Tuesday, 5 June 2012

You see the world as you are

They say a picture is worth a thousand words but in the case of the one above it says far more than that. I am not sure who created but it was so powerful that when I first saw this picture I had to take a pause and contemplate how I see the world. In my fable 'The 33rd Sage,' the protagonist Conway sees the world from his limited perspective and it is not until he meets, and becomes apprentice to an old Chinese sage that he realizes how biased his own view of the world is. The old sage teaches him about how each of us is influenced by the seasons and how we all view the world from our own genetic predispositions. The key for Conway, like us all, is first to know ourselves, to understand that our thoughts and beliefs determine how we see the world.

The old mystics talk of the world being Maya or an illusion, because they knew that the world we saw was one that we created everyday in our own minds.

As a Homoeopath one of the first things I try to do is to understand what it is that is stopping my patient from seeing the beauty of the world. The person's own individual biases stop them from seeing the world in all it's magnificence. As a writer all my characters have their own biased world view and it is there journey to go beyond its limitations.

Take a moment to reflect on what it is that is colouring your world view and does it still serve you or is it time to step beyond it and see the world as it is in all its beauty.

It is not that easy to step back from your view of the world and realize that it is an illusion. If you do I will guarantee you will see a deeper and more beautiful world than you ever thought possible. You will open yourself up to experiencing synchronous moments that will change your life. It will not always be easy, sometimes your old beliefs and values will try to drag you back into the world that it is comfortable with but continue to expand who you are and new worlds will open up to you.

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