Saturday 9 March 2013

The Doorway

 Everyone has inside them a doorway which leads to the Higher Self. It is not a doorway that you walk towards it is a doorway that comes to you. In fact it is a doorway that is always there and exists within each one of us. The difficulty is and has always been that we tend to put things on the outside and journey towards them, but in truth the reality is on the inside and we create this reality first in our mirror world then it is displayed as an external experience in the outer world.

If you want to change your experience in the outer world you first need to change your experience in the inner world.

The funny thing about these mystical worlds and dimensions is that you first must believe in them before you can actually see or experience them. This in itself presents a problem because in the process we all create different inner worlds because of the beliefs that we hold. An old mystic once told me that to see the real truth you need to get rid of your beliefs. At the time I did not understand what he meant but over the past thirty years as I have travelled to the inner worlds and my inner self I have begun to understand that the form and shape of these inner worlds has been created by me. And yet it is because of these beliefs that the experiences of the higher self and for that matter the energy that we call God is expanded by our own individual journeys.

What is real and does it really matter? If the whole reason for our incarnation to the earth-plane is to gather experiences which can be added to the library called the Higher Self, then it does not matter what we experience; their is no good or bad only our thinking and beliefs make it so.
If we have no beliefs we can see the emperor without his clothes and then experience the all that there is. Have you ever sat in nature, by a lake or in front of a sunset and had a mystical, I am connected with everything, moment? If you have, what happened when you tried to describe it. Did you find that your words did not match the experience? It was because your whole being including your higher self experienced that moment but in the telling it is only your ego which is sharing its experience and this will never be the experience, so that in reality it is impossible to share. That is why it is so important for our spiritual beings to experience as much as life as possible and in that I am not saying we should have more things because that is only the ego. Real experiences are when we are living in the moment and we experience something will our whole being.

One of the simplest ways to experience it is called mindful meditation or being fully present in the moment. In my upcoming book "The Way of the Initiate," the sage teaches the young disfigured boy the art of being in the moment by having him hold a plum and describe what he is feeling. The young boy realizes that with his eyes open he will only see what he expects to see; so he closes his eyes and feels the plum for the first time and it takes him on an experiential journey he would not have expected.

To fully be in the experience sometimes it is necessary to see the experience from a different perspective than you would normally. Each of us has our preferred way in which we experience the world, but these filters we use sometimes stop us from seeing what is truly there.
Blessings and Peace and may your experiences open up a doorway in you that will lead you to your Higher Self.

Geof Spalding

The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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