Friday 25 January 2013

Must Read Books in 2013

The end of the Mayan calendar on the 21st December 2012 was also the beginning of the next world age. It offers all of us an opportunity to literally change who we are and the world we live in. Science is now beginning to tell us what the ancient cultures knew all along, that we live on a world that is full of cycles and we have just finished one of these 5,125 year cycles.

This generation finds itself at a great turning point. We are literally at the shift of an Age as we move from the fifth into the sixth Age of Man. It is at a time when we face a number of spiritual, economic, humanitarian and environmental crises.

I normally don't do book reviews on my blog but I believe that some books can literally change lives and I offer two books to you, that if read, understood and reflected upon can not only change the life of yourself and those around you but the greater world itself. These books could not be any more different and yet it is the differences that make them both so important. I would say that if you only have time to read two books in 2013 (apart from mine, of course - ha ha) that you read Deep Truth by Gregg Braden and Plum Red by Stuart Wilde. One is a scientist and the other a metaphysician. I am not even sure that they know each other, but each of them, who are specialists in their own fields, have a deep understanding of the other's.

What I love about both books is that if you can combine the teachings in both you have all that you need to move forward and thrive in this new world age. On the opposite side of the coin if we do not look into the concepts discussed in the books and continue to allow humanity to head in the direction it is going we may soon be one of the extinct species on the planet.

Whereas Greg is a trained scientist and Stuart a trained Mystic or Metaphysician they both have a deep understanding of science and it's place in the world. At the same time they both have a deep spiritual understanding and although in Stuart's case it may be more obvious, one only has to read the works of Gregg Braden or listen to one of his talks to know what a deep spiritual thinker he is.

It is difficult for me to give away the best bits of each of the books by talking about them in my blog, so I will not give anything away other than give headings or the convepts discussed in the chapters as this will allow you greater joy and moments of epiphany when you read these works.

Plum Red - Taoist Tales of old China is a book by Stuart Wilde which was published by Tolemac (Canada) in 2011, With the writing skills of a Paul Coehlo and the spiritual teachings of a book like the Celestine Prophecy, Plum Red is a must read for anybody on a spiritual journey, but more than that, each of the stories or parables offers insight into how each of us should live our lives. Topics covered in the book include:
A tale about tenacity on your spiritual path
A tale about silent power
A tale about dedication, selflessness and your invisible grace
A tale about shifting realities
A tale about resolving conflict without the need for violence
A tale about flow and bending with the forces of nature to arrive at your proper fortune
A tale about courage and the sacred bond of love

Each of the tales has a teaching that could change your life. What I love about the book is that every time you read one of the stories you will gain a deeper insight into the teachings couched within it.

The Deep Truth published by Hay House in 2011, is no less special and could also be titled the History of the World and Who We Are in Seven Chapters. For many people the concepts in the book will turn your world upside down. Many people go through life believing what they were taught in school or what they see in the media without really questioning what is the truth. This book is a must read if you truly want to understand "Who We Are;" for it is only by understanding who we are that we can begin to make the changes in our lives and in the lives in others that will ensure that the species that we call man can thrive into the future. This might sound a bit extreme talking about extinction of our species, but when you read Deep Truth, you will understand that what I am saying is not too far fetched.
Character headings include:
Who are we? In search of ourselves
The Deep Truth of false assumptions: Discoveries that change everything
Living on the edge: Surviving the tipping points of change
The hidden history of our forgotten past: Places that should not exist
By chance or design: New evidence of human origins
War doesn't work anymore: Why we're "wired" for peace
The end game: Rewriting our history, destiny and fate

Whoever you are and whatever path you are on, simply reading these two books will change the way you look at yourself and the world.

We are always at the point of choice. What choice will you make today that will change your life?

Blessings and Peace

The photo is of my beautiful dog Horatio; who loves to contemplate over the books I read him.

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