Friday, 27 July 2012

The Elements and The Etheric

The Etheric

    "The Emperor and the sage walked, and the Solstice came and the Emperor said, ‘I have learned much about people. I think that I can rule my empire in growth.’ As they walked toward the edge of the Forest of K'an, he said, ‘But sage, what happens when you know these things?’
‘Ah...that has shown you have learned,’ the sage said. ‘When you know how to conquer and work with loving self, when you know how to deal with those that are deep in emotion and they throw fear at you, judgment and anger and frustration; and you let them, and you are able to calm it within yourself. When you are able to allow your ministers to throw at you the logicalness and intricacies of, ‘this is the way you should do it’; and you are not a thinker. When you are able to understand the balance of the earth and plant and mineral and animal. When you are able not to feel the sexual energy overpowering you and the material causing you difficulty, then you become the fifth element, Ether. Then the etheric, or the positive dimension, forms.'
    The Emperor asked, ‘What happens when one reaches that stage?’
“’Ah, come with me,’ said the sage. And he took his hand and they walked across the lake of Li into the waterfall and into the cavern and he took his hand and they walked across the Lake of Li into the waterfall and into the cavern. And there he showed him a dimension of people that saw all things in the positive mode, that were able to balance and not be involved in those things that he had taught, that understood the Winter, that understood the Spring, the Summer and the Fall. And who were able to walk equally through those and not be affected by them; who could learn all and know that they were not higher or lower, that they were in the dimension of the etheric. And who were able to see all that went on but were not able to be seen. He pointed to them saying, ‘These help you. There are some within your world. There are some working within this plane, in the positive mode, negativity not seeing them, not involving them within what they are doing; but they can see and feel it, yet do not become subjected by it.’
    “The Emperor said, ‘I have heard many teachings. My ministers, my magicians and sages have told me I should go this way and that. What is the right way?’ 
And the sage said, ‘There is no one way. The only way is within self, with understanding the Winter, the Spring, the Summer and the Fall, the Nature of things. If an individual says, "My communication or what I am doing is better than yours," know that it isn't. For the individual that has good and sound teaching does not have to say that he does. Listen to those around you as they tell you. If they say theirs is right, know that you must step back.’
“The Emperor shook his head and said, ‘The dimension of ether... the etheric...’ “The sage said, ‘It is not hard, it is easy; it is as easy as walking from the Winter Solstice to the Equinox of the Spring, the Solstice of the Summer to the Equinox of the Fall.’ Then he left.
    “The Emperor said, ‘Come with me to the palace. Be my teacher. Help me rule my people.’ Looking around, he said, ‘Old man, where have you gone? Old man, where are you?'
“And a voice said, ‘I am here. Why can't you see me?’

Chung Fu

Over the next few weeks I will share with you the health and disease patterns for each of the Elements plus some very short blogs on such things as children, anger, shopping and a whole range of subjects from an Elemental perspective. Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments section and I will do my best to answer them.


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