The Elements of Healing
Today I was going to talk about all the diseases and disease patterns each of the Elements were predisposed to, but then I realized that for some of my readers that just by reading that they may be predisposed to a certain disease may actually cause them more harm than not knowing. Old Chinese relates in the Parable below about the effects of emotion on our health. These four major emotions are elemental in that just as each Element has a major organ they also have a major emotion. Have a read of the parable below and I will meet you on the other side.
In Old China, the physician's role was to make sure that all kept well, for a physician was paid only if those for whom he was responsible were well.
One day the physician walked through the village and saw a man yelling at another man. They were basically, very, very angry at one another and the physician asked to speak to one. He walked away with him and said, "What are you angry about?"
The man said, "He told me he did not like the way I grew my crops." The physician said, "Do not get upset at what someone else does to you. Think of the person as saying what they believe, even though it may not be true.
The physician knew how anger at people, for doing things that you allow, cause restrictions of muscles in the back. This causes great difficulty in the shoulders and legs and can cause great weight gain. It is important to know, but the physician would not tell his charge.
He walked on and saw a man sitting dejected in front of his house and asked, "What is your problem?" The man said, "I do not know which way to go. I have been offered a large sum of gold for my house. I do not know whether to sell it and move to the seaside, or go the imperial city, or whether I should keep it. Oh, I do not know what to do."
The physician said, "Relax. Do not let frustration overwhelm you. If an opportunity comes and you hesitate, you are saying you do not know what to do. Decisions create frustration, which is not what you need. If you decide to Gotham way, you can be disappointed, and you will say, 'See? I chose the wrong way.'
"If you relax and tell the person who has offered you the gold you will think about, or feel what should be done, and do not worry about everything else, everything falls into place. If you worry about what to do and when, then you will not know whether to go."
The physician knew that frustration causes agony in individuals. He knew that frustration can cause cancer or great difficulty in the digestive system. It can cause problems in seeing and hearing and also within the bladder.
"If you let things flow," he told the personage, "and do not y to make a decision, you will be always where you should be."
"But what if the personage said if will give the gold by tomorrow, and I must answer."
"By tomorrow, if you do not feel certain that you should, do not go."
He walked on and he saw a woman running from her home screaming and yelling. He stopped her and asked her what was wrong. She said, "There is a rodent in my house!" He said, "Do not be scared of the rodent. They will not harm you."
"But they bite and cause great sickness."
"Who said they cause great sickness?"
"My mother."
"Come, let us look at the rodent."
They walked in and he said, "If you would clean your house, and have no food upon the floor, you would have nor rodents."
He knew that fear causes heart disease, arthritis, and rheumatism. It causes circulatory problems and even cerebral hemorrhage.
He walked on, and hear a many saying to another, "You are not any good; you are terrible." He took him away and he said, "Why do you judge him so violently?"
"Because that is what he is. He is terrible!"
"Why do you not let him be what he is and not get excited over it."
"Because what he is is affecting the whole village."
"We all know that he is bad."
"Who said he was bad?"
"It is known."
Individuals can only be bad if society says they are bad. Judgement of other people can cause flu and colds, cause throat irritation and great discomfort of stomach and body. The physician in Old China had to keep his personages well.
What is the physician in your world doing?
Old Chinese
Hopefully you enjoyed the little parable but more than that I hoped it gave you a deeper insight into how our emotions effect our health. Each of the Elements has a major emotion, a major bias, a major way in which they react in in the world. Each of these emotions are only our reaction when things are not happening in the world as we would like. In fact they are almost a preprogrammed first reaction. It is an emotion that we need to move beyond. The Elements of Man were only ever taught to allow us an insight into the biases which we carry when we look at and live in the world. As you begin to understand these biases then you have the opportunity to step beyond them. The Elements were never revealed to put you in a box; they were revealed to make you free from the restrictions you carried into this lifetime.
For the Fire Element their major emotion is self anger; which comes out of not being appreciated. The Fire Element will do anything to be liked. There is a joke that a Fire Element could live for a month on one compliment. Fire has a tendency to spend much of their time and energy on others in the hope that they will be appreciated. I had an old spiritual teacher who would have as many as three hundred in the audience. 299 of them were listening to his every word and yet he would focus on the one person who did not seem interested or who wasn't listening. That one person showing no interested had more power over him than the 299 adoring fans who were listening this every word. The key for Fire is to beyond the need to be loved and to love themselves. Once the Fire learns to love themselves then they can share who they are in a strength rather than in the hope they will be liked.
For Water the main emotion is frustration. This comes from the fact that water needs the other Elements to move it, to warm it and to hold it. Is it any wonder that they experience frustration when it feels like they cannot do anything by themselves. In a balance they are the nurturers of this world. As they move out of a balance they start to have difficulty making decisions and ultimately they are stuck in fear and frustration unable to move on their own. Water in a balance is beauty personified. Water works with all the other Elements to give them life. Water finds its own level and it was the highest prized element of the Taoist's.
The major emotion for Air is judgement. Air in a balance uses their thinking process to help us understand the world. As they move from the point of balance they become very judgmental. It is almost as if any mistakes or problems could only have been caused by someone else and not by the Air Element, who out of a balance tends to see themselves as superior. It is only when they start to really break down that they become their opposite and dwell in self anger.
The Earth Element in a balance, lives in the now and is the builder of our world. Out of a balance and we begin to see fears come to the surface. If we dig deep enough we find that below all these fears is one general fear, which is the fear of being out of control. The Earth Element because they live in the now feel the need to control everything around them and yet when they are out of a balance they are in very little control. When they are out of control their life can be very destructive, whether it is because of money, sex, alcohol or some other addiction; for it is the Earth Element who lives through their senses. Totally out of control they become almost unable to move as fear and it's opposite frustration makes it almost impossible for them to make decisions.
All of the Elements can express all of the four major emotions, but behind their expression of these emotions you will generally find their major Elemental emotion as the key.
Each of the Elements out of a balance becomes their opposite. Fire out of a balance judges people and situations. Water out of a balance becomes fearful. Air out of a balance has a tendency to judge self and Earth out of a balance tends become mired in frustration.
Once you become aware that you react in a certain way, then you can step beyond them. What pains or illnesses are you suffering now? What emotion or Elemental bias is sitting at the core of your problem?
Now I am not saying that you should not see a doctor or healer if you are unwell; as in many cases the healer is healing you by releasing thoughts and ideas held in your subconscious mind. We all need a healer occasionally, but the best healer is the one that sits inside you. In the next blog we will move away from the concepts of the Elements of Man and look at the subconscious mind. I am doing this because I want to start giving you some tools that can start to take you beyond your element to the Element of Ether and the Etheric.
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