Monday 10 December 2012

The Mayan Cities of Light

The Mayan Cities of Light

In a weeks time I will be off on a trip to the five cities of light in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. These five cities of light which include the famous sites of Palenque, Tikal, and Copan are the setting for my next book the The 33rd Sage and the Ancient Ones. It is the final book in the 33rd Sage trilogy, stories based on the teachings I received from my old Chinese teacher and later by other members of an ancient brotherhood.

The trip to Central America will be the culmination of a teaching that I have been receiving, bit by bit, for almost thirty years. Sometimes I wonder why they could not have just given me the teaching in one foul swoop, rather than having to follow the little messages they have left for me all over this and other worlds. I understand that we are all eternal, immortal and infinite and it should not matter how long or over how many lifetimes the searching or the journey takes, but my ego self would like to have all the information and get on with life. But as the higher self understands, that is the life that I have chosen to live this time. To others I would seem like a wanderer, as I have constantly changed jobs only to reach a certain level of success before once again, there is that little nagging from the inner worlds and I am drawn again into another quest in a different country.

The five Mayan Cities of Light have been whispering to me for a while to come and play and it seems like a good time to do it as the Mayan Calendar comes to a close. It is not as some believe to be the end of the world, although if you have any perception at all you will have felt the quickening that has taken place over the last twenty years. A quickening which could lead to amazing changes on the inner level of our consciousness. Some have called it Ascension and others transcendence. One of my old teachers called it the quickening. Whatever you label it, there is something happening at many levels across the worlds, both inner and outer, and many of us can get caught up in others egos or we can make a choice and listen to our own inner being. It is difficult to believe that we have the answer, when we are unsure of ourselves or our egos and the ego's of others are telling us that it is the end of the world or that we are all going to ascend; or even worse some are saying that we should follow their teachings if we want to ascend. If Ascension is real then I believe it is an inner process that we all take. It is the journey from the head to the heart and from the outer being to the inner being. It is only a short journey in terms of distance but a monumental quest that we all have to take at some stage in our various incarnations. It is the point where we become more spirit than a physical being. It is when we start to see the energy behind the form. When we see what is real.

Your individual journey is your individual journey and should never be done at the beck and call of another. If someone tells you they know the way, then run like hell for they have no clue. Your journey is a sacred thing and only comes through YOU getting in touch with who you are and then following your inner guide to where it shows you where to go.

When I write my books I am sharing some of my journey through the characters that inhabit my mind. It is no one else's journey but mine. Sure you can follow some of the teachings that I share in my stories or blog posts; teachings which have been taught for thousands of years, but ultimately you have to start to follow your own inner teachings and become your own silent spirit warrior, a silent warrior who is on the path of your own initiation or whatever word you would call it.  There is a point in all great adventures when the protagonist has to go deep within themselves to find the answers. On the early stages of this great adventure it is okay to follow a teacher or teaching because that helps us to turn within, but the final leap into the unknown has to be done on our own.

Find a teacher or a teaching that empowers you and gets you going on the greatest adventure that you will ever experience, the journey to your higher self and the keys to the kingdom. On the way be gentle to yourself and others. Have a lightness of being and be benevolent to your fellow man or woman. Respect where they are on their journey and don't infringe, don't judge and do not get angry. There is a point where you will have to detach from your ego and your emotions because they only separate you from others. Strangely it is only through detachment that we can become connected. We are all aspects of the one energy, all on our own journey, a journey which is different from anyone you will ever meet, so be kind to them and allow them to walk on their own path. If they ask for your help give them what you can, but don't hold them up or make them follow your teachings for they may not be ready, and in many cases what they have to learn in this lifetime is completely different from what you have to learn.

We are all like books in a library, each one has a different story, but ultimately no book is any more special than another.

Hopefully, while I am in the lands of the Maya I will find a wireless connection here and there, so I can share some of my experiences.

Have a lightness of being and reach down inside yourself for your own answer. In life there are no guarantees; the key is to trust in the process. Stuie Wilde one of my old teachers and a wonderful scallywag has written a beautiful article on Trust and I have included a link here.

Blessings and Peace


My new book the 33rd Sage and the Initiate is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other wonderful bookstores and online sellers. If you want to read more about 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' have a look at my website on or my translatable blog at

If you or a friend is just starting off on your spiritual journey I would recommend my first book The 33rd Sage or one of Stuart Wilde's early books as a great introduction. The teaching in both comes from a similar energy. For those who are well down the path I hope you have been reading the Legend of the 33rd Sage in my blog posts, although it is only a first draft, it has a wealth of information within the story. If you like me learn well from story I would also recommend Plum Red by Stuart Wilde. I believe it is the best book he has ever written; a number of Taoist tales from Old China and it is perfect for reading to your children at bed time.

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