Monday, 25 June 2012

The Elements of Man Part 5 - Earth

Earth - Autumn
If you live in harmony with the seasons your life will begin to take on a wonderful flow or rhythm, and your life will become more interesting as you become a part of all things.

"The Emperor and the sage walked into the Equinox of the fall. And the sage told him it is time for the leaves to fall, for the season to begin to go to sleep. It is the time for all things to come to an end. It is the time, the cycle of all livingness. Not only does this mean that the individual should relax, they should review, but they should maintain their strength, in the time or the time of their passing. It is a time when things are re-fertilised, where they go back to the earth, where the animals stock their homes. It is a time of refurbishing, of rebuilding, of shaking off the old, so the new can come forward within the Winter. It is a time of great growth, for there is always an over-amount of growth when you begin to cut away the deadwood. This always happens. It is vital for all to know that as you walk within the Fall, you begin to see the dying of things. That is why the colours are red and orange and yellow-because they try to bring the life of brilliance in their end. It is the last breath. As things become quiet and the first snow falls and the ice is frozen, the blanket has been laid and things are asleep. It is a time of great rejoicing within, for you have, in essence, completely refurbished your body. You usually find yourself in a place where a lot of old things can fall away. And where new begins to fall into your life, the right way.
    "The Emperor and the sage walked and they talked, and saw all of these things; the squirrel getting ready for the sleep, the bear, even man, as they were putting together the wood for the Winter, making ready their homes. This was truly a time of getting rid of the old to repair for the new. They walked toward the Winter Solstice, the Emperor seeing more than he had ever seen in his life. He had seen the seasons; had walked within the leaves of the Fall. And the sage said, "You have learned about people. You have learned people are the same as seasons. The person of the Earth is in a lifetime of rebuilding; is in a lifetime of trying to get away, to throw away the physical, the material, and refurbish themselves; you will know such persons for they will be dealing with physical and material lives. Look at them as the Fall, and you will know what to do; they will be creative, they will be highly inventive artists; but within that, they will have a tendency to go through great rejuvenation, great involvement of their life. Know that and you will know your people!’
    “The sage walked on with the Emperor."

Earth Element
The Earth Element's time is the Autumn. It is the time after the harvest, when all the work has been done and energy begins to diminish. It is the time of brilliant colours emerging, as if they are Nature’s last denial of the end about to come. It is visual, exciting and dramatic. It is the time when the old falls away to allow space for the new. The autumn leaves fall to the earth to allow fertiliser for the new growth that is to come. The bear eats ravenously and stores fat for the Winter. It is a time of relaxation and review as the end draws near. The colour of Earth is green and the symbol is the square.
       The Earth in relationships; it suffocates Fire; causes Water to lose clarity; is disturbed by Air and joins together with itself...

The Earth Element
   The earth element rules the choleric temperament and has its seat in the gall bladder, the bowels, the adrenals and its control point is the anus. It is associated with the digestive and eliminative systems and it is in charge of the assimilation of food and drink. Its nature is warm, dry, firm and steady and its energy moves downward. Some of the keynotes for the earth element are dryness, solidity, stability, substantiality, steadiness, and resistance. In alchemy it stands for the precipitant, the material substances and essential residue of an alchemical solution. Its negative root emotion is fear and more typically they need to be in control, which creates irritability, impatience and anger. Its color is green. 
   In general, the earth element rules the formative principle that causes the materialization of forms, the sense of ego, and the sensation of touch.
The Earth Temperament.
   The psychological basis of the Earth type is the formative consciousness, which relates through the sensation of touch and kinesthetic awareness. When in balance they are clear thinking, precise, dependable, honest, practical, organized, skillful, serious, hard working, steady and strong. They consider themselves to be "grounded and rational" by nature but they can easily become dry, critical, over realistic, as well as materialistic, pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic. Their strengths are that they are bold, practical, adventurous, dependable, competitive, self reliant, industrious steady, strong, logical, decisive and persuasive. Their weakness is that they are easily angered, irritable, impatient, critical, pessimistic, bossy, hostile, rigid, argumentative, aggressive, demanding, unresponsive, resistant, revengeful, abusive, and have a tendency toward brooding. Such attributes makes a very intense, dynamic, and at times, difficult combination of temperamental qualities.
   The Russian psychologist, Pavlov, called them the "impetuous" types because they are marked by strong excitation of the nervous system. This is quite obvious in their psychological makeup as they show strong extroverted tendencies, while at the same time, they are prone to “fight” rather then “flight’.
   Jung described them as "sensation" orientated individuals because they experienced things through their tactile senses. When they are healthy they are industrious and are often very successful, yet they may have a tendency toward being dictatorial and miserly. They are worse < late nights, too much rich food, and alcohol, yet they seem drawn toward these kinds of things. They have a difficult time in their relationships with people because of their argumentative nature. In the work environment they are bossy and will become angry quite easily if their wishes are not fulfilled.

   At home they can be irritable, critical, and dominant which makes home life difficult. Although they may wish to terminate their relationship, they have a hard time letting go of the control they have over other persons. Control is a very important issue for them; because they always fear being out of control they are always trying to control others and the situations they are in. Under stress they become increasingly more frustrated, excitable, restless, heated, cross, irritable, impatient, and angry. When an Earth is in " bad humour" everyone will know it because they become more and more “bitter”. When they lose control they may become bitter, resentful, revengeful, angry, abusive, and violent. They have dual personalities that can be as courageous as a Dr. Jekyll, and then in an instant transform into terrible Mr. Hyde.

Hard working 
Bold [overly] 

The Physical Constitution.
   The physique of a Earth type is square, angular, firm, and muscular or lean with tight connective tissue and strong. Generally there is a compression in the upper body.

   The Earth type is prone to digestive complaints including nausea, loss of appetite, burning, flatulence, constipation, piles, liver and gall bladder diseases, intestinal disorders, and skin eruptions. They often suffer from headaches that often revolve around the eyes and the temples and are worse < sun, heat and warm environments.
In the coming blogs we will look at the differences between the Elements; how to easily tell them apart and begin to dig deeper into them as people and also we will start to look at the combinations. In truth we all made up of all the Elements, but we generally have a dominant one. This dominance comes with its strengths and weaknesses. The aim for all of us is to move towards the Element of Ether, where we move beyond the individual Elements. 

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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