The Elements of Health
To talk about the Elements and Healing or the Elements and Miasms, I need for a moment to go back to when I was the student of an old Chinese master who taught me how to understand people in the most marvelous way. He came into my life not long after I had been diagnosed with a mystery virus which today would have been classed as chronic fatigue. In a short period of time with the use of minerals, vitamins and herbs he was able to cure me of the disease. In a matter of weeks I had gone from being allergic to over 90 different substances and sleeping 14 hours a day with no relief to someone who was completely cured. In a matter of months I was working out at the gym four days a week and extremely healthy.
It was then that he asked me the question that would change my life forever. “Do you want to be able to look at a person and know them better than they know themselves? To be able to look at a person and understand where they came from? How to talk to them in their own language; to understand how they need to be loved; what excites them; what drives them as a human? One day you will be even able to see their health and disease patterns, to be able understand why one has heart disease in their pattern while another will have cancer. To know what for them means health?”
I sat stunned
It is now twenty eight years later and I was thinking about how to share my knowledge of the Elements and Miasms to other Homoeopaths and students of Homoeopathy. I quite often played a party trick when I met new people. As a bit of fun I would tell them about themselves, their personality, the way they thought and possible disease and health patterns they had in their family. It always gained a laugh when I could see that I had read them perfectly and often they would let it slip that one of their grandparents had syphilis or tuberculosis or a relation had died of heart disease or some other disease that was part of their disease pattern.
Then it struck me. It was if all worlds and universes had collided. In that moment I knew that I had completed the teaching which had begun 28 years earlier. I could now look at a person and know them better than they did themselves. The old man’s promise had come true.
In my mind's eye I could see the old Chinese man’s face again and I had the sense that my teaching with this old man was now completed.
It had taken Homoeopathy to complete the puzzle.
How I even came to Homoeopathy is a wonderful part of the puzzle. As in my previous time of great learning I had to once again created an illness that would force me to take time out to work on self. This time my brother had had a heart attack, which although not fatal gave me pause to look at my own life. Once again my work and spiritual life were not on the same path. After my brother’s heart attack it was discovered that heart disease was a major problem in the male members on my mother’s side of the family. A few tests later and it was decided I should have an angiogram, just to be on the safe side. During the operation it was discovered that my arteries were badly blocked and the doctor’s comment that I was either the smartest man in the world for suggesting he do the operation earlier or the luckiest man alive as I could have had a major heart attack at any time.
After the operation a Cardiologist suggested to me that they could never cure me that they could only maintain me on a number of drugs. If I wanted to cure then I may look at alternatives such as Acupuncture or Homoeopathy. Being sacred of needles the choice was easy. Rather than see a Homoeopath I became one and my health has improved dramatically; with the cardiologist now commenting that I will outlive him.
When I began to study Chronic diseases by Hahnemann I could immediately see the miasms in the people I met. I could see it in the structure and shape of their face; in the structure and shape of their body. The way they moved; the way they talked; the words they used. It was if the miasms had taken on a personality of their own.
As a Homoeopath and someone who has studied personality types for 28 years I now find that it is easy to see the disease patterns in people long before they even appear to be sick. Samuel Hahnemann the discoverer of Homeopathy realized that there were certain patterns of either acquired or inherited chronic diseases and he called these miasms. Initially he believed there were three chronic miasms, which he called psoric, sycotic and syphilitic and it was late in his life that he discovered a fourth which has been known as the tubercular miasm.
Such was his genius that he could see these miasms on every level of a person, the mental, emotional or physical. As a student and now a teacher of Homoeopathy I am concerned with the lack of training that students receive on the miasms and how to see them and use them in their daily practice. Many well known homeopaths have even gone to creating their own new miasms or theories without realizing that what they have created is either mixed misaims or varying aspects of the four miasms.
If Hahnemann were alive today I wonder how different would be his Miasmatic theory of Chronic Disease. Having studied his works and many of his contemporaries, my guess would be that the basic theory would not have changed but that he would have simplified it for the rest of us so that we could use it in our daily practice of homeopathy. The more I delve into the miasms the more I realise that we can look at a person and know what will be their future disease pattern. This pattern can be seen in their physical structure, their emotional and mental make up.
Western Medicine has done some research into the diseases of certain personality types, but it still far behind the teachings of Hahnemann when it comes to chronic disease.
My old Chinese teacher once said to me that there would be a day when I would be able to look at a person and know them deeper than they knew themselves. After twenty eight years of studying personality types from many different angles I thought I was getting close. It was when I studied Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases that I realised that I was seeing the miasms, the disease patterns in people and how this needed to be taken into account when choosing a remedy which matched the whole person.
When I work with students in the clinic I am dismayed at their lack of ability to see the miasms. It is not due to lack of study or their earnest ability to try and understand miasms it appears that although there are many books out there doesn't seem to be many that either teaches them how to use them or how to identify them. Many books give them the miasmatic remedies or tell them l what miasm corresponds to certain disease but there is no concept of why they get certain diseases or a person with a miasm will respond to a situation in a certain way. An example I always use with students is how would each the miasmatic types respond to the taking of drugs especially some sought of party drugs. Not that I recommend drugs of any sought but I am only using it as an example to show how different the response is in each Miasm. The sycotic takes the drugs because they want to feel or experience the emotions that the drug would release. The Tubercular wants to take the drugs for fun as it takes them on a journey into the unknown; especially when surrounded by friends or to impress others, for they need to be loved by others. The psoric doesn't take drugs unless they can find a rational reason to do so. The syphilitic takes drugs to experience through all their senses; they live life for the taste of it.
The tubercular lives for the future. The sycotic lives to experience the feelings of the past and everything is filtered through their emotions or the memories of the past especially childhood. The psoric believes that things will get better with time. They experience time as a progression from the past, present and into the future. The syphilitic lives their life totally in the now and that is why discipline is difficult for them.
When you begin to see the miasms in this format they come alive and you can see them when they walk into your clinic or when they share their story, for it is their story which influenced by the miasm. They cannot but live life any other way. How they react is dependent on the underlying miasm. To lay it dormant is to release them from its grip and give them back the choice in their lives.
My understanding of the Elements made it so easy to see the Miasms or the genetic predispositions in people because the Elements are a perfect match for the miasmatic types.
Fire - Tubercular
Water - Sycotic
Air - Psoric
Earth - Syphillitic
The beauty of understanding the miasms and the chronic disease patterns and being able to see them in your clients will make it easier to treat them and their improved health will give you great satisfaction, but there is something even more profound and that is if you can lay these misaims dormant then these chronic/genetic disease patterns do not need to be carried on to the following generations. 'The medicine of the future', as Homoeopathy has often been called can begin to reverse the ever increasing pattern of chronic diseases, which has dogged the western world in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Stop reading for a moment and take in that last paragraph because it is immense in its implications. How many hundreds of billions of dollars is being spent on chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease? What if they could be reversed? What if the could be reduced in future generations?
It is my belief that by understanding the Elements within ourselves and reconnecting with the seasons that we can improve our health dramatically. Over the next few blogs I will talk more about health and disease patterns. Do not be put off by me talking about miasms, a subject many of you may not understand, because most of what I will share will be based on the Elemental blogs that we have shared over the last six or eight weeks. The reason for adding a little bit of the understanding of the miasms is twofold; firstly to acknowledge the Homoeopaths or other therapists who follow my blog and secondly to show those wonderful healers that the Miasms are nothing more than a symptom picture of the Elements.
In the coming days we will look at the organs and glands that align to the different Elements. Also we will look at what diseases or disease types each of the Elements is predisposed to. This will not be in a way of medical advice more in the way of allowing you the information that may help you to prevent later disease patterns.
This is not a recommendation of any one healing modality over another. I have received some great healing from Naturopaths, Remedial therapists, general practitioners and even my cardiologist. In a balance with the cycles within ourselves and the seasons we are all drawn to the healer that we need the most.
As my old Chinese teacher once said, "Even death is a good teacher."
Think for a moment. If you only had one year to live; what would you want to leave behind? What you want to leave behind is your mediumship. Don't wait another minute and begin your mediumship today.
Old Chinese taught us that there were four times in your life when you were able to allow your higher self to come around your subconscious mind an express itself through you and your creativity. The first time it would be like a little stream that was easy to cross; the second time like a raging river - difficult but with a concerted effort you will be able to cross; the third time it will be like a giant lake which will take effort and patience to cross; the fourth time it will be like crossing an ocean on a plank of wood.
Look inside yourself and listen to the voice that is trying to express itself. It is there; you just have to stop the chatter in your mind and listen with your heart.
Blessings and Peace. May the living force that is within you express itself, so you can share your true beauty with the world.
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