Thursday 20 December 2012

Palenque Part 1

Today was our first day in Palenque. We were guided on our tour by archaeologist Dr Ed Barnard who knows Palenque like the back of his hand, having spent many years on the site and he was involved in many parts of the excavations, but more importantly in the xtensive mapping of the site. It was a fascinating day looking at the temples and the pyramids. One of the highlights for me was the C group of ruins or temples, not so much for what they looked like for they were pretty rundown. It was more the energy in the area. First we crossed over a bridge into the area and there in the water was a young hippy dressed in what could only be described as the clothes of Wendy from Peter Pan. With her arms raised I felt like we were being welcomed into the group of temples.

Once over the bridge the energy increased and one felt immediately calm and peaceful. One of the ruins looked like it was a magical fairy house or something out of the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings. The architecture paled into insignificance compared with the Temple of Inscriptions, the palace or what is known as the cross group, but for energy it could not be beaten. There was an area where a gnarly old tree stood in the centre of the c group. It was amazing and seemed to cuddle people who came towards it in its roots which lived above the ground. Two of us just sat with our backs to the tree and we were immediately taken to a calmer simpler place. As we sat there it was as if the jungle came to life as there was movement everywhere, but when you looked with your eyes there was nothing their, but as soon as you used your peripheral vision the movement was there again, but my meditative state wasn't clear enough the see what was moving quickly between the trees.

It made me remember the Vision that I experienced the night before as I lay down to sleep. Just before my mind drifted into a deep sleep I could see visions of old stone heads rushing towards me. It was exciting and also a little scary as I felt that they were trying to tell me something, but I did not have the ears to here. I fell asleep with the feeling that they were welcoming. Who knows what it meant but there are lots of energies active in this site and my ability to see and feel the energies is obviously being helped by the energies of the site. It should be interesting to see what happens over the next few days. No signs of the end of the world.

Sitting here with a black Mexican beer by the pool and contemplating. My luggage seems to have been lost somewhere between LA and Huoston and yet I am in such a nice state that I am not that worried. I have what I need via some great people in the group.

Bye for now
Speak to you again in a day or so.
Love Geof

Have fun on the solstice and enjoy the extra energy that is available


  1. Happy solstice Geof :) looking forward to reading more about your transformation. Much love. Em.

    1. Happy Solstice Em,

      Can you email me your address, so I can send you a copy of my book?
      Hope you and the family are well.
