Tuesday 25 December 2012

Tikal Part and the Fire Element.


As I walked into Tikal I realized that after all these years that I was walking the path of the 33rd Sage. I was immediately overcome by feelings of great joy and I was brought to tears by the sheer emotion of it. I had come to complete what was my initiation. Is there any wonder that since I booked on the Maya trip that the Legend of the 33rd Sage had begun to materialize; for it was my story. In the story I was the young Huo who had been badly disfigured and paralyzed by being molested as a child. It was only through studying with the old chinese sage that this disfigurement and paralysis on many levels has disappeared.

It was standing in front of group G and the mouth of the Dragon that I realized why I was not able to finish the book. I had not stepped in through the mouth of the dragon and into myself. It was just like the character in my book I had to step through the dragon's mouth and this mouth just happened to be in Tikal. It was in the mouth of the dragon where I would come face to face with the other me; the me that I was to become.

I was drawn to the Maya trip because I knew that the Elements would allow me and those in the group to go through all of them and release the negative aspects of each of the emotions. In Palenque it had been easy as I must have done the Water Element in many previous incarnations. Standing in the monsoonal rain for hours while we did a number of ceremonies it was easy to allow the water to wash over me and clear me of any emotions of frustration.

If Water was easy the next day at Yaxchillan was more difficult but not greatly so. We arrived at the Earth Element site only to be greeted by the sound of Howler Monkeys. For those not fortunate enough to have heard their sound, it is like the sound of whaling banshees or the devil. For those who were Earth and dealing with the element of fear there were scared shitless. Then on top of that we had to walk through a dark tunnel which we later found out was called the Labyrinth. For the Earth Elements they had to led go of the need to control and step into the dark. It was not easy for some and even for me the first couple seconds there was a momentary panic before I gave over to spirit and walked in the total blackness. When I appeared out the other side I felt free of the need to be in control.

If Yaxchillan was a challenge then Tikal just blew me away. We arrive at group 4 and there before us was the mouth of the dragon. I immediately began to shake as I felt this was to be an Important moment in my life. I knew why I had not been able to finish the final three chapters of the legend of the 33rd Sage. I had to walk into the mouth of the dragon and experience myself. When I came out through the other side I was changed forever. It was in that moments that I realized that the legend of the 33 rd Sage was all about me. I was the young boy Huo in my story. Twenty eight years of living and working with the Elements and much of that time on the path of the Initiate. Tears began to run from my eyes and I was sighing and gently sobbing as I realized that the story was always about me. The essence of the 33rd sage is something that we can all tap into; for the 33 sages of the plum Red Robe exist within all of us.

Later on I was meditating standing in front of the Jaguar Temple when all of a sudden the heads which I had seen in visions and meditations over the last few days rushed at me again, only this time it was only one head and it was the head of the king of the Jaguar Temple and immediately he began downloading information to me. Information that was all too much and I spaced at completely. Although physically I was okay, I was mentally exhausted. Who knows what the future will bring. All I know is I have to finish the Legend of the 33rd Sage.


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