Sunday 16 December 2012

The Legend of the 33rd Sage - Chapter 27

Chapter 27 - Emotional Discipline

It was during a late afternoon meditation that his thoughts turned to Love. It was not the kind of love that he felt for his parents or even the kind of love that he felt towards Qing; even though he had not seen her in many years, his love for her was still strong. The love he was feeling was not those kinds of love, but a love deeper than any emotional love. Emotional love was attached to something but the love he was experiencing in the meditation had no attachments.

The thoughts soon disappeared and were replaced with the feelings of love. He put his attention into his heart and the feeling became stronger and deeper. Something told him to open his eyes and as the sun was setting he saw it for the first time. He had always been able to see auras around people, animals and even plants but this energy was nothing like this. He continued to watch as great swathes of energy, purple in colour were emanating from his heart and connecting with everything around him. He watched as the purple energy first connected with the trees, then the animals and then to the mountains beyond. It was surreal, the purple energy which was emanating from his heart was also returning from the beings who had felt it from his heart; there was a real connection between all things.

In a matter of minutes he was surrounded by the animals of the forest, there were birds of every description, badgers, field mice and a whole feast of insects, but it was the color and magic of the butterflies and the dragonflies, surrounding him, which took his breath away.

Nature had come alive for him. It was nothing he could tell anyone; in his silence he could only experience the beauty of a love that connected all things.

The more he went on his journey the more silent he had become. It was a strange and wonderful thing. The more he knew the less he physically shared it with people and yet by internalizing it, more people received his teaching than if he had shouted it from the mountain tops.

His life had become about detachment, which is a little weird when you consider he was more connected with everything than he had ever been in his life. This was not about a detachment from life, it was about being detachment from the ego's emotions, so he could see the world as it was rather than the ego's limited perspective.

To others he would have seemed like he was on drugs or having a mental episode, but he had never been more present because he was seeing and experiencing the energy behind the form. He held a butterfly in his hand and just by his inner perception he could see every lifetime this butterfly had experienced; he was surprised to see that it had experienced over fifty lifetimes as light. He opened up to the butterfly and she allowed him to experience those lifetimes of light. Huo felt humble in the presence of the butterfly, a being who had experienced so many lifetimes on the earth plane. It was then that he understood that there was nothing higher or lower than him in the universe, they were just different expressions of the same energy, that some would call the Godforce and others would call the Tao. Even by naming it people had tried to capture its essence but no words could describe the 'all that there is.'

It was by going beyond his emotions that Huo was able to peek into the Tao. He did not try to understand it logically, as he knew that could not be done. Even experiencing it for a moment could never be explained; for as soon as he started to explain what he had experienced he knew that it would be his ego explaining it and trying to hold on to the experience in the hope it could make itself more important.
The beauty of the Tao was in the experience of it.
It would soon be time for the sage to come down off the mountain. There was a point in the experience of the 'all there is' meditations that the ego would start to see him as special and that was when it was time to move and change to another discipline.
The way of the initiate was all about silent power and discipline.


My new book the 33rd Sage and the Initiate is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other wonderful bookstores and online sellers. If you want to read more about 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' have a look at my website on or my translatable blog at

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