Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Elements part 15 - Fire Transcript

Fire Transcript Continued

The Fire Element male dealing with a female deals best with the Water female. The reason for this is that the fire has a tendency to humidify, or to dry up water when it gets too deep; and water has a tendency to keep Fire from getting too brilliant. But in dealing with the male/female relationship, it is sometimes difficult, for the Fire Element will have difficulty feeling emotion and the Water female will be all emotion. There will be emotion in times when, logically, there should not be emotion; and the Fire will not understand that. So the Water female, in understanding this one point, can have strength with a Fire if, within the emotion, they do not try to manipulate him but use it as their release, so the Fire Element can see and react to it positively. Too much water puts out fire and it will withdraw. But if water is used correctly within himself, fire can then take its energy and use it. Secondly, a Fire Element dealing with a Water Element must also understand that the energy that is going to Water is sometimes misunderstood, because the energy is projecting outward. Because it is so strong, the Water dealing with emotion will have a tendency to blow it out of proportion and will say it is this, and this, and this… and it will sound like Armageddon when it is actually a birthday party! It is natural for energy against emotion to have that reaction. The Fire Element male dealing with a Water female must understand that, if they want to have a good balance, they must listen. The female Water will flow and flow and flow, if the male listens and, within the listening, will see and get the point. If they do not, there will be stagnation.
Dealing with a Water female, the Fire must learn listening and patience, which are hard, for they are movers; they are doers. A fire Element projecting to a Water must understand that the Water will pull from them at all days of day and night. Because Fire is what is, basically, called a strengthening, positive energy, when it is pulled away from the Water it will, in essence, react more than any other element. You can take fire away from the wind and the wind will not respond; or the air, as much as when it is taken from water; of from earth. Earth can hold warmth longer than water can hold warmth. Water needs to feel warmth at all times. The greatest difficulty comes because the Fire, needing the rest of the night, takes that time to withdraw; and it is at night that the Water Element has great difficulty. The Fire must know that if he wants his Water Element to be strong through the night, or through the darkness, that he should be with her just before the darkness so that she will relax through it. A water Element needs that energy.

A Fire projecting that will understand that, in dealing with the female Water Element, the combination can bring forward a strong partnership, a strong family. But the female will have a tendency to be very inward, within the family, very protective, as the Fire is the outer energy. The Water will always try to bring the Fire back, concerned about the family; and the Fire must know that and give the energy consistently. The Fire Element male in reacting to a Water female will, as a positive element in the face of a negative element, withdraw immediately. This is not only psychic protection; it is elemental protection. Because the Water female deals with the four elements of Water, or emotion - fear, judgment, anger, frustration, and the many other emotions (frustration, jealousy) and the elements that go within each of these - because Water deals with this, when they are deep in emotion, the Fire Element has a tendency to pull away, especially if that emotion is negatively projected to the Fire. The Fire is dealing with energy, the strongest energy within your world; and if the Water female is projecting negative energy, the Fire energy will withdraw. This will usually cause problems, for the Water female will want to know if they could have the Water rejuvenated by the Fire. We will talk of that next time. But the Fire must, basically, know this one thing: its energy is always needed, consistently and completely, within that element.

Fire to the Air female you do not find too often. they usually do not come together. When the air female is the scientist (you all know them) they spend more time indoors than they do out. They are the logical ones; they are the ones that think. Fire does not use them very often; and very seldom is there an energy pattern towards them. When there is, it is usually a marriage of convenience, and they are usually working together with very little sexual energy, very little emotion at all.

In Fire to Earth, the Earth female pulled to the Fire Element will, in essence, be a slave; but will be, in many ways, a good strength. They will do anything, go anywhere that the Fire Element wants. Their physicalness, their dealing, specifically, with the sexual and the material in the negativity, usually is a difficult thing for the Fire Element, for the Fire does not want to deal with money. The Earth Element, in not dealing with money or with the sexual desire, can cause the Fire Element not to be at their highest; but they will be drawn to them and there will be more of them pulled to them than can be imagined. They can have a strong relationship.

The Fire male dealing with the Earth female must understand that, in their strength, they have to be not too demanding, too energetic, or too moving; for the Earth female will want to be in one place as long as she can; sedentary. The fire male will be like the sun, all over the physical plane. Consequently, the Earth female and the Fire male work well together in business, or in energy patterns of that way; but dealing specifically as a mate, it usually is a very physical relationship, which has the tendency to drop the energy of the male. It raises the energy of the female and will make them more creative. The Fire energy living with this situation must understand that their energy can bring out creativity of the female Earth; and so, if they will concentrate it to help them stop beyond material and sexual energy, they will become creative energy. They will become artists. They will become great musicians, great dealers with the earth, with the animal, mineral, and plant kingdoms.

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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