Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Elements part 18 - Water Transcript 2

Water Transcript 2

Blessings and peace to you all. May the living spirit that shines in all things come forth in a beauty that makes you shine every moment of your day. Peace.

Old Chinese is going to approach the Water Element once again for these reasons: In the midst of our communication the last time we were here, there was a calling from another energy pattern beyond your plane, and many valuable spirits that Old Chinese had gathered here together for this teaching had left. There was a lot given that we will enlarge upon, and a lot that will be the same. But since this is going to be a stabilization that individuals can use to step beyond us, those that gather here feel it important to bring it forward again. In doing so, we will approach it at approximately where the spirits left, knowing that the first part can always be restored and worked with.

Of the four Elements, Fire is the strength, the energy, is the pattern of outward pushing; it is the sun. Fire has strength, and against it nothing can stand if it is positive. If it is positive and uses its energy for the highest good, there is nothing Fire cannot do. Water, however, is the most spiritually oriented of all the elements. Those that are pulled or that reincarnate to be with Water, reincarnate with these things: with the ability not only to grow but the ability to develop a spirituality of self, a spirituality that no other element can do easily. They are naturally those unifies of family, of community, of individuality projecting a spiritual perception. The Water Element, in this way, has great advantage over the others: easily to become spiritual, meaning the ability to perceive, to be. Medium within the area of their service, of working with people easier, having more empathy and understanding for children and elders. Because of these things, they come with the hardest spiritual objective of them all - to deal with emotion. If it were not for the spiritual potential of the Water Element, they would not have to deal so readily with emotions. People are pulled to Fire; they are pulled to the power of that energy, but they cannot get too close or they will burned. They will find, at times, the energy is overpowering, and they will stand away. But everyone has a tendency to be drawn to Water: to drink, to wash; and now in your world, to empty their sewage within. A linking of, basically, emptying the emotions; for the Water Elements pull emotional beings of all elements who have a difficult time following their path.

Consequently, these emotions - fear, judgment, anger, frustration - are not only felt by the individual Water Element, but by those who bring it to them, or that are involved in it and bring it to them, or those in groups or even nations that are drawn to them. Everyone in your world, at one time or another, is drawn to Water. Water is the spiritual energy. Fire, of course, is needed for growth, for warmth; but all are pulled to Water, almost in a fanatical way. There will be those that would do without Fire, but not without Water.

Emotions within a Water Element are just what you may call the balance of the spiritual self. The reason they feel that it is so agonizingly overwhelming is that it is easy to overwhelm Water. Consider the element. A small bit of oil can make it undrinkable - a little dirt or pollution. So, fear of being loved, or lovable, or loving, of fear of being accepted as individual, is the same as fear of having the waters muddied so you could not see and be refreshed by them. Anger is the same as the torment, as the raging waters, as the energy that comes from a tornado, typhoon, or hurricane, and the water is unable to be used. Frustration is when the Water is, basically, not being used correctly; it is not staying in one place; it is flowing here and there; it is like a great dam that has burst in many places and you do not know where to patch first. Judgments, basically, come by a Water Element in regards to what they are dealing with. If someone throws to them the fear, or oil, or pollution, they will judge them easily because they affect them quickly. The Fire Element will not necessarily judge them but will look down upon them and say, 'So what is it they want to do!' The Water Element will say, 'Why me?' The Water Element, in many ways, within a subconscious sense, is what Judaism calls 'the suffering servant.' 

But again, on the opposite end, the Water is the most spiritual, the most clairsentient. There are more spiritual mediums dealing with spirit communication in the Water Element, within your world, than any other. There are more Water Element females that are dealing with the social aspect of individuals than any other element. There are more Water Element people dealing with the specifics of the individual's flowingness, not psychiatry, but their flowingness, their understanding, their teaching. And of those families that have a measure of strength, it is the Water Element female that you will usually find in the steadfast, or the Water male.

These are important things to know, for the Water Element deals with spirituality on the tip of their cuff. But upon the tip of the cuff is emotion which they deal with each and every day. A Water individual will have a tendency to overact on things coming forward. First, they do not like authority of any kind. If they are surrounded by authority, their physical bodies will be absorbed with water, hard digestion, difficulty. Authority can take many forms; it can take the form of a male, of a nation, of a society, of a physical plant, of spiritual guidance. The Water Element would react to these because they do like to be what you may call confined. They want to be appreciated, but they do not want to feel this power, and they will rebel against it in the gear of not being loved or, in essence, a judgment, or anger and frustration. They will react in many ways to these things.

They will need to have solidity around them. They will be the ones that are the cleaners, that have to have things in comparative order; and if it is out of order, they feel their life is out of order, and they will be frustrated. It is like keeping a clear lake. They will constantly skim - most important for their physical and emotional being. The Water Element specifically will deal with expressing themselves, and they will express themselves outwardly. And if an individual does not accept that expression, or they feel that someone does not like them, they will react, usually withdraw, or go within a place by themselves. This is because they are dealing with emotion. These projections are strong, powerful, and they need to work with them at all times.

The Water Element says, 'So I deal with emotion; how do I deal with emotion?' Fear, the greatest fear of all, in a Water Element, is being accepted for what they are. If someone says to them, or is in contradiction to what they are believing, or feeling of self, it will have a tendency to cause them to react very sharply. They must know that, basically, there is nothing within your world that someone should throw to you, or project outward to you, that they cannot stand above. If someone says to them, 'What you are is wrong,' or they hear that the person is saying, 'You are not loving.' or they hear that they are not accepted for what they are, they will get mad at the individual for passing these untruths, or comparative truths. They should not, for the individual that projects any kind of gossip, any kind of word analogy to someone else, has a negative essence that, basically, is projected to hurt or to cause some kind of agitation.

If Old Chinese said to three or four of you, 'You are, without doubt, the ugliest, most unacceptable beings that ever walked the face of this earth,' and if you accepted that and you said, 'He has said I am this; I am mad at him,' then by accepting that ruling, by accepting that image, you have caused acceptance by other people. But if the individual says that, and you say, 'That is not true; I am the living spirit within, and what I am is as equal to what he says he is, so that is his view, 'if you take that, then it dies immediately, and other people will look at the individual that originated it and will see them as what they project. It is acceptance of what someone gives you that, basically, proves that what they have said is correct. If someone presents you with flowers and you accept them, then you say they are giving you flowers. I someone says to you, 'You are not good,' and you accept that, and you say, 'Have you heard what he said? He said I am not good,' the reason he said that is because he married the wrong woman and has had four illegitimate children and four naughty dogs. By accepting how they project you, basically, you have accepted the ruling. Someone hands you flower, try it - say, 'What flowers?' They will not know what to do with what they have. Say, 'I do not see any flowers, I do not have need of any flowers; whatever you have give to someone else.' And they will have them, themself, and people will see the flowers in their hands, not in yours. That is one of the things Water Elements deal with more than anything else, because they are empathetic, loving, dealing with these emotions. They will have a tendency to pull those things. If you are walking, or are swimming in water and a lightening storm comes over, you get out for the fear that you may be fried. So you know that water attracts energy, attracts anger, attracts negativity. Lightening is the positive-negative creating light, but it is a negative action.

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