeling tones. Those that tend toward the mind are inclined to be dry temperaments. Those that tend toward the heart are inclined to be moist temperaments. The Earth Element is prone to judgments based on what they instinctively think is practical. The Air Element is prone to rationalizations or judgements based on what they intellectually think is appropriate. Water is prone to assumptions based on what they feel is proper. Fire is prone to ideas based on what they spontaneously believe is correct. The third differential is whether the person is basically rational and practical, emotional and empathic, spontaneous and passionate or intellectual and mental.
Earth always measures reality in relationship to what makes sense personally while Water measure reality in relationship to how they feel about others. Fire measures reality in relationship to how others perceive them while Air measures reality in relationship to their own concepts. For example, during a confrontation Earth responds in terms of black and white and demands that others should fall in line with their concept of clear cut distinctions. The Water type sees both sides of the argument and can not separate their own feelings and impulses from the experience of others. Fire cannot separate their spontaneous projections of correctness from the needs of others. Air thinks that they know more than others and doesn’t understand why everyone does not see it their way. Fire has a tendency to think that things are wrong while Fire believes things will go right. Water tends to feel that things will things will work out in the long run while Air thinks that most likely things will eventually fail.
Hotter temperaments tend more toward extroversion while cold temperaments tend more toward introversion. The energy of the hot temperaments moves outward when confronted and would rather fight than switch. They try to resist first and then accommodate. The energy of the cold temperaments moves inward during confrontation and withdraws to avoid disagreement. They first try to first accommodate and then they resist. The hot temperaments tend toward a fight while the colder temperaments tend toward flight. The dry temperaments think things over while the moist temperaments feel their way through situations. The dry and hot type (Earth) says no first and then cooperates if convinced. The hot and moist type (Fire) acts agreeable but says no and only gives in if necessary. The dry and cold type (Air) appears to compromise but then raises objections. The cold and moist type (Water) acts indecisive as a form of protection and then says yes or no depending on the circumstances. It is important for Elements to learn when one approach is more suitable than another and adjust their reactions accordingly.
Each Element has their own strengths and weaknesses. The key is to understand your own strengths and weaknesses. The Study of the Elements is not about putting people in boxes but about allowing them an awareness of who they are and giving them the opportunity to set themselves free.
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