Tuesday, 7 May 2013

In Memory of Stuart Wilde

In Memory of Stuart Wilde

I received news that my old friend Stuart Wilde passed away after a massive heart attack. I call him friend even though I have not seen him since about 1990. In the late eighties I was one of his support team on an experiential workshop called the Warrior's Wisdom. It was a weekend workshop where he taught us about mysticism and the way of the warrior. It was an amazing workshop, one I was lucky to support him on a couple of times. I loved the man like a father and yet in the short time that I spent with him I was changed forever. Many people just got to see Stuart Wilde the performer but it was Stuie the man that I will never forget.

There are many instances of the man, I loved, I could call to mind but one in particular occurred at the end of the Warrior's Wisdom weekend in Sydney Australia. As I previously stated I was one of the support team on the workshop. We were waiting for the participants to arrive, so we could guide them to their rooms where they were staying for the weekend or to the many resources spread around their accommodations. While we were waiting Stuie came up to me and asked how it was going. When I told him that everything was going fine he suggested that we not give them all the information they needed as it would help develop their perception. We laughed and over the next hour or so we sent people off into the forest to find their rooms, or in the opposite direction, some we even told that we could not help them as their names were not on the list. It was hilarious watching these so called spiritual people totally lose their shit. After that first episode the support team did support everyone in any way they possibly could.

Over the next three days I worked with and helped many people as they came to grips with what Stuart was teaching them. He was possibly the greatest showman I have ever seen. When he came on stage his manner and voice would capture an audience in seconds and leave them spellbound.

It was on the last night of the workshop where I got to see and experience the Stuie that I came to love and respect. We had just finished the fire-walk where over a 150 people walked on hot coals. The only people to be burnt were two of the support team (me included), we had seen the thermometer melt in the fire. Well anyway after the firewalk we had the closing ceremony. As usual I was at the back or out the back making sure that everything was running smoothly, when Stuart asked us to all to come in for the closing ceremony. I stood at the doorway ensuring that everyone had come in and then locked the door.

After talking to the group for a few minutes we did a meditation and Stuart called me over. Thinking that he needed something for the ceremony I went over and asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted me to join him in the middle of the circle. I was taken back and a little embarrassed as many eyes looked upon me. I sat as far away from him as I could but he insisted I come a little closer. I moved within a few feet of him and while everyone was getting ready for the meditation we had a lovely little chat (he was British after all). He had seen everything I had done for people over the last few days and it was his way of honoring me for the support I gave him.

I did a few more workshops with the old bugger and was even part of a circle who would gather weekly to listen to the teachings of his old Chinese teacher. One workshop which I will call the 33 Steps was a workshop about the 33 energies that guide this planet. I was awe struck and would spend the next twenty plus years working to understand the concepts. My upcoming book the Way of the Initiate is based on these teachings. In the book a young disfigured and disabled boy becomes the apprentice of an old sage and the book is written like a parable of their journey together. In many ways. I feel like it has been my own journey and Stuie was the old sage. Still, there is not a day that goes by that he is not teaching me something. I will miss the old bugger but for anyone who has met the real Stuie we will always have our memories.

Stuie may you rest in peace and give them hell wherever your journey takes you.

www.stuartwilde.com a place of real knowledge


The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

The Way of the Initiate will be published mid 2013

Twitter @GeofSpalding
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Book Websites 'The 33rd Sage,' at www.33rdsage.com
'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' at www.the33rdsage.com

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