Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Elements - A Farewell For Now

With the end of winter in the southern hemisphere it is now time to think of the things of spring; a time of new growth, a time when our emotions get stirred up with thoughts of love and new beginnings. It is time for the spring clean; time to clear out what was no longer needed. Stuff that really should have been cleared out in the Autumn, but we just needed to hold onto them them through one more winter in case we needed them.

If you are in the northern hemisphere it is time to enjoy the harvest that you brought in in the summer; store what you need to get you trough the winter to come and more Importantly release what is no longer serving you, whether that be thoughts, habits or material things that you no longer need. By doing this you will empty your cup so it can be filled again when the next cycle begins for my Northern friends in the Winter.

For the Southern hemisphere it is time to cut away and spring clean the thoughts and habits that no longer serve us. The world really is a beautiful place but many of us do not have the eyes to see the beauty that stands before us. It really is time to remove the blinkers that stop us from seeing the world as it is. In the blogs on the Elements of Man that we shared over the last few months I have tried to make you aware that we see the world not as it is, but through our own genetic or elemental biases. Now that you are aware of these weaknesses of judgement, anger, fear and frustration you are better placed to go beyond them.

Let me tell you up front that it is not easy and will take discipline on your part to move from your element to the element of Ether and yet the discipline itself is easy; it is just your resistance that will stop you from going beyond where you are. My old teacher taught me that you needed discipline to quieten the ego. For the ego mind does not want to do things that it feels are difficult or take away from its specialness. One of his disciplines was to have the student walk at 4.30 am ever morning in the Forrest or a park. This was done everyday no matter what the weather. The ego soon bitches and moans when it is cold and wet, but persevere and their comes a time when the ego begins to quieten and it is in those moments when the magic occurs. It is in those moments when you start to experience the real beauty of nature and your human existence. It is in those quiet moments that the higher self will begin to show itself.

If you do not like walking in the cold and dark at that time in the morning then it is definitely a discipline you need to do. As my old teacher used to say that if you didn't want to do something then that was the reason that you should do it. If on the other hand the thought of walking in the park on a cold winter morning is easy for you then it is not your discipline. One way to quiet the ego mind is to keep feeding it new things to do so that it begins to realize that you want to live your life differently. It may even help to do some ridiculous  things. If you continually worry about your looks or what other people of think of you then it is time to make a shift, for the initiate does not care what other people think about them. They walk with a quiet power that says, 'I am what I am, and what I am is infinite, powerful and eternal. I remember once when I dressed for a day in a long black dress. What was even weirder than my outfit was the fact that once I had given up worrying about what other people thought, was the moment when people no longer seemed to even notice I was wearing a dress.

I am not suggesting that you should wear a dress, but if your mind is resisting then maybe you should. This silent power that you have inside is more important today than it ever was. It seems that in the celebrity society that we live in, how other people see us is more important than ever and yet as we evolve spiritually in this time it is more important than ever that we walk in our own silent power.

    "The Emperor and the sage walked, and the Solstice came and the Emperor said, ‘I have learned much about people. I think that I can rule my empire in growth.’ As they walked toward the edge of the Forest of K'an, he said, ‘But sage, what happens when you know these things?’
‘Ah...that has shown you have learned,’ the sage said. ‘When you know how to conquer and work with loving self, when you know how to deal with those that are deep in emotion and they throw fear at you, judgment and anger and frustration; and you let them, and you are able to calm it within yourself. When you are able to allow your ministers to throw at you the logicalness and intricacies of, ‘this is the way you should do it’; and you are not a thinker. When you are able to understand the balance of the earth and plant and mineral and animal. When you are able not to feel the sexual energy overpowering you and the material causing you difficulty, then you become the fifth element, Ether. Then the etheric, or the positive dimension, forms.'
    The Emperor asked, ‘What happens when one reaches that stage?’
“’Ah, come with me,’ said the sage. And he took his hand and they walked across the lake of Li into the waterfall and into the cavern and he took his hand and they walked across the Lake of Li into the waterfall and into the cavern. And there he showed him a dimension of people that saw all things in the positive mode, that were able to balance and not be involved in those things that he had taught, that understood the Winter, that understood the Spring, the Summer and the Fall. And who were able to walk equally through those and not be affected by them; who could learn all and know that they were not higher or lower, that they were in the dimension of the etheric. And who were able to see all that went on but were not able to be seen. He pointed to them saying, ‘These help you. There are some within your world. There are some working within this plane, in the positive mode, negativity not seeing them, not involving them within what they are doing; but they can see and feel it, yet do not become subjected by it.’
    “The Emperor said, ‘I have heard many teachings. My ministers, my magicians and sages have told me I should go this way and that. What is the right way?’
And the sage said, ‘There is no one way. The only way is within self, with understanding the Winter, the Spring, the Summer and the Fall, the Nature of things. If an individual says, "My communication or what I am doing is better than yours," know that it isn't. For the individual that has good and sound teaching does not have to say that he does. Listen to those around you as they tell you. If they say theirs is right, know that you must step back.’
“The Emperor shook his head and said, ‘The dimension of ether... the etheric...’ “The sage said, ‘It is not hard, it is easy; it is as easy as walking from the Winter Solstice to the Equinox of the Spring, the Solstice of the Summer to the Equinox of the Fall.’ Then he left.
    “The Emperor said, ‘Come with me to the palace. Be my teacher. Help me rule my people.’ Looking around, he said, ‘Old man, where have you gone? Old man, where are you?'
“And a voice said, ‘I am here. Why can't you see me?’

Chung Fu

That is the end of the Elements of Man teachings for now. It is time for you to go within and let the elements become your teacher. Time spent in nature watching and reflecting is time well spent.

Blessings and Peace to you all, may the livingness that is within all things share its great gift with you. In the time ahead I will do my best to write blogs that will help you move through the times ahead.

A special for all my followers, friends and blog readers. My publisher has offered a special either through my website or amazon of the ebook version of The 33rd Sage at $3.99. Take advantage of the offer. Apart from being a modern fable it is filled with teachings that you or your family can use for the rest of your life. Who knows if you are open to the possibilities an old Chinese Sage might just wander into your life?

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The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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