The Elements of Creation
The idea of the point of power or the point of choice, that moment when you can make a decision that will change the rest of your life has always fascinated me. When we commit to a course of action what effect does it have on the world? What happens to the other choices we could have made?
When we reach a point of choice. How much does our emotional state effect what happens beyond the point of choice? Can we create the life we want to live?
For many years I have tried to learn as much about the topic as possible. The journey has led me to ancient manuscripts around the world, to physics through quantum mechanics and the multiple universe theory, to hundreds of mystics and teachers who could throw any light on the subject.
Now I believe it is time to start sharing some of what I have learned in the hope that others who are following the path or about to step onto it spend far less than fifteen years or twenty years or even a lifetime trying to gain this understanding. A teacher should be able to allow his students to step on his shoulders and wish them luck as they go beyond him. For it is only through teaching that you can truly master the subject. As my old teacher said, “We teach what we need to know. Once we master something it is time to move on, because we no longer benefit the student or ourselves through our teaching. A real master touches people as he moves anonymously passed them and changes them forever. The master understands that in the quietness everything is possible.” If I had understood what he meant in those four lines I could have saved myself many years on the path.
Thought creates reality is something I have believed in for a long time. I believe that we create the world that we live in. That the world around is only a mirror of what we are experiencing on the inside. Even the latest research points to our words and feelings effecting our DNA. While I still believe that our thoughts create our reality there has always been something missing. I have been able to change my life, moving from a fairly negative existence to one of a fairly happy and creative life. Once dyslexic, reading and writing forever a struggle, I now find my passion in writing and inspiring others. And yet there has always been something missing. Not that the concept of thought creates reality was wrong but more that it was not the whole picture.
One thing that always amazes me is that the information that you are searching for has generally been with you a long time before you actually realise its importance. It is a bit like buying a book because the subject interested you, only to put it aside. Then one day, months or even years later you pick up the book and start reading it and it answers the questions that you currently have in your mind. In some way we have an ability to know our possible futures. To slip past the bounds of time and buy a book that will give us the answer in the future.
“Right place right time,” as my old teacher used to say. "Walk don’t run and you will always be in the right place at the right time." While studying and researching into the idea that our thoughts create our reality I had at the same time been studying an old ancient Chinese understanding of the seasons within nature and within mankind. Two wonderful teachers taught me this skill. One an architect/dancer who studied in an old Chinese mystical circle and the second the old Chinese master I met on the beach in Bali. The architect taught me about the theory of the cycles within man and nature and the old master taught me through practice. As I have said previously, he would make me sit for hours in the snow or on a beach on a hot summer’s day and learn from the elements themselves; he taught me about the cycles within man and mankind. How man is like the seasons and that to understand the seasons in nature you could understand the different personality types or cycles within mankind. Studying both these topics side by side I did not see their connection.
It was not until I was reflecting on some of the things that I had created in my life. Sometimes it was easy to create and other times it did not matter how much work I did or belief I had in it nothing seemed to happen. I had read all the books by the experts in creating you future, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and Anthony Robbins to name but a few. I had done all the workshops and as usual I was fired up for a couple or days or weeks about what I had learnt and would put them into action, but that passion soon faded and some of my creations stalled.
Sometimes they failed because it was not the right time; others failed because they were honestly crap. But there were others, which failed, and I was sure I had done everything right. I had visualised what I wanted to create. I had the desire for it. I took action to complete it or show the universe and its inhabitants that I was serious about it. But nothing. I knew as an intuition, a feeling that there was a component missing. It is funny how even the last sentence which was written unconsciously; as the words flowed from what sometime’s appears as my conscious mind but was in reality from the deeper place; a place which was showing me why some of my attempts had failed. Some of you who are reading this will have already picked up on what was missing, but alas I was not so clever. So let me share with you the story of how the penny dropped for me.
I was sitting in a workshop listening to Gregg Bradden give a lecture on …….. And he was talking about the power of feelings and how feelings can connect our heart to our head. He was giving me the answer then of what was missing for me in creating the life that I wanted, but I was not ready or able to hear. He talked about the four forces in the universe and how science has been trying to find a way of tying them all together into one unified field. He talked about the four parts to the DNA. He talked about feelings having the ability to change our DNA. He spoke of the importance of the heart and feelings. He talked about the connection between the heart and the brain and yet I still did not hear him.
In the afternoon break I was in the toilet and a friend shared the urinal with me. He asked me how I was enjoying the seminar. We chatted for a few brief moments, then washed our hands. As we were leaving to go back to the seminar, he said to me that the unified field theory was just another way of looking at the elements. The elements which I had taught him about in conversations and through my book the sage. He said the ether was no more than a combination of the elements, just like the unified field force was a combination of Gravity, Electromagnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces. It was nothing I had not thought intellectually and I was congratulating him on his insight when all of a sudden I was hit with that moment of epiphany. Creation, the source of all that there is just a combination of all the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. There could not be creation without all these elements being present. My years of training of two different lines of thought or study had crossed over each other at that very moment and I had a number of wonderful revelations. To create what you want you need to have all these elements present. By bringing these elements together in the right amount you collapse the reality from the ether. You collapse one of the many possibilities into reality. We create through our inner combinations of these elements.
I could see that most of what I had created which had failed had one of the four components missing. Just like nature follows the seasons, we need to go through the seasons when we create something. We need the Fire of Winter. The Water of Spring. The Air of the Summer and the Earth of the Autumn. Everything in nature follows this fourfold process right down to our very DNA. If feeling which is the water in the fourfold process is proven to effect our very DNA then what effect could all the elements have on the very fabric of the universe itself.
How could I have missed the four-step process in creation? I had recognised it in many other aspects of life. I am not saying that I should spend more time talking to people in toilets. It is the realisation that if you are open then the answer can come from anywhere. Sometimes our best teachers are the not the great masters, but the moments and the people we come into contact with in any moment of our life. Life has an amazing way of mirroring back to us what we focus on within.
If you want to take charge and create the life you want it is as simple as the following fours steps.
Step 1 Fire – Create the Vision
Step 2 Water – Feel the Feeling
Step 3 Air – Create the Plan
Step 4 Earth – Take Action
These four substances come together to form what the ancients called the ether which is the energy, the Chi, the life force within all things. If any part of the cyclical process is missing then what you want to create becomes just another wasted thought. It is through the combination that we contact the substance the ancients call the ether, it is this substance that is within all things. It is as though we do not create the object of our desire it is more that we collapse it into reality. It is as if it was already one of the infinite possibilities and we have collapsed it into reality. Many of the teachers of manifestation tell you to imagine that you already have the object of your desire. To a certain point this is correct, but in reality you do not have to imagine that it does exist because it already does amongst the infinite possibilities that we can choose.
If you have read my first book “The 33rd Sage,” or have been following this blog on the Elements you will already have an understanding of the cycles within man and mankind. For those who haven’t, please read back over the blog or better than that buy a copy of my book, as the story itself was written so that whenever you read it, it seems as if the story is different. This is because each time you read it you come to it with a deeper understanding of the Elements and the cycles within man and mankind.
I am going to finish the blog there because in reality you have all you need to create the future that you want. For some of you there will be epiphany’s going off all over the place. For the others, you think you need more and I could have written a book about it, but it is a simple concept. If you follow the seasons and ensure that each of the elements are used then you can create the future you want.
Creating your future is as easy walking from the winter, to the spring, onto the summer and then to the fall.
Blessings and peace to you all and may the living spirit within all things offer up their teachings to you.
Take a look at my Book Trailer
The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
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