Monday, 30 July 2012

The Elements of Healing

The Elements of  Healing

Today I was going to talk about all the diseases and disease patterns each of the Elements were predisposed to, but then I realized that for some of my readers that just by reading that they may be predisposed to a certain disease may actually cause them more harm than not knowing. Old Chinese relates in the Parable below about the effects of emotion on our health. These four major emotions are elemental in that just as each Element has a major organ they also have a major emotion. Have a read of the parable below and I will meet you on the other side.
In Old China, the physician's role was to make sure that all kept well, for a physician was paid only if those for whom he was responsible were well.
One day the physician walked through the village and saw a man yelling at another man. They were basically, very, very angry at one another and the physician asked to speak to one. He walked away with him and said, "What are you angry about?" 
The man said, "He told me he did not like the way I grew my crops." The physician said, "Do not get upset at what someone else does to you. Think of the person as saying what they believe, even though it may not be true.
The physician knew how anger at people, for doing things that you allow, cause restrictions of muscles in the back. This causes great difficulty in the shoulders and legs and can cause great weight gain. It is important to know, but the physician would not tell his charge.
He walked on and saw a man sitting dejected in front of his house and asked, "What is your problem?" The man said, "I do not know which way to go. I have been offered a large sum of gold for my house. I do not know whether to sell it and move to the seaside, or go the imperial city, or whether I should keep it. Oh, I do not know what to do."
The physician said, "Relax. Do not let frustration overwhelm you. If an opportunity comes and you hesitate, you are saying you do not know what to do. Decisions create frustration, which is not what you need. If you decide to Gotham way, you can be disappointed, and you will say, 'See? I chose the wrong way.'
"If you relax and tell the person who has offered you the gold you will think about, or feel what should be done, and do not worry about everything else, everything falls into place. If you worry about what to do and when, then you will not know whether to go."
The physician knew that frustration causes agony in individuals. He knew that frustration can cause cancer or great difficulty in the digestive system. It can cause problems in seeing and hearing and also within the bladder.
"If you let things flow," he told the personage, "and do not y to make a decision, you will be always where you should be."
"But what if the personage said if will give the gold by tomorrow, and I must answer."
"By tomorrow,  if you do not feel certain that you should, do not go."
He walked on and he saw a woman running from her home screaming and yelling. He stopped her and asked her what was wrong. She said, "There is a rodent in my house!" He said, "Do not be scared of the rodent. They will not harm you."
"But they bite and cause great sickness."
"Who said they cause great sickness?"
"My mother."
"Come, let us look at the rodent."
They walked in and he said, "If you would clean your house, and have no food upon the floor, you would have nor rodents."
He knew that fear causes heart disease, arthritis, and rheumatism. It causes circulatory problems and even cerebral hemorrhage.
He walked on, and hear a many saying to another, "You are not any good; you are terrible." He took him away and he said, "Why do you judge him so violently?"
"Because that is what he is. He is terrible!"
"Why do you not let him be what he is and not get excited over it."
"Because what he is is affecting the whole village."
"We all know that he is bad."
"Who said he was bad?"
"It is known."
Individuals can only be bad if society says they are bad. Judgement of other people can cause flu and colds, cause throat irritation and great discomfort of stomach and body. The physician in Old China had to keep his personages well.
What is the physician in your world doing?
Old Chinese

Hopefully you enjoyed the little parable but more than that I hoped it gave you a deeper insight into how our emotions effect our health. Each of the Elements has a major emotion, a major bias, a major way in which they react in in the world. Each of these emotions are only our reaction when things are not happening in the world as we would like. In fact they are almost a preprogrammed first reaction. It is an emotion that we need to move beyond. The Elements of Man were only ever taught to allow us an insight into the biases which we carry when we look at and live in the world. As you begin to understand these biases then you have the opportunity to step beyond them. The Elements were never revealed to put you in a box; they were revealed to make you free from the restrictions you carried into this lifetime.

For the Fire Element their major emotion is self anger; which comes out of not being appreciated. The Fire Element will do anything to be liked. There is a joke that a Fire Element could live for a month on one compliment. Fire has a tendency to spend much of their time and energy on others in the hope that they will be appreciated. I had an old spiritual teacher who would have as many as three hundred in the audience. 299 of them were listening to his every word and yet he would focus on the one person who did not seem interested or who wasn't listening. That one person showing no interested had more power over him than the 299 adoring fans who were listening this every word. The key for Fire is to beyond the need to be loved and to love themselves. Once the Fire learns to love themselves then they can share who they are in a strength rather than in the hope they will be liked. 

For Water the main emotion is frustration. This comes from the fact that water needs the other Elements to move it, to warm it and to hold it. Is it any wonder that they experience frustration when it feels like they cannot do anything by themselves. In a balance they are the nurturers of this world. As they move out of a balance they start to have difficulty making decisions and ultimately they are stuck in fear and frustration unable to move on their own. Water in a balance is beauty personified. Water works with all the other Elements to give them life. Water finds its own level and it was the highest prized element of the Taoist's.

The major emotion for Air is judgement. Air in a balance uses their thinking process to help us understand the world. As they move from the point of balance they become very judgmental. It is almost as if any mistakes or problems could only have been caused by someone else and not by the Air Element, who out of a balance tends to see themselves as superior. It is only when they start to really break down that they become their opposite and dwell in self anger.

The Earth Element in a balance, lives in the now and is the builder of our world. Out of a balance and we begin to see fears come to the surface. If we dig deep enough we find that below all these fears is one general fear, which is the fear of being out of control. The Earth Element because they live in the now feel the need to control everything around them and yet when they are out of a balance they are in very little control. When they are out of control their life can be very destructive, whether it is because of money, sex, alcohol or some other addiction; for it is the Earth Element who lives through their senses. Totally out of control they become almost unable to move as fear and it's opposite frustration makes it almost impossible for them to make decisions.

All of the Elements can express all of the four major emotions, but behind their expression of these emotions you will generally find their major Elemental emotion as the key.

Each of the Elements out of a balance becomes their opposite. Fire out of a balance judges people and situations. Water out of a balance becomes fearful. Air out of a balance has a tendency to judge self and Earth out of a balance tends become mired in frustration.

Once you become aware that you react in a certain way, then you can step beyond them. What pains or illnesses are you suffering now? What emotion or Elemental bias is sitting at the core of your problem? 

Now I am not saying that you should not see a doctor or healer if you are unwell; as in many cases the healer is healing you by releasing thoughts and ideas held in your subconscious mind. We all need a healer occasionally, but the best healer is the one that sits inside you. In the next blog we will move away from the concepts of the Elements of Man and look at the subconscious mind. I am doing this because I want to start giving you some tools that can start to take you beyond your element to the Element of Ether and the Etheric.

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

The Elements of Health

The Elements of Health

To talk about the Elements and Healing or the Elements and Miasms, I need for a moment to go back to when I was the student of an old Chinese master who taught me how to understand people in the most marvelous way. He came into my life not long after I had been diagnosed with a mystery virus which today would have been classed as chronic fatigue. In a short period of time with the use of minerals, vitamins and herbs he was able to cure me of the disease. In a matter of weeks I had gone from being allergic to over 90 different substances and sleeping 14 hours a day with no relief to someone who was completely cured. In a matter of months I was working out at the gym four days a week and extremely healthy.   
It was then that he asked me the question that would change my life forever. “Do you want to be able to look at a person and know them better than they know themselves? To be able to look at a person and understand where they came from? How to talk to them in their own language; to understand how they need to be loved; what excites them; what drives them as a human? One day you will be even able to see their health and disease patterns, to be able understand why one has heart disease in their pattern while another will have cancer. To know what for them means health?”
I sat stunned
It is now twenty eight years later and I was thinking about how to share my knowledge of the Elements and Miasms to other Homoeopaths and students of Homoeopathy. I quite often played a party trick when I met new people. As a bit of fun I would tell them about themselves, their personality, the way they thought and possible disease and health patterns they had in their family. It always gained a laugh when I could see that I had read them perfectly and often they would let it slip that one of their grandparents had syphilis or tuberculosis or a relation had died of heart disease or some other disease that was part of their disease pattern.
Then it struck me. It was if all worlds and universes had collided. In that moment I knew that I had completed the teaching which had begun 28 years earlier. I could now look at a person and know them better than they did themselves. The old man’s promise had come true.
In my mind's eye I could see the old Chinese man’s face again and I had the sense that my teaching with this old man was now completed.                     
It had taken Homoeopathy to complete the puzzle.
How I even came to Homoeopathy is a wonderful part of the puzzle. As in my previous time of great learning I had to once again created an illness that would force me to take time out to work on self. This time my brother had had a heart attack, which although not fatal gave me pause to look at my own life. Once again my work and spiritual life were not on the same path. After my brother’s heart attack it was discovered that heart disease was a major problem in the male members on my mother’s side of the family. A few tests later and it was decided I should have an angiogram, just to be on the safe side. During the operation it was discovered that my arteries were badly blocked and the doctor’s comment that I was either the smartest man in the world for suggesting he do the operation earlier or the luckiest man alive as I could have had a major heart attack at any time. 
After the operation a Cardiologist suggested to me that they could never cure me that they could only maintain me on a number of drugs. If I wanted to cure then I may look at alternatives such as Acupuncture or Homoeopathy. Being sacred of needles the choice was easy. Rather than see a Homoeopath I became one and my health has improved dramatically; with the cardiologist now commenting that I will outlive him.
When I began to study Chronic diseases by Hahnemann I could immediately see the miasms in the people I met. I could see it in the structure and shape of their face; in the structure and shape of their body. The way they moved; the way they talked; the words they used. It was if the miasms had taken on a personality of their own.
   As a Homoeopath and someone who has studied personality types for 28 years I now find that it is easy to see the disease patterns in people long before they even appear to be sick. Samuel Hahnemann the discoverer of Homeopathy realized that there were certain patterns of either acquired or inherited chronic diseases and he called these miasms. Initially he believed there were three chronic miasms, which he called psoric, sycotic and syphilitic and it was late in his life that he discovered a fourth which has been known as the tubercular miasm. 
Such was his genius that he could see these miasms on every level of a person, the mental, emotional or physical. As a student and now a teacher of Homoeopathy I am concerned with the lack of training that students receive on the miasms and how to see them and use them in their daily practice. Many well known homeopaths have even gone to creating their own new miasms or theories without realizing that what they have created is either mixed misaims or varying aspects of the four miasms.
If Hahnemann were alive today I wonder how different would be his Miasmatic theory of Chronic Disease. Having studied his works and many of his contemporaries, my guess would be that the basic theory would not have changed but that he would have simplified it for the rest of us so that we could use it in our daily practice of homeopathy. The more I delve into the miasms the more I realise that we can look at a person and know what will be their future disease pattern. This pattern can be seen in their physical structure, their emotional and mental make up. 

Western Medicine has done some research into the diseases of certain personality types, but it still far behind the teachings of Hahnemann when it comes to chronic disease.
My old Chinese teacher once said to me that there would be a day when I would be able to look at a person and know them deeper than they knew themselves. After twenty eight years of studying personality types from many different angles I thought I was getting close. It was when I studied Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases that I realised that I was seeing the miasms, the disease patterns in people and how this needed to be taken into account when choosing a remedy which matched the whole person.

When I work with students in the clinic I am dismayed at their lack of ability to see the miasms. It is not due to lack of study or their earnest ability to try and understand miasms it appears that although there are many books out there doesn't seem to be many that either teaches them how to use them or how to identify them. Many books give them the miasmatic remedies or tell them l what miasm corresponds to certain disease but there is no concept of why they get certain diseases or a person with a miasm will respond to a situation in a certain way. An example I always use with students is how would each the miasmatic types respond to the taking of drugs especially some sought of party drugs. Not that I recommend drugs of any sought but I am only using it as an example to show how different the response is in each Miasm. The sycotic takes the drugs because they want to feel or experience the emotions that the drug would release. The Tubercular wants to take the drugs for fun as it takes them on a journey into the unknown; especially when surrounded by friends or to impress others, for they need to be loved by others. The psoric doesn't take drugs unless they can find a rational reason to do so. The syphilitic takes drugs to experience through all their senses; they live life for the taste of it. 

The tubercular lives for the future. The sycotic lives to experience the feelings of the past and everything is filtered through their emotions or the memories of the past especially childhood. The psoric believes that things will get better with time. They experience time as a progression from the past, present and into the future. The syphilitic lives their life totally in the now and that is why discipline is difficult for them.

When you begin to see the miasms in this format they  come alive  and you can see them when they walk into your clinic or when they share their story, for it is their story which influenced by the miasm. They cannot but live life any other way. How they react is dependent on the underlying miasm. To lay it dormant is to release them from its grip and give them back the choice in their lives. 

My understanding of the Elements made it so easy to see the Miasms or the genetic predispositions in people because the Elements are a perfect match for the miasmatic types.

Fire - Tubercular
Water - Sycotic
Air - Psoric
Earth - Syphillitic

The beauty of understanding the miasms and the chronic disease patterns and being able to see them in your clients will make it easier to treat them and their improved health will give you great satisfaction, but there is something even more profound and that is if you can lay these misaims dormant then these chronic/genetic disease patterns do not need to be carried on to the following generations. 'The medicine of the future', as Homoeopathy has often been called can begin to reverse the ever increasing pattern of chronic diseases, which has dogged the western world in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 
Stop reading for a moment and take in that last paragraph because it is immense in its implications. How many hundreds of billions of dollars is being spent on chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease? What if they could be reversed? What if the could be reduced in future generations?  
It is my belief that by understanding the Elements within ourselves and reconnecting with the seasons that we can improve our health dramatically. Over the next few blogs I will talk more about health and disease patterns. Do not be put off by me talking about miasms, a subject many of you may not understand, because most of what I will share will be based on the Elemental blogs that we have shared over the last six or eight weeks. The reason for adding a little bit of the understanding of the miasms is twofold; firstly to acknowledge the Homoeopaths or other therapists who follow my blog and secondly to show those wonderful healers that the Miasms are nothing more than a symptom picture of the Elements.
In the coming days we will look at the organs and glands that align to the different Elements. Also we will look at what diseases or disease types each of the Elements is predisposed to. This will not be in a way of medical advice more in the way of allowing you the information that may help you to prevent later disease patterns. 
This is not a recommendation of any one healing modality over another. I have received some great healing from Naturopaths, Remedial therapists, general practitioners and even my cardiologist. In a balance with the cycles within ourselves and the seasons we are all drawn to the healer that we need the most.
As my old Chinese teacher once said, "Even death is a good teacher." 
Think for a moment. If you only had one year to live; what would you want to leave behind? What you want to leave behind is your mediumship. Don't wait another minute and begin your mediumship today.
Old Chinese taught us that there were four times in your life when you were able to allow your higher self to come around your subconscious mind an express itself through you and your creativity. The first time it would be like a little stream that was easy to cross; the second time like a raging river - difficult but with a concerted effort you will be able to cross; the third time it will be like a giant lake which will take effort and patience to cross; the fourth time it will be like crossing an ocean on a plank of wood. 
Look inside yourself and listen to the voice that is trying to express itself. It is there; you just have to stop the chatter in your mind and listen with your heart.
Blessings and Peace. May the living force that is within you express itself, so you can share your true beauty with the world.

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Friday, 27 July 2012

The Elements and The Etheric

The Etheric

    "The Emperor and the sage walked, and the Solstice came and the Emperor said, ‘I have learned much about people. I think that I can rule my empire in growth.’ As they walked toward the edge of the Forest of K'an, he said, ‘But sage, what happens when you know these things?’
‘Ah...that has shown you have learned,’ the sage said. ‘When you know how to conquer and work with loving self, when you know how to deal with those that are deep in emotion and they throw fear at you, judgment and anger and frustration; and you let them, and you are able to calm it within yourself. When you are able to allow your ministers to throw at you the logicalness and intricacies of, ‘this is the way you should do it’; and you are not a thinker. When you are able to understand the balance of the earth and plant and mineral and animal. When you are able not to feel the sexual energy overpowering you and the material causing you difficulty, then you become the fifth element, Ether. Then the etheric, or the positive dimension, forms.'
    The Emperor asked, ‘What happens when one reaches that stage?’
“’Ah, come with me,’ said the sage. And he took his hand and they walked across the lake of Li into the waterfall and into the cavern and he took his hand and they walked across the Lake of Li into the waterfall and into the cavern. And there he showed him a dimension of people that saw all things in the positive mode, that were able to balance and not be involved in those things that he had taught, that understood the Winter, that understood the Spring, the Summer and the Fall. And who were able to walk equally through those and not be affected by them; who could learn all and know that they were not higher or lower, that they were in the dimension of the etheric. And who were able to see all that went on but were not able to be seen. He pointed to them saying, ‘These help you. There are some within your world. There are some working within this plane, in the positive mode, negativity not seeing them, not involving them within what they are doing; but they can see and feel it, yet do not become subjected by it.’
    “The Emperor said, ‘I have heard many teachings. My ministers, my magicians and sages have told me I should go this way and that. What is the right way?’ 
And the sage said, ‘There is no one way. The only way is within self, with understanding the Winter, the Spring, the Summer and the Fall, the Nature of things. If an individual says, "My communication or what I am doing is better than yours," know that it isn't. For the individual that has good and sound teaching does not have to say that he does. Listen to those around you as they tell you. If they say theirs is right, know that you must step back.’
“The Emperor shook his head and said, ‘The dimension of ether... the etheric...’ “The sage said, ‘It is not hard, it is easy; it is as easy as walking from the Winter Solstice to the Equinox of the Spring, the Solstice of the Summer to the Equinox of the Fall.’ Then he left.
    “The Emperor said, ‘Come with me to the palace. Be my teacher. Help me rule my people.’ Looking around, he said, ‘Old man, where have you gone? Old man, where are you?'
“And a voice said, ‘I am here. Why can't you see me?’

Chung Fu

Over the next few weeks I will share with you the health and disease patterns for each of the Elements plus some very short blogs on such things as children, anger, shopping and a whole range of subjects from an Elemental perspective. Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments section and I will do my best to answer them.


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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Emperor's Garden

The Emperor's Garden

In Old China, the emperor we have talked of before, returning from his experience in the forest of Caan, gathered his court around him and said that he would build a new palace to celebrate the livingness of all things. The palace was built and it was simple, but it had the grandeur of the mountains, of the forest and of the streams. He wanted a garden beyond all gardens, so he wanted the best gardener in all the empire.

Word went forth from his palace and soon they heard of a personage who knew the trees, who talked to the birds and insects, who was one with the four seasons. The emperor went to him and asked him to construct a garden. The gardener came and looked over the area. He selected a place and gathered his cloak around him and sat down on the Winter Solstice.

He watched the snow, and he watched the snow melt. He watched the winds and it's pattern on the landscape; he watched the spring and the rains. He watched the effect of a typhoon off the sea; he watched no sun and too much sun; he watched the hotness of the summer and the bleakness of the fall; he watched the ways the birds and insects lived and visited. The Fall Equinox came. At Winter Solstice he said, "I am ready to construct your garden; it will take one more year."

For three months until the Spring Equinox, he sat at the four corners of the garden, and he dedicated each and every part of the garden to the magnificence of the Living Spirit in all things.

In spring he began to construct. He planted trees from all over the empire; the jujube, the quince, the pine, the plum, the cherry. He planted grass and flowers, he made gardens of rocks and water, and he built ponds and bridges.

In spring the following year, he asked the Emperor to walk in the garden. He pointed out the way the water flowed, showing that the tree would grow, and the grass and the flowers would grow, and when the sun shone through the branches at a certain time of the day, there would be a design perfectly upon the ground. He showed him the way that the water would flow, and there would never be a flood, even in the greatest rain he showed him the way plants would come forth, and in the fall how the leaves would fall, not in large bunches, but in perfect patterns, and because the garden grew just rightly, the wind would flow through it and remove the leaves completely. The snow would fall and make designs on the garden of the things that are livingness in nature: rocks constructed so that when the snow was upon them they would reflect the living element; the patterns of the trees, with snow upon them, like ancient giants protecting the palace.

He took the emperor through the garden during each season, and finally said, "As long as you love this garden and as long as you love all who come in it, there will never be a pattern the same. Each year the leaves will fall a different way, but it will be a true pattern, one that you will know.. The snow will fall differently and leave different designs, perfectly geometric."

The gardener bowed to the emperor and went away. From that day on, at any time, the emperor could walk through his garden and he would never see the same design, the water flowing the same way, the leaves falling or growing the same way, or the birds nesting and landing in the same pattern, or the insects in the garden. He had an example of the perfection of nature.

Chung Fu

What is your garden like? Does it follow the beauty of the seasons or in accord with nature? What about the garden within? It is as easy as making the journey from the Winter, to the Spring and onto the Summer and finally the Fall when you must cut away what you no longer need in preparation for the next cycle to begin.

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Monday, 23 July 2012

Elements part 21 - Earth Transcript

Earth Transcript

The Earth Element is a very creative being, having the essence, or the alignment, with the mineral, with the plant kingdom, and even with the animals. They are your geologists, your horticulturists, your zoologists. They are the ones that like working with the stones, animals, plants. They are the ones that understand and like to deal with the livingness of things. But you will find, within their personal lives, they are dealing with the rejuvenation and with constant evolution within this existence. The Earth Element deals with a high creativity within music. But because of this, again, they will deal with the physiological. Many of the great musicians, artists, deal with homosexuality, deal with the inability to maintain any kind of monogamous relationship. Many have difficulty within the financial field - a part of the Earth Element.

The creativity of the Earth is always held in awe, for they bring forth most of the beauty of our world; and in it men like what they see. They are pulled and drawn to it. But within it, they find depression, and many time they will find that, if they get involved with the artist, it is the artist's life that sells his art, more than the art itself. Because of the evolution of the trials and tribulations that are going through, their leaves are falling consistently. They are cutting away old wood, but most do not cut away any. 

Financially, they deal with great trauma, great difficulties within the physiological and sexual sense, having problems in regard to sexuality and identifying themselves mostly with their creativity. The greatest artists are able to find a balance of materialism, and their sexuality usually becomes a celibate element within that area. They find that within their creativity they can replace the male, or the female. They can have an orgasm within the creativity that they place forward, whether music, whether art, or wether plant or animal; and they find their life involved within a celibate fine art creativity. There have been many of those; and they not only feel and see what you are but they are able to express it from beyond your perception, no matter what the element you are.

They have the ability to work with plants. Plants will respond; plants will find beauty with them. Plants will feel not only their warmth and loving, but will respond completely and fully. And, in many ways, as a young child would respond to the mother, a plant responds to an Earth Element. The same with Animals. They would feel the affinity of the Earth Element and be drawn to them because of their strength and because of their alignment. The mineral kingdom would feel it also. The gems, earth itself, would renew upon their hand. Horticulture, biology, botany - all of these areas exude their creativity.

Within music, they have the ability to use music to play the seasons - play the music of the fall, of the winter, of summer and spring. They have the understanding of the livingness of things and can bring the flow within it. They have the gift of basically being able to bridge the gap of the three lower kingdoms and know the privateness that will usually be their world.

Without the Earth Element, this world would be very boring. There would be a great difficulty in feeling a baseness, or creativity itself. This does not mean that the other elements do not have it; but it means that this element deals with it the most. But, because it does, it's greatest sorrow is sexual, physiological and, material.

The Earth Element over Air deals with creativity, but deals with it ver logically. They will have the tendency to have the ability with good finances. They will have the ability to see it and be very money-oriented within their creativity. The true Earth Element will create, no matter what, and not care; but the Earth/Air will create, wondering where the money is coming from and knowing where every cent will be. The Earth/Air will also be dealing in the physiological sense with how to deal with their own energy - how to deal with it in regards to others. They will be greatly concerned with that. But within that projection, they would be those that are the film-flam artist, those that can sell you a dead water buffalo. They have those abilities. They sell themselves easily. They have the creativity going out of them. Their weakness is the fact that they are misers, what you world would call Scrooges. Money can be their greatest difficulty.

The Earth over Fire deals specifically with sexual, having difficulty with their sexual self - having a tendency, whether male or female, of feeling that everything within this world is fertile for them. They will treat it that way, seeing not only what is called double standard, but triple and quadruple. They will be dealing with the physiological and sexual self and they will not care about money. There will be money within their life, but it will not be of much concern. They will have a tendency to have it around them all the time and in great quantities, but it seems never to stay for very long. Their strength deals with the ability, in the highest part of their creativity, of bringing the strength of creativity of the earth, the plant, and of the animal. They have an ability in spirituality to communicate to those elements. They have the ability of mediumship within that area, of communicating a spiritual idea.

They are Water in the opposite: they can deal with emotion. They can be greatly overwhelmed, but it is usually dealing specifically with anger - very difficult for them - anger of things that are around them and the way things do not go. They will have a tendency to be very outward and, in many ways, be very violent. The Earth Element is a violent individual. They are the ones that, in regards to expressing themselves, will throw off violence. Rather than withdraw, they will hit. They are the ones that usually are what you may call in the fighting. They are the ones you will find in those areas of great accident and catastrophe. They are your boxers. They are those that deal with the cruelty of most sport, of those sports that men get together in to see how much harm they can inflict upon another, or even women.

These are the Earth Elements, dealing specifically with the baseness, with the foundations, with the roots. And you will find within them more fundamentalism, religious and faith-believing. They will believe something and they will die believing it, no matter what. And everyone who does not believe it is going to go someplace where it is warm, or is not going any place at all. They will have a tendency to project fanaticness within religion so much that others cannot stand to be around them. But within that, they create a strength of those that are with them, a strength that allows them to evolve from that pattern. As they deal later they can step above fundamentalism into a creativity of self; but that step is hard.
The true Earth Element is dealing with Fire in the male sense; the Earth Element female will be drawn to the Fire Element because of the strength and the power and the leading, being able to tell them how to do it, when to do it, and when they can. They are the epitome of a servant-type situation.

The Earth male, pulled to the Fire female, will usually be developed within great creativity, and the Fire female will be their manager, or the person that is pushing them for greater creativity and greater beauty. This can be a good matching.

Earth to Earth: they usually wear themselves out either in getting money or in sexual relationships. You know many Earth to Earth individuals that marry within your world. They are the ones steeped in poverty and famine, a part of their experiential pattern in the evolution of this plane.

Earth to Water: an Earth female to a Water male can have some strength. Water male will be trying to play down their emotion, and so the Water can bring life to the Earth female. And they will be drawn to that energy or that softness; but they will have a tendency to rule the situation, even more so than the Fire female, for they will rule it by the use of sex, or the misuse of money.

The Earth man and the Water woman will have great difficulty, for the Earth man will not be able to stand that water in the flooding of his earth. This is very poor and ver seldom has great link, because the female will be dealing with the emotion of water, and they will be dealing with trying to maintain a balance spiritually, and the Earth Element is not concerned with that in the beginning stages. They are more concerned with the plant, the animal, an pd the mineral, not within ethericness.

The Earth female to the Air male can be a good relationship. This can have strength, in this one way: where the Air male is so involved with inventiveness and creativity that they do not know what they are doing half of the time; then the Earth female can be the grounder, and keep them on the ground. A Water female would have a tendency just to withdraw and cry a lot because they could not communicate with them. The Fire Element would basically let them do their own, but would not find any stability. They would find that the Earth Element would be their home. They would have a tendency to take them for granted. The Earth Element would develop a home and would be, in many ways, somewhat slavish. If it is an Earth male and an Air female - you will find very few of these, for the Air female does not want to have that kind of basing. They do not what to have that kind of serving. They will usually be celibate, or very deeply involved with their own maidship.

The Earth Element is a diverse element because they are the rejuvenators. Fire being the birth and creator of new life. Water being what you may call the fertilizer, the refreshment, the spring. Summer - Air - being the essence of new life, of harvesting. The Fall, of pulling things together, of getting rid of the old. Of letting the dying go. Each of you has lifetimes, more than one, within the Earth Element. It is not an easy life, physiologically. The Earth Element, in the female sense, very seldom will have what you may call an average weight. They will either be very slim, or very fat and stout - very few in-betweens. The male will be dealing with slenderness, physiologically to deal with their body. Their problems will come with their feet and and with the spinal cord. The female will be dealing with the inner organs and glands.

The mineral of the Earth Element, being green, is specifically different from the others. It's strength is the smoky crystal to wear - not to use, but to wear - because they are so earthy. They do not want to project their earthiness, and the smoky crystal keeps that in. They can wear the emerald. If they do they are usually dealing with a lot of creativity, the creativity in art or art form. They should not wear blue. It will cause them great difficulties within the stone element.

The music - the music within your world you know - has two phases. It is what you would call soul, the blue, the folk, the earthy-type music. Within the classical, surprisingly enough, it deals with those areas of Mendelssohn, of Telemann, of Handel, Liszt, Tchaikovsky, Khachaturian - these areas they can deal with. You will find that the Earth Element is an excellent pianist, likes to basically use it; but they are better in the musical area in regards to the instruments that they can put a lot of energy into. The Earth Element has creativity in the highest, dealing with evolution each and every moment of their life. It is a lifetime of challenge, of dealing with material, physiological, but also spiritual within the kingdoms.

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Sunday, 22 July 2012

Parable of Healing

Parable of Healing

In Old China, the physician's role was to make sure that all kept well, for a physician was paid only if those for whom he was responsible were well.
One day the physician walked through the village and saw a man yelling at another man. They were basically, very, very angry at one another and the physician asked to speak to one. He walked away with him and said, "What are you angry about?" 
The man said, "He told me he did not like the way I grew my crops." The physician said, "Do not get upset at what someone else does to you. Think of the person as saying what they believe, even though it may not be true.
The physician knew how anger at people, for doing things that you allow, cause restrictions of muscles in the back. This causes great difficulty in the shoulders and legs and can cause great weight gain. It is important to know, but the physician would not tell his charge.
He walked on and saw a man sitting dejected in front of his house and asked, "What is your problem?" The man said, "I do not know which way to go. I have been offered a large sum of gold for my house. I do not know whether to sell it and move to the seaside, or go the imperial city, or whether I should keep it. Oh, I do not know what to do."
The physician said, "Relax. Do not let frustration overwhelm you. If an opportunity comes and you hesitate, you are saying you do not know what to do. Decisions create frustration, which is not what you need. If you decide to Gotham way, you can be disappointed, and you will say, 'See? I chose the wrong way.'
"If you relax and tell the person who has offered you the gold you will think about, or feel what should be done, and do not worry about everything else, everything falls into place. If you worry about what to do and when, then you will not know whether to go."
The physician knew that frustration causes agony in individuals. He knew that frustration can cause cancer or great difficulty in the digestive system. It can cause problems in seeing and hearing and also within the bladder.
"If you let things flow," he told the personage, "and do not y to make a decision, you will be always where you should be."
"But what if the personage said if will give the gold by tomorrow, and I must answer."
"By tomorrow,  if you do not feel certain that you should, do not go."
He walked on and he saw a woman running from her home screaming and yelling. He stopped her and asked her what was wrong. She said, "There is a rodent in my house!" He said, "Do not be scared of the rodent. They will not harm you."
"But they bite and cause great sickness."
"Who said they cause great sickness?"
"My mother."
"Come, let us look at the rodent."
They walked in and he said, "If you would clean your house, and have no food upon the floor, you would have nor rodents."
He knew that fear causes heart disease, arthritis, and rheumatism. It causes circulatory problems and even cerebral hemorrhage.
He walked on, and hear a man saying to another, "You are not any good; you are terrible." He took him away and he said, "Why do you judge him so violently?"
"Because that is what he is. He is terrible!"
"Why do you not let him be what he is and not get excited over it."
"Because what he is is affecting the whole village."
"We all know that he is bad."
"Who said he was bad?"
"It is known."
Individuals can only be bad if society says they are bad. Judgement of other people can cause flu and colds, cause throat irritation and great discomfort of stomach and body. The physician in Old China had to keep his personages well.
What is the physician in your world doing?
Old Chinese

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Friday, 20 July 2012

Elements part 20 - Air Transcript

Air Transcript

The Air Element is the one, basically, deals within this earth plane, in a karmic sense, with their mentalness and their intellect. This element, more than any other, is in conflict with the logical, the scientific, the subconscious. Liking and eating, and many times marrying the subconscious, or what is called the ego, they delight within the energy force that is created. One of the things that the Air Element does is see and feel. They are in essence, wanting to see why something works - but to see why it works to its nth degree, having difficulty accepting that it just works. They are always in the midst of decisions, experiment. They are your debaters. They are the ones that have a tendency to overshadow your political scene. They are the ones that intellectually must project themselves and, in any way, will seek and look upon a form of following. They are the ones that find the cause, hold on to it, and take it for the rest of their lives, whether it is polo tics, or prisons or sex.  They are those to think and not feel. They say that they are against poverty because it is not good, but they think it out, they logical it, they look into the logicness of it. They cannot deal with the feeling. Very few of the true Air Element ever meet a spiritual project. Many are involved within science, within psychology and the medical field; most that deal in these areas you will find Air Element. If they are not Fire, they are an Air. They find themselves rooted into patterns that they cannot get out of. Of all the elements, it is easier for them to conservative in grand, to believe something from the time they are taught it to the time they die.

Very few, very few within your world are true Air, in the center. Most are fringes, Air/Water or Air/Earth. Not many in the center, for there are not many who are, in essence, succinctly and fulfillingly in the logic to the nth degree. But there are some, and those you find will be your recuses, your hermits. Those that cannot express themselves, those that, basically, withdraw, to think, to read, to write. Even though your world has many monks and hermits, it is almost, at this time within your world, to be a mystic or a recluse and not be an Air Element. They have a tendency to think rather than feel. Because of that, you find that these orders are lacking in the freedom of self-discipline. Your world, in the Western tradition - in the Americas, the European continent, the Asian or Russian area - most men are Air Elements. And it is the Air Element who has a tendency to rule, to influence, because people have fear of the logical; or, basically, of the individual who can prove and throw words time and time again; or who tries to prove their point through argument and through infusion.

The Air Element male in the center can only get along with a Fire female. Perhaps a little, to a degree, with the Air female. The center Air female is as rare as a water buffalo in the city. You will be every fortunate if you meet one in your lifetime. But those that you would meet could only marry an Air Element male - if they marry at all. The Air Element is, basically, dealing with the fringes, with water and earth. Consider, the Air Element that is dealing with Water: Air is yellow, Water is blue, which makes green. They have many of the same reactions of the Earth Element.

The Air Element male with Water will be dealing, basically, not only with their thinking, but they will try to thinkingly correct their material and sexual life. And because they will think about their sexual life, it will be sparse and there will be a great difficulty in interrelating. The female within this area will, basically, be a female that is extremely strong, but is dealing a lot with materialism - dealing, specifically, with always hunting money, trying to find it, trying to think of way to get more of it. Not necessarily aligned with the physical, or great difficulty in physiological, may be using it to get money; but, basically, that is their area. The Air Element male over Water, in a highest perspective, can have a metaphysical view and deal within metaphysics: going beyond science: going beyond the logical, written; being able to see and perceive because of their technicality, the beginnings of the universe.

But it is sad, again, that those that you find, within your world. That are Air Element males, that learn to use the metaphysical and to go beyond it, are as rare as a water buffalo in the city. Those that usually reincarnate in that area will never hear the words of Old Chinese. Not because they are lower, but because it is their evolution. Those that are Air over Water can begin to work with their scientific approach, but dealing with the elements of earth, mineral and animal in a scientific, or in a logical way. They are to involve and to work within the livingness of that element, putting some of the softness of water, some of the feelings of water, out. The Air Water male can deal a lot with the Water Fire female. There is a good strength there. The Air/Water male can deal with the Fire/Earth female, basically needing that balance, that strength, but that earthiness. They have the ability, within the fulfillment, to understand. The great alchemists were Air over Water, for they used the earth, the minerals, the metals.

The Air over Earth becomes Fire in their feelings, much like the Fire Element. They will always be concerned with people loving them and not feeling loved, more so than the Fire Element. They will not have the confidence. They will be, basically, concerned with what other people think of them. A part of the Earth feeling, but the logicalness. Someone can say they do not like them and they will be able to logically figure out why they do not like them and why no one else would like them. But the Fire part would bring obstinance, will make them hard, and make them stick to something, even to the point of ridiculousness. They are the ones that you want to lead armies, for they will stay at the head, no matter what is fighting them; but they usually would not be found there. The Air over Earth deals specifically with beginning to learn their energy and their strengths too.

The Air over Earth male - here is where you find your politicians. Here is where you find those that are dealing with the great controversies of your world. Free your world from disease, from poverty, from the negativity, and they will carry it and they will lead it. They will seem Fire but they will have the stick-to-it-ness, or the mental capacities, logically thinking and trying to scientifically prove every step. The true Fie Element will not care if it scientifically does not prove. He knows he is right anyway. And the Earth that is, basically, is more Air is constantly trying to prove what they are doing. The Air that has Earth has abilities to deal with leading, but not in the forerunner. They are supporters. They are the ones that can do what needs to be done. They are the best supporters for a Fire Element. You will find them as assistants, as the second or or third in command. They will, basically, be the organizers or the generators behind the scene.

If they are in the forefront, they will be there but there will be a strength, or they will working under the light of someone else. They deal consistently with learning to be accepted by people, and try to project themselves there. Most female actresses are in this line. Vanity is this, but, utilizing this, they can express and facade like no other; and they will make the best actresses. That is why they can make the best politicians. Dealing with this as Amalie, their highest perspective will be a supporting role; or they will be an actor, giving forth energy, entertaining. They will those that are always known as the serious actors, as the serious projectors, as the serious entertainers. The female in this, the same. The seriousness, dealing with the vanity of self. But, being, entertainers, they are the ones that bring escape to others, into worlds that are real, or unreal but have reality. Those that are involved in this can be a part of one, or two, or three, and they are good balance, for they bring humour; but they bring it a flair that not many have.

In their mating they deal well, the female with the Fire Element male, the male with the Fire Element female. They deal fairly well with the Water/Fire female, the Earth, but the female will usually deal with every male within a lifetime, never usually being monogamous.

The Air Element is the most misunderstood. It is the hardest. It is the individual that has the most to give, and they will try to give it forth for others to live off. But it will be hard for them to realize that, without the winter and without the spring, they could not be; and, without the earth They are what is called the individuals that, basically, stand up but do not know how to use their power in the higher, positive way. They will struggle with that. The female Air over Earth will have a tendency towards hypochondria, as will the male Air over Water. They will find things wrong with them that no one has even thought could be wrong with a human being. The male Air/Earth will not be hypochondriac; they will usually not have time for that. The female Air over Water will, basically, be dealing with difficulties with the female organs, physiologically. They will also have malfunctions of the thyroid that will lead to dryness and toughness of skin, and are the ones that are very wrinkled in old age.

The Air Element is the hurricane: blows a great wind, will cause great damage to all areas. They will tear and rant and rave, because no one would listen to them. Like your hurricanes, or typhoons, or tornados, you can warn people that they must protect themselves, that they must be in tune, and they will not listen. So, a hurricane will come and an Air Element will come and cause chaos in their life. They will wonder 'Why is this person trying to think me to death - trying to, basically, deal with me in the way they are?' those that deal with Air, deal with a heavy spiritual karma, for they are the most misunderstood; and, because of that, they are the most destructive in the way they deal.  

It is the Air Element that created atomic energy. It is the Air Element that is a logistic; that creates the plans of war; that creates machines; that invents and is the scientist; that dissects the subconscious mind; that does not believe in mysticism and, in religion, is very difficult.

The music of the Air is forceful. It can be like a breeze; but it can be like the thunder: Wagner, Khatchaturian, Tchaikovsky, Liszt. Or it can be softness. It can be the softness of Handel, or Mendelssohn, or Debussy. But they will not deal with it consistently. They will seek the classical; and if they are pulled to one musical instrument, it will be the reeds, organ, flute: those that use air. They can find great energy within the organ or within the flute or the air or wind instruments.

Their stone is clear crystal, or the champagne crystal; but, like the true Air Element, a champagne crystal is as rare as a water buffalo within this city. They deal with a lot of energy and power. They can deal with it consistently and fully, and the stone that will help them center and feel calm is the champagne crystal, or is amber interlaced with moonstone. It can calm them more than any other.

Air Elements are interspersed throughout your world. They are the thinkers, the scientists, the logical ones. They are the ones that are, basically, the computers. Their strength is not all in one area. Their is not one country that is strong in what they are. There is not one that is overstrong. This country (England) is very strong within Air Element, extremely strong. France is another - France with a little tinge towards Earth, but it is there. America, it has a lot of it, but it is offset by much Earth. The Air Element becomes prominent and there are many of them at the end of a cycle, just before the fall, the retiring and the renewal.

There was a sage that was sitting under a plum tree, and a student walked by and said, 'Sage, why cannot we fly like the birds? Why cannot we fly through the air like moth or butterfly?'
The sage said, 'Why can we not? We can.'
The student laughed and said, 'Let me see you.'
The sage said, 'I just did.'
And the student said, 'No, you were sitting there.'
The sage said, 'No, I was not. I was flying. I was a bird.'
The student said, 'I saw you sitting there. You did not move; you were stable. You were man sitting there; you did not fly.'
Then the sage said, 'You will never see anything fly that you cannot believe will fly.'

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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