Thursday, 12 July 2012

Elements part 16 - Fire Transcript

Fire Transcript Continued

The Fire female can find a good match with a Fire male; and many times the communication, or the togetherness, will be a companionship but a very strong one, a very overpowering one, one that will get things done, no matter what stands before them. It will be one of dedication, one different from the Fire male and the Air female; but it will be one of love, mutual strength, and sexual energy. Dealing with a Fire male, the Fire female will have to learn to allow the energy to be a small bit brighter, even though they know they can be equally as bright. They will not be dealing with emotion so they have a tendency to be overpowering in groups. A very good alignment; but a Fire female dealing with a Fire male needs to project themselves a little softer, for they will be learning to be soft. The softer they become, the more powerful they will become and the stronger will be the relationship.

The Fire female dealing with a Water male will be difficult, for the Water male will try to be emotional, be in the emotion, but will be trying to be the male image. Where the Fire female has that image, the Water male will be usually dealing with the spiritual evolution. The Fire female will be dealing with a very positive, one minded evolution, and will usually direct the energy, even though she wants to have the support of the Water male. She will not usually be too spiritually involved through a Water male, even though he will be deeply spiritual; and she be deeply involved with him. The Fire female in dealing with that must learn that she must help the Water male in allowing and working with him in the spiritual attitude; for if they do not, the relationship cannot last. They cannot be directive, they must be supportive with the Water male. It must be a supporting relationship - they cannot be leaders; it must be supporting, it must be a team. But the Fire female has the tendency to be the leader, to direct, to say, 'This is where we must go.' They must learn to be supporting, to bring out the strength of the Water male.

The Fire female can get along fairly well with the Air male; in fact, they can be pulled strongly together. The Air male being intellectual, will need energy; and there can be a good strength, a mutual energy return. The only difficulty is that the sexual energies will not ever be too strong and will usually be children because it is the thing to do, not because it is a deep emotion. The Fire female pulled to the Air male can make a strength. If the Air male is getting into the metaphysical, then it can have a strength, for brings out the height of metaphysical teaching, which Air male can do in its highest form. If the Fire is pulled to that, it is the best match, for there will be mutual support and mutual strength. In dealing with that she will have to learn that the Air will have a tendency to be logical about his approach, while she will have a tendency to be very moving. There will have to be a compromise; that is a compromising marriage.

The Fire with an Earth male usually is where they are pulled. Fire looks for something that will, basically, allow them to use their strength, to be strong. They are pulled to an Earth male, who is physical. You will find that the Earth male in the physical form - that is, what you would call rough, a typical Earth male, very sexual, very energetic, very pushy - will pull the Fire female. The sadness is that it will usually not work. The Fire female dealing with an Earth male, who is creative in the art form, will usually help their creativity; but the Earth male will not need the Fire female after a while. So it is not a very good strength; but if they want to make it, the female must know that her energy can bring the creativity out; but they have to deal with the softness to help the sexual energy. They cannot deal with just a positive energy pushing forth.

The Fire Element female is extremely strong. Learning that the beauty they have within them is their greatest spiritual endeavour; learning to express this softly and warmly. The Fire male uses his energy to warm all the time, to be positive to them, accepting and listening.
The Fire Element, both male and female, in the spiritual highness, can use either a clear crystal or a rose crystal for their strength. They can use these other stones but not as high as the crystal - the diamond and all minerals or gems that deal with the darkness of reds.
The Fire male and female are very sexual. The males are very energetic in this way. If their energy is not being used, if they are not going forward, they will have a tendency to be pulled to a very sexual relationship, usually Earth, or a female in the water Element that is trying to understand their emotion. The same with the Fire male.

Musically, they are pulled to the music of the earth, of air, of water, not of fire. They need emotion within music. They need the strength of air, the baseness of earth. They need all three, but not the strength of fire. That only cause them a little more difficult to deal with. They should never deal with Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, most of the Russians, Khatchaturian. They should deal with Mozart, Beethoven, Handel: those, basically, that deal with the earth, which would be more modern in your world, what you would call 'country-western,' not what you would call 'soul' (Hermetic says: That is unusual, music call soul), because that deals specifically, with a high vibration Fire should be not dealing with. Jazz is not a good one either: more Earth Element.
Fire basically will be pulled in reading to those things that can relax them and take them away from their energy, not getting them involved in more energy. They will be travellers, they will be the strength to your world. The Fire Element is the light; but, used negatively, they are the darkness that you see daily.

In Old China, there was sage sitting under the plum tree in the dead of winter, with snow all around him, piled up above his knees. The student was walking hurriedly down the road, bundled heavily. He saw the sage sitting under the tree and he said, 'Your crazy. Why do you sit in snow under a tree that has no cover? Why do you not come into the village where it is warm?
The sage said, But I am warm; I have warmth. Feel my face.
The student touched his face and it was warm. He said, 'But come into the village. You will feel the warmth and their will be people. Why stay out here within the forest? The animals are asleep; the trees are asleep.'
Then the sage said, 'But the coldness is on the outside here. The coldness in the village is on the inside. I would prefer the warmth within and the coldness without.'
Peace….to you all.

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