Thursday, 30 August 2012

The Creation Cycle - An Example

In an earlier blog I wrote about the Elements of Creation or the Cycle of Creation and how to use it to create what you want in your life. I have repeated this blog below for those who have not read it. For those who have read it and requested an example I thought I would use one from my upcoming book 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate.' It is taken from an incident which happened in my own life when I was only just starting to use the techniques I describe in the blog after the example.

Conway was sitting at his desk as a security guard, writing the story of Jesus, which had the working title of  'The Prophet of Masada' - when all of a sudden he knew he had to trek the Himalayas. In his research, he’d discovered that there was a legend that Jesus had travelled to the Himalayas, and he had the beginnings of an idea that he was meant to go there. It first started only as a small thought, which came up in his mind as if by magic.  It was like someone whispered to him; soon, however, it became a roar, and every spare moment was consumed by it. Everywhere he went, there seemed to be pictures of Everest and the Himalayan mountains. He knew it was because he focused on the topic that the pictures seemed to pop up everywhere, but this didn’t make it any less surprising or exciting when another picture appeared or someone started talking about the Himalayas.
        He knew he was going to the Himalayas, although he wasn’t sure how and when. He started walking each day, and on the weekends he’d do twenty-plus kilometer walks, sometimes wearing a heavy pack to simulate what it would be like. He started visiting travel agents to discuss the best time to go to Nepal, as well as any special trips that would give him the greatest experience of the region and its people. It was during one of these visits that the travel agent suggested that an Intrepid holiday would be best, as it would take him to areas where most Trekkers don’t go and he’d get to experience village life. When he researched the Intrepid trip, he noticed that it stopped at a number of monasteries on the way, which gave him the perfect opportunity to do more research on his book.
The decision was made; Conway knew what trip he was going on, and he’d made the decision to go in December, which was winter in Nepal, but a time when the weather - although cold - was fairly stable. Now all he had to do was find the money. He was still paying off the bills from a failed business, and he only had about two hundred dollars in the bank. He figured out that he’d need at least $9,000 to make the journey possible (a mere deficit of  $8,800), and the trip was only twelve weeks away. Conway put the $200 down as deposit, and even then they were pressuring him to finalize the account. He kept assuring them that he was waiting on money to arrive, and they’d have to wait a few more weeks to get it.
Once again, he gave over control of how the money would appear to the cosmos. He was open to it coming in any way, and he knew that if he truly believed with an undying faith, the money would appear at the most appropriate time. Once again, he was living the concept of “walk, don't run”. knowing he’d always be in the right place at the right time.
It was six weeks before Conway was due to board the flight to Nepal, and the travel agency was getting a bit toey. They informed him that he needed to pay the full amount within two weeks or they’d have to cancel his trip - and he’d still be responsible for the cancellation fees. Conway knew he was going to get there, but even he was beginning to question his own sanity. He was taking some long walks every day after work. One particular day, he was out on a warm November evening, and he had a long, tiring walk in which he’d carried a twenty-kilo back pack. Towards the end of the walk, he passed a pharmacy. It was his local pharmacy, a place he passed nearly every day. This day, however, it was different. A flashing sign made him take notice, inviting him to come and join their syndicate. The sign had always been there, but today there was a different feeling to it. It wasn’t something emotional that Conway was feeling; it was more an energy, a feeling that came up from deep within him. He walked into the pharmacy and up to the counter, where he asked the assistant how much it was to join the syndicate. She replied that it was ten dollars and that they had a couple shares left. Conway checked in his pocket: he had about twelve dollars left from the money he took to buy drinks when he was on the walk, so he handed over ten dollars and bought a one-tenth share in the syndicate.
To make a long story short, the syndicate won second division, and Conway received about $3000 as his share of the syndicate’s win.
Over the next few weeks, it was if the universe knew he was going, so it conspired with him to have the money. After more marketing work and a few wins in horse racing, his trip was paid for with enough in hand to have an enjoyable few months in the land of the giants. By affirming in word, belief, feeling and action that he was going to Nepal – as well as opening up to the universe - there was never any doubt that he’d get there. Once you have the belief and take action, your higher self has no choice but to help you achieve your goals. It was a technique Conway was just beginning to understand.

The Elements of Creation

The idea of the point of power or the point of choice, that moment when you can make a decision that will change the rest of your life has always fascinated me. When we commit to a course of action what effect does it have on the world? What happens to the other choices we could have made?

When we reach a point of choice. How much does our emotional state effect what happens beyond the point of choice? Can we create the life we want to live?

For many years I have tried to learn as much about the topic as possible. The journey has led me to ancient manuscripts around the world, to physics through quantum mechanics and the multiple universe theory, to hundreds of mystics and teachers who could throw any light on the subject.

Now I believe it is time to start sharing some of what I have learned in the hope that others who are following the path or about to step onto it spend far less than fifteen years or twenty years or even a lifetime trying to gain this understanding. A teacher should be able to allow his students to step on his shoulders and wish them luck as they go beyond him. For it is only through teaching that you can truly master the subject. As my old teacher said, “We teach what we need to know. Once we master something it is time to move on, because we no longer benefit the student or ourselves through our teaching. A real master touches people as he moves anonymously passed them and changes them forever. The master understands that in the quietness everything is possible.” If I had understood what he meant in those four lines I could have saved myself many years on the path.

Thought creates reality is something I have believed in for a long time. I believe that we create the world that we live in. That the world around is only a mirror of what we are experiencing on the inside. Even the latest research points to our words and feelings effecting our DNA. While I still believe that our thoughts create our reality there has always been something missing. I have been able to change my life, moving from a fairly negative existence to one of a fairly happy and creative life. Once dyslexic, reading and writing forever a struggle, I now find my passion in writing and inspiring others. And yet there has always been something missing. Not that the concept of thought creates reality was wrong but more that it was not the whole picture.

One thing that always amazes me is that the information that you are searching for has generally been with you a long time before you actually realise its importance. It is a bit like buying a book because the subject interested you, only to put it aside. Then one day, months or even years later you pick up the book and start reading it and it answers the questions that you currently have in your mind. In some way we have an ability to know our possible futures. To slip past the bounds of time and buy a book that will give us the answer in the future.

“Right place right time,” as my old teacher used to say. "Walk don’t run and you will always be in the right place at the right time." While studying and researching into the idea that our thoughts create our reality I had at the same time been studying an old ancient Chinese understanding of the seasons within nature and within mankind. Two wonderful teachers taught me this skill. One an architect/dancer who studied in an old Chinese mystical circle and the second the old Chinese master I met on the beach in Bali. The architect taught me about the theory of the cycles within man and nature and the old master taught me through practice. As I have said previously, he would make me sit for hours in the snow or on a beach on a hot summer’s day and learn from the elements themselves; he taught me about the cycles within man and mankind. How man is like the seasons and that to understand the seasons in nature you could understand the different personality types or cycles within mankind. Studying both these topics side by side I did not see their connection.

It was not until I was reflecting on some of the things that I had created in my life. Sometimes it was easy to create and other times it did not matter how much work I did or belief I had in it nothing seemed to happen. I had read all the books by the experts in creating you future, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and Anthony Robbins to name but a few. I had done all the workshops and as usual I was fired up for a couple or days or weeks about what I had learnt and would put them into action, but that passion soon faded and some of my creations stalled.

Sometimes they failed because it was not the right time; others failed because they were honestly crap. But there were others, which failed, and I was sure I had done everything right. I had visualised what I wanted to create. I had the desire for it. I took action to complete it or show the universe and its inhabitants that I was serious about it. But nothing. I knew as an intuition, a feeling that there was a component missing. It is funny how even the last sentence which was written unconsciously; as the words flowed from what sometime’s appears as my conscious mind but was in reality from the deeper place; a place which was showing me why some of my attempts had failed. Some of you who are reading this will have already picked up on what was missing, but alas I was not so clever. So let me share with you the story of how the penny dropped for me.

I was sitting in a workshop listening to Gregg Bradden give a lecture on …….. And he was talking about the power of feelings and how feelings can connect our heart to our head. He was giving me the answer then of what was missing for me in creating the life that I wanted, but I was not ready or able to hear. He talked about the four forces in the universe and how science has been trying to find a way of tying them all together into one unified field. He talked about the four parts to the DNA. He talked about feelings having the ability to change our DNA. He spoke of the importance of the heart and feelings. He talked about the connection between the heart and the brain and yet I still did not hear him.

In the afternoon break I was in the toilet and a friend shared the urinal with me. He asked me how I was enjoying the seminar. We chatted for a few brief moments, then washed our hands. As we were leaving to go back to the seminar, he said to me that the unified field theory was just another way of looking at the elements. The elements which I had taught him about in conversations and through my book the 33rd sage. He said the ether was no more than a combination of the elements, just like the unified field force was a combination of Gravity, Electromagnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces. It was nothing I had not thought intellectually and I was congratulating him on his insight when all of a sudden I was hit with that moment of epiphany. Creation, the source of all that there is just a combination of all the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. There could not be creation without all these elements being present. My years of  training of two different lines of thought or study had crossed over each other at that very moment and I had a number of wonderful revelations. To create what you want you need to have all these elements present. By bringing these elements together in the right amount you collapse the reality from the ether. You collapse one of the many possibilities into reality. We create through our inner combinations of these elements.

I could see that most of what I had created which had failed had one of the four components missing. Just like nature follows the seasons, we need to go through the seasons when we create something. We need the Fire of Winter. The Water of  Spring. The Air of the Summer and the Earth of the Autumn. Everything in nature follows this fourfold process right down to our very DNA. If feeling which is the water in the fourfold process is proven to effect our very DNA then what effect could all the elements have on the very fabric of the universe itself.

How could I have missed the four-step process in creation? I had recognised it in many other aspects of life. I am not saying that I should spend more time talking to people in toilets. It is the realisation that if you are open then the answer can come from anywhere. Sometimes our best teachers are the not the great masters, but the moments and the people we come into contact with in any moment of our life. Life has an amazing way of mirroring back to us what we focus on within.

If you want to take charge and create the life you want it is as simple as the following fours steps.

Step 1 Fire – Create the Vision
Step 2 Water – Feel the Feeling
Step 3 Air – Create the Plan
Step 4 Earth – Take Action

These four substances come together to form what the ancients called the ether which is the energy, the Chi, the life force within all things. If any part of the cyclical process is missing then what you want to create becomes just another wasted thought. It is through the combination that we contact the substance the ancients call the ether, it is this substance that is within all things. It is as though we do not create the object of our desire it is more that we collapse it into reality. It is as if it was already one of the infinite possibilities and we have collapsed it into reality. Many of the teachers of manifestation tell you to imagine that you already have the object of your desire. To a certain point this is correct, but in reality you do not have to imagine that it does exist because it already does amongst the infinite possibilities that we can choose.

If you have read my first book “The 33rd Sage,” or have been following this blog on the Elements you will already have an understanding of the cycles within man and mankind. For those who haven’t, please read back over the blog or better than that buy a copy of my book, as the story itself was written so that whenever you read it, it seems as if the story is different. This is because each time you read it you come to it with a deeper understanding of the Elements and the cycles within man and mankind.

 I am going to finish the blog there because in reality you have all you need to create the future that you want. For some of you there will be epiphany’s going off all over the place. For the others, you think you need more and I could have written a book about it, but it is a simple concept. If you follow the seasons and ensure that each of the elements are used then you can create the future you want.

Creating your future is as easy walking from the winter, to the spring, onto the summer and then to the fall.

Blessings and peace to you all and may the living spirit within all things offer up their teachings to you.

A special for all my followers, friends and blog readers. My publisher has offered a special either through my website or amazon of the ebook version of The 33rd Sage at $3.99. Take advantage of the offer. Apart from being a modern fable it is filled with teachings that you or your family can use for the rest of your life. Who knows if you are open to the possibilities an old Chinese Sage might just wander into your life, just like he did into mine?

Go to my website and click on buy the book for this special offer to my friends or go to Amazon.

Take a look at my Book Trailer

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

Twitter @GeofSpalding
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Translatable Author Blog -


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Travel Changes Your Life - Himalayan Yak Story

I wasn't sure about I would write in this blog; that was until I was telling the following story at a workshop I attended this week. We were sitting around a table discussing how travel can literally change lives. One of the group, a young man who had never travelled stated that he had always wanted to trek the Himlayas. When he found out that I had trekked Nepal, especially the Himalayan region he asked me to talk about it.

Rather than talk about the Himalayas themselves which I told him was impossible to describe because of the size and scale of the mountains. I suggested that I would talk about one episode during my trip that showed the beauty of travel. For me travel has changed my life and I believe it changes everybody who travels.  For the most part these changes have not occurred because of the wonderful sights I have seen but the people and the experiences I have had.

The first part of that day’s journey was all downhill. It was like God put thousands of steps in the side of the mountain. We started the day at eleven thousand feet and would finish it much closer to sea level. It wasn’t a day for enjoying the view, as a false step would see us falling thousands of feet to our death. We’d all heard about the stones that were piled up in recognition of Trekkers who had died along the way. By the end of the trip, we would all realise how many Trekkers had died in the Himalayas; it took just one false step.

After four hours of walking, all downhill, we stopped for a well earned lunch. The bread and peanut butter were eaten with great hunger after the exhausting morning's walk. The Sirdar spoke to the group during the lunch about yaks, expounding on how they were one of the main dangers in the Himalayas and how many Trekkers had been pushed off the mountains by them. The key, he said, was to always take the high side of the mountain when the yak comes towards you. The difficulty was that they were stubborn animals, and if they sense any fear on the Trekkers’ part, they’ll push them out of the way. Some have even gored Trekkers.

I could see that Isaac was getting nervous. He had told me that he was scared of animals, especially dogs and cattle, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to handle the yaks. As we walked through day, we came across a herd of yaks, and Isaac immediately tried to walk around them. The yak herder came towards me and held out the whip in his hand. "He wants you to herd his yaks, "said a local, who was walking with the group this morning. I took the whip, which brought a grin to the yak herder's face. I didn’t have a clue what to do, so I looked to the herder for advice. His only reply was a motion to flick the whip and wave his hands.

One of my fellow Aussie Trekkers, came over to join me. "Why don't you use the trick you showed us last night and imagine you’re the yak or the herder? Then you’ll know what to do." I knew that he was half-joking and half-serious, but why not? I used the technique to understand people's intent or feelings, so why not a yak? I took what I imagined to be two molecules of my feeling self and put one into the herder and one into the lead yak. I quieted his mind and opened up to any impressions that were returned. My first impression came from the lead yak, and I soon learned the yak had been with the herder since he was a calf and had become the family pet. He was always looking to the herder for what to do, and whatever he did, the others normally followed.

When the molecule of the feeling arrived from the herder, it brought with it a great sense of calm. The yaks were his pets. He may have looked like a gruff old man, but he loved his animals. They responded more to the soothing sound of his voice than the whip or the waving of his hands, and the old man knew that; the whip and the waving arms were more a show for the others. I couldn’t understand what words the old man used, but I could hear the tones he used when he wanted them to do something. I walked close to him to show the yaks that the old man and I were friends. Then, while walking with him I started to speak using the tones I’d heard the old man use. The yaks didn’t respond at first; they were confused. Soon, though, the yaks responded to the soothing tones that I was using. I was soon guiding the animals with only the sound of my voice.

Although I may have appeared confident, I was more surprised than anyone. I continued walking with the animals and the old man. When we walked down a narrow path, the old man and I immediately took the high ground, and the animals took the lower ground. The old herder must  have impressed with and he gave me a pat on the back. I walked with the yaks for most of day after which the old man took back the whip, a whip he rarely used, then gave me a hug and continued on the journey with his yaks. This was the one thing that I enjoy most when I travel: the ability to be open to new experiences. It was the reason I met most of my teachers, and it was the reason I could see each day as a new day and always be open to what life had in store for me. It is always harder to have these experiences when I am was back in the so-called “normal life”, but maybe it was because I was not as open in the normal world.
I could see that Isaac was a little down, so I went over to join him, taking a hot drink and sitting down beside him. Neither of us spoke for a long time, then Isaac opened up. "I was scared when you started to walk with the yaks. I started to get all hot and sweaty, and I could feel myself go into a panic. How could you just take the whip and start herding his yaks?"
"Not sure, really. It just seemed like something I’d never have the opportunity to do again."
"I could never have done that. I would have been scared that they’d gore me or push me off the mountain. I don't like to do anything when I’m out of control."
"Isaac, I said, "this whole trip is about being out of control. We’re in a third world country, trekking through some of the most dangerous territory in the world. Each day, we come across areas where Trekkers have died. The food, the water, or the altitude could make you sick. I don't quite understand how you can do a trek like this and still feel like you’re in control.”
Isaac replied, "Before coming on this trip, I researched who were the safest companies, the food  they served, and their record of keeping people safe. This group was the best and safest, and that’s why I booked with them."
For the next six days, each day of the journey was like the one before: early breakfast of porridge, toast, and peanut butter, washed down with a hot cocoa, followed by a four-hour walk in some of the most beautiful country in the world. Stop for lunch, then four more hours of walking before setting up camp, having dinner, then sitting around the campfire under the stars, drinking rum punch. Of course, the rum punch was now a treat, rather than something that was over-consumed. We didn’t need another reason for a headache; the altitude was starting to have an effect on most of us. It was only minor, but it needed watching.

It was on about the tenth day that things began to change - especially for Isaac. I woke at about 7:00am, and as usual, Isaac was already awake and outside the tent. I put on my gear, and walked out of the tent. Surrounding the tent was a herd of yaks. My first thought was, Where the hell was Isaac? I scoured the campsite; Isaac was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw him cowering in the distance behind one of the tents. Before I could get to him, Isaac had made a run for it, only to be chased by one of the yaks. He tried in vain to get away, and in the end he turned towards the yak and screamed at it. This only stirred the animal up even more, and it ran at him, goring him in the stomach. He fell to the ground, and the yak continued to stand over him, excited by his anxiety and the blood oozing through Isaac's T-shirt.

I moved quickly and stood between Isaac and the animal. One of the other trekkers rushed with her medical kit to the aid of the cowering Isaac. She didn’t give any thought to the animal attacking her – and of course, it didn't. I tried calming the animal down using the same voice I had used with the other yaks, but it wasn’t working. The animal had all its concentration on Isaac. It was fixated and couldn’t see that Isaac was no longer a threat. By this time, all the camp was awake and out of their tents. The yak herder had rounded up all the other animals to ensure that they wouldn’t get out of control, but this one couldn’t hear anything. The herder called out to it, but it didn’t move. It stayed fixated, pawing the ground with its hoof. I knew he had to do something and do it quickly because the animal was getting itself ready to attack. I had no idea what to do. The words didn't work. The feeling tones didn't work. I had to get the yak away from Isaac. I remembered the trick that Crocodile Dundee had used in the movie by the same name. I was certainly grabbing at straws. Then, in a flash of genius I punched it in the head, directly between the horns. Confused, the beast tried to shake off the hit. It had lost focus on Isaac, and now its concentration was all on me, I turned calmly and started talking to the animal in the tone of voice of the yak herder and walked it towards the herder and his herd of yaks. The animal now seemed calmer and was happy to follow me back to the herd. The herder took control of the animal, shrugged his shoulders and led the herd away from the camp.

With the commotion of the morning and Isaac's injury, very little ground was covered during the day. After dinner, everyone sat around the campfire with the obligatory cup of rum punch. That even included Isaac, who until this evening had always gone to bed after dinner to get enough rest for the next day’s trek. There were smiles all around when Isaac took his first sip of the nasty concoction. The further we went on their journey, the more the quality of the local bought rum deteriorated - and with it, the quality of the fruits we used in the punch. To be honest, it was bloody horrible. But tonight was a special occasion; it was winter solstice, and it was good that we all came to join in the celebration. The look on Isaac's face was priceless. Everybody laughed;  it was good to have him as part of the group after the day's challenges.

Everyone wanted to know how Isaac was feeling, He replied, "The day has been tough, and I’m still a little sore, but I learned a great lesson. Upon reflection, I realized I wasn’t unluckier than anyone else. I focus on the wrong things; rather than focus on the fear, I’d be better focusing on the experience. In the past, my fears have brought exactly what I feared, and today was the prime example. From this moment on, with your help I would like to be more open to the experiences in life. Forty years of living in fear is long enough. Today is the first day of my new life."
We all gave him a cheer and for the rest of the trek Isaac was not the shy introvert who began the journey in Kathmandu.

The beauty of travel is that it forces most of us to live outside our comfort zone; the place where all change can occur.

Blessings and Peace - may travel on any level lead you to a deeper part of yourself

A special for all my followers, friends and blog readers. My publisher has offered a special either through my website or amazon of the ebook version of The 33rd Sage at $3.99. Take advantage of the offer. Apart from being a modern fable it is filled with teachings that you or your family can use for the rest of your life. Who knows if you are open to the possibilities an old Chinese Sage might just wander into your life?

Go to my website and click on buy the book for this special offer to my friends or go to Amazon.

Take a look at my Book Trailer

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

Twitter @GeofSpalding
Official Author Blog -
Translatable Author Blog -


Sunday, 26 August 2012

Fear and Feeling Tones

Fear is such an amazing emotion. In small doses it stops us from walking into situations where we can be harmed. It would have been great for Neanderthal man as it would have stopped him from being eaten by a lion or a poisonous snake, but in those days fear came with a certain amount of inner knowledge. Our ancient ancestors lived in touch with nature and the elements and so when they went into situations where the fear hairs stood up on the back of their neck they had a reason to listen.

Today it is a different story. The fight and flight reactions that were hard wired into us in the past are not needed as much and yet when you look at the people around you there seem to be more fears today in our safer world than there ever was. Why is this? I believe it is because we are out of touch with nature and the cycles within nature. Those who still live on the land are still in contact with these cycles and for the most part seem to have less fears than us so called civilized people that populate the cities. I am not suggesting that we all pull up stumps and move back to the country or take up a nomadic life, but I am suggesting that we get back in touch with the cycles within ourselves and within nature. Most people seem to have forgotten that we are made up of these cycles. There are our biorhythms, our sleep cycles, women's menstrual cycles and even the greatest cycle of all, our conception, birth, death and rebirth and many more. All of these are natures cycles and yet many of us seem so divorced from nature and our own cycles.

How can getting in touch with these cycles allow us to reduce or move beyond our fears? I believe that once we reconnect with these cycles that an inner or innate knowledge starts to come alive and we begin to see and feel things before they happen. In my books and some of my blogs I talk about using a molecule of your feelings to send into to situations where you are not sure and allow whatever returns to guide your next move. It starts with a stillness and being able to open yourself up to the answer which lies within.

All life is energy; so when you meet someone new or meet a new situation then it will have an energy. Get in the habit of stilling your mind chatter and allow the feelings to come forward; these inner feelings will always steer you in the right direction. These feelings are not emotion like anger, frustration etc, but a feeling tone that comes up from deep within. As I was writing this blog I came to a full stop. I quieted myself for a moment and saw in my minds eyes two roads representing different ways the blog could go. The first road was where I talked about the fear itself and the second where I talked about the energy underneath all things. As I wandered down the first road I could feel an energy that was stuck. I immediately knew that this was not the road to go down. Like many of us I would normally have been inclined to continue down that road not trusting the inner voice, blaming it for being lazy or wanting to take the easy way out. These days my inner voice seems to be louder and more insistent when I ask it these questions.

It is hard to describe to anyone who hasn't experienced it, but let's have a play with it. Let's have a play with the energy in the universe. I want you to look at an area of your life where you have at least two choices on how to move forward. As you begin to practice probably not such a good idea to look at major changes in your life, something smaller to start with. It could be as simple as looking at a menu and decided what to eat. Start small and don't give up. In the early stages of anything new it will feel weird, silly and uncomfortable, but if you have discipline and a little bit of good old tenacity then your efforts will be worth it.

To begin with have you options metaphorically or physically in front of you. I used the technique this morning when I was deciding what to write. My first thought, not a feeling, but my first thought was to work on my third novel The 33rd Sage and the Ancient Ones. I opened the file and sat there looking at the empty page and there was nothing. I typed a few words but soon deleted them. There was just nothing there. It was then that I sat for a moment and stilled my mind. It helped that I was sitting in the garden surrounded by plants and trees and a beautiful blue sky. Still winter in Melbourne it was a bit chilly but I was in touch with nature and I find it easier to still the thoughts of the mind when I am surrounded by trees. It even seems to keep out the noises of cars, trucks and building projects going on in my street. After a few seconds my mind started to become still. If it takes you longer that is okay as I have been doing this technique for many years. Once my mind was still I allowed the feelings to come up from within. In moments a picture appeared of a blank page. My first reaction was that a blank page was what caused the problem in the first place. Then I sent a molecule of my feelings into the blank page and what returned was a feeling of new life. In the early days of my metaphysical training I would have just pushed the feeling aside, not realizing that it was the answer I was looking for. When these feelings come forward try not to judge them because this engages the ego and blocks these wonderful gifts which come from your higher self.

Once I opened a blank page and allowed the feelings and thoughts to flow I was soon looking at these words now before you.

It really is as is simple as that to engage your real feeling centre and allow the higher self to show you where to go. Practice it. Play with it. Make a fool of yourself. Once you get to the stage when you accept the information that comes forward, something happens and you open up a doorway for your higher self to come through more often. To others you may seem like you are in a dream world, but you are in bliss. My partner notices when I go there and she just smiles and lets me be as she knows that I am in my special place and when I return I will be in very positive state.

As with all these techniques practice makes perfect. Don't spend all day practicing them as this would out of a balance. Don't talk to others about what you are doing until you feel comfortable with the technique as it will dissipate the energy.

Have fun with it. Share your experiences on my blog.

Blessings and Peace and may you higher self whisper to you and share its beauty.


A special for all my followers, friends and blog readers. My publisher has offered a special only through my website of the ebook version of The 33rd Sage at $3.99. Take advantage of the offer. Apart from being a modern fable it is filled with teachings that you or your family can use for the rest of your life. Who knows if you are open to the possibilities an old Chinese Sage might just wander into your life?

Go to my website and click on buy the book for this special offer to my friends.

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The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Creativity Is the Way to God

Creativity is the way to God because just as God created us and everything in our universe, it is our opportunity to take our aspect of God and create something which is uniquely ours. Whether it is a musician, painter, sculptor, cook, actor or a writer like myself we all take an aspect of ourselves and express it in our creative medium. It is like we take the smallest essence of our god given talent and imbue it in a new creation.

For me when I hear a violin or the male tenor voice I get so wrapped in the music that there is a moment when the singer, the instrument and myself are no longer separate but become one. It is a feeling that I experience with all of my body but especially in my heart. There is a point where the beauty of what I am experiencing becomes too much and I am beyond time and space and am connected with all things. In those wonderful moments I am brought to tears. It is in these moments that I can understand why God created us as some would say in his own image. It was to allow a part of himself or herself to go beyond their individual aspect and express itself from the Godforce that we all have within.

We do not have to be a great artist or a musician to tap into this creativity. It is there for all of us. When you are sitting on the beach looking at a sunrise or sunset there are moments when you and the sunset are one. You have connected with the creative aspect inside yourself. The sunset itself is beautiful but it is nothing without your experience of it. Everybody has this amazing innate ability to connect and produce their own god like moments of creativity.

All we need to do is still ourselves and allow the magic we have inside all of us to come out.

Blessings and Peace - May your find your own creative spark and light up the world.


A special for all my followers, friends and blog readers. My publisher has offered a special only through my website of the ebook version of The 33rd Sage at $3.99. Take advantage of the offer. Apart from being a modern fable it is filled with teachings that you or your family can use for the rest of your life. Who knows if you are open to the possibilities an old Chinese Sage might just wander into your life?

Go to my website and click on buy the book for this special offer to my friends.

Take a look at my Book Trailer

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Higher Self

Old Chinese was an energy that came through Marshall Lever to teach a group of students who wanted to move beyond the ego and the Earth plane. His teachings required discipline because he believed it was necessary for discipline for the individual to move beyond the ego; for the ego doesn't like discipline because it wants to have its own way. By providing it discipline it tends to quiet and let the higher self come through and around the subconscious mind. This energy from the higher self allows the individual momentary glimpses of the divine. In those moments when we have this connection with the higher self we are connected to all things. The challenge is that as soon as we recognize these moments of pure creativity coming from the higher self; the ego tries to hold on to it, but in the process of hanging on to it, all that is left is the ego and its self importance. Like the Tao the Higher Self is an energy that is indescribable. We have moments of it enlightening our lives or a situation, but because in most cases these moments are so brief we cannot describe them and in the end the higher self withdraws into itself and our ego believes that it does not exist and that it was an epiphany from our own wonderful goodness or intelligence.

You can recognize that it was your higher self because, it is an energy that you cannot put your finger on. You have a wonderful insight and then it is gone; most times you don't even have a memory of what the insight is.
Through discipline, such as meditation, fasting and time spent in nature you can slow down your ego to the point where these insights increase. You can even ask a question and an insight is immediately given; sometimes in the form of a feeling or a single word; sometimes these insights come from something in the outside world such as a sign or a word that would not normally have this effect on you.
Another discipline that allows your higher self to come forward is the discipline of creativity. It would seem funny to use the words creativity and discipline in the same sentence, but to be truly creative, you must have discipline. It is one of those strange quirks of fate that when you are at your most creative, whether a writer, painter, sculptor or anything that is creative, that in that moment of creation your are extremely focused and yet also in a meditative state. People who meditate regularly will tell you that in those moments when you are in your deepest meditation are the moments when you are connected with everything around you. If you want to feel the energy of the higher self then find what is your stick, what it is that drives you creatively. For me I am at my most creative in three situations; firstly when I am writing, secondly when I am teaching spiritual or metaphysical concepts or when I am meditating. In all these situations it is like there is a little voice that I am not aware in my normal life that comes around my subconscious mind and shares its wisdom. The trick I find is not to try and hold on to the little voice, but allow it to share what it needs to share and let it go. When you try to hold onto the little voice or the concept that is coming through it is only your ego which is feeling full of itself as it believes it was the creator of the idea or concept when in reality it comes from the higher self. But I hear you say that if it is from the higher self does that mean that we cannot create by ourselves. My answer to that would be it is the act of creation that we allow a window between ourselves and the higher self. If we could keep our ego out of it and continue in the act of creation like a little child then these moments of connection with the higher self can become longer.

Blessings and Peace - may your higher self give you a hint of its magnificence

A special for all my followers, friends and blog readers. My publisher has offered a special only through my website of the ebook version of The 33rd Sage at $3.99. Take advantage of the offer. Apart from being a modern fable it is filled with teachings that you or your family can use for the rest of your life. Who knows if you are open to the possibilities an old Chines Sage might just wander into your life?

Go to the website and click on buy the book for this special offer to my friends.

Take a look at my Book Trailer

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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Sunday, 19 August 2012

Free Will

The whole concept of free will fascinates me and is one of the main reasons behind me writing the 33rd Sage and sharing the teachings of The Elements of Man.

Many of us believe we have free will; those who are a little more self aware realize that in reality there is no such thing as free will. I know some of my audience will baulk at that comment, but just stop for a moment and think about it.

The definition I would like to use is,  "The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act with one's own discretion." This last bit is where I would like to focus my attention, "...the ability to act with one's own discretion." It is almost like I can hear some of my readers screaming at my blog. "I am alway at the point of choice. I have spent years clearing away all this muck and everyday I make the choices that define me." Yes I am sure you do, but is it Free Will?

The next time you buy food at the supermarket. The next time you buy your beauty or cleaning products. The next book you buy. The next movie you see. Your choice in fashion or even your choice in a partner or friends is it because of Free Will. I would love to say yes, but on balance of a very strong possibility I would have to say no.

The reason I wrote the 33rd Sage was for many reasons, but one in particular was to help people to understand that they look at the world through a bias which has been called the season or Elements. Each of these Elements has a very distinct way of viewing the world and it is because of this world view that we make many of the decisions and take many of the actions that we do in our life. These inherited, incarnated or genetic predispositions blinker the way we see the world. Add to this the fact that our senses including our sight and hearing are not that good at seeing and hearing what's really there. Add to this that in the first few years of our life we are a sponge and take in all types of ideas from our parents, media and friends which give us an even smaller world view and by the time we are a teenager we see the world as we are programmed and not necessarily how it is.

As you wander through the day making countless free will decisions, stop and reflect on whether you are making these decisions out of free will or preprogramming. When you order that chocolate bar and the first taste sends you into that short state of ecstasy is it because you chose it out of free will, or are you addicted to the chocolate or sugar or does it remind you of a time when you were young and innocent or maybe you shared this chocolate with your first love or maybe it was given to you as a reward by your mother, teacher or whatever for being good. Now you associate chocolate with being good and when you are a little down you reward yourself. Chocolate was always my weakness. I always wanted to be a good boy and my reward was chocolate.

For me the word Enlightenment was alway a fun word. I would love to watch as all these Holly Molly Enlightened beings who would parade their cleverness when I have met many of them on my spiritual journeys. They could recite the bible, the Tao, Buddhist teachings and yet for the most part they were some of the most heavy spirited individuals I have come into contact with; some were so anal retentive that could not see there was any other way than theirs.

For me Enlightenment always meant to lighten up. To be Enlightened there always needs to be a lightness of being. Your teachings or studies can help to point the way, but in the end you have to be the way.
Enlightenment is about becoming lighter and this means to remove the biases that we currently have and this will give us a better chance of seeing the world as it really is. Eventually we will stop using the organs that have their own built in biases such as the eyes, ears or even our touch and begin to use the organ that allows us to see everything as it is.

This short journey from our mind to our heart is the true meaning of the spiritual journey; the journey within. The heart unencumbered by our prejudices sees the beauty and connectedness in all things.

After twenty eight years on this my spiritual journey I still don't have free will, and every day I make judgements of others and myself and yet I am lighter in spirit now than I have ever been.

When you really want to make a choice that is yours, go into your heart and allow your real decision to come forward.

Blessings and Peace. May the lightness of your being shine its light for all to see.

Take a look at my Book Trailer

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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Saturday, 18 August 2012

The Energy Behind the Form

"The key to understanding and fully appreciating all life is to see the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary," said the old sage. "Go into any hospital and watch a surgeon performing miracles with his knife and we are left in awe of his abilities. The same person does these operations over and over and for him they ordinary everyday occurrences. As very young children we can see the extraordinary in many situations, our first cup of coffee; a new ball; a new bike; the list is endless. We become too trapped in our habits to see the magic in the mundane. I hope in our time together that you can once again see with new eyes, eyes that reveal more than we have come to expect."
    These were the words that greeted Conway, my character in the 33rd Sage, as he wiped the sticky sleep from his eyes.
    "Try today to see the newness in everything that you do. Reach for the magic in everything. If you believe, it will be there for you."
    Rising from his bed, he felt the stiffness in his body. This was something he had experienced for many years, but these days he took little notice, relieving it with a warm shower. He had pictures of rust in the joints and the water was the oil that allowed the joints to move freely. What caused the stiffness? He wasn't sure, but it was probably a build up of lactic acid that required some movement or heat to move it from the joints. He started to think about how the blood was flowing more quickly through the body; now he was moving; through the mechanical heart that kept on beating even while he slept; how the body was in a continual state of dying and rebuilding.
    Chung Fu was right; he had forgotten how to see the magic in the world around him.
    Chung Fu handed him a cup of coffee. The smell was heightened by the newness of it. Had a coffee ever smelt this good; it was the smell and the sharp bitter taste, which first drew him to the beverage, but after so many years and so many coffees; the smell and the taste were something that he had religiously every morning?
But this was different. This was new. He held the white porcelain cup and imagined the time it would have taken and the care to mould this cup into its present shape. His picture was of an old, skilled artisan who put love and care into everything he made. The key to his livingness was to give the best of himself in the making of every article. He could also feel presence of the artist in the fine texture of the cup. The first sip of coffee took Conway to the hills where it was grown. He had become a coffee bean waiting to be picked. Life was a continuum of shifting focus. What became habitual was ordinary, and what was new was filled with magic; by changing his focus ever so slightly he could once again see the magic in the mundane.
    He hoped he would never take anything for granted again, but knew that he would. The difference was that every now and again he would re-experience the extraordinary in the ordinary.
    Even as Old Chinese spoke, Conway watched the magic as the voice came from his lips, words which he understood. What an extraordinary thing the voice was, and the words and language it brought forward. The old man’s voice, his words, were English but with more than a hint of Chinese inflection. Conway watched as the old man’s mouth changed, mirroring the vowels that came forward. His old face lined and marked, changing to express his thoughts and feelings; his arms and hands moved when expressing a point of view or a flourish to add drama to a sentence. The closer he watched the more he could see. The creases in Chung Fu’s face opened and closed, as if they were also mouths offering their own words; his hands forever moving, as he reinforced his stories, creating paintings in the air. Watching just his hands you could get a sense of what he was saying, if not the exact words. When he made a strong emotional point, his hand would cut the air like a knife and when the words described something that was closed off, his fists tightened, strangling whatever blood was left in the veins on the back of his hands.
    The more Conway looked, the more he could see. Beyond the arm waving, he could see the lines and liver spots on the back of Chung Fu’s hands. The deeper Conway looked the deeper he fell. Chung Fu’s whole body was sending out signals. The voice was one level of communication but beyond there were many others, levels we do not even consciously think of. Below the physical level was the level of the aura, where there was even more to be experienced. He had not seen an aura before, but here in front of him were clouds of colour wrapping themselves around the old man's body. As the old man’s mood changed so did the colours: one minute surrounded by blue and violet, the next swirls of red and orange raced around like stairs up a lighthouse. Beyond the colours there was something deeper, more subtle, the originator of the electrical charge that surrounded the body. Its origin was so subtle he had to close his eyes to be able to sense it; his eyes were too gross to sense anything so subtle. With his eyes closed, Conway could feel the energy. He tried to feel what it was telling him, but he could not get any words, only a feeling of one whom was living his life’s purpose. He opened his eyes in the hope of seeing the feeling, but was greeted with swirls of emotional colour encapsulating the old man. He pulled back, the colours disappeared, replaced by the grinning face of Chung Fu.
    "You have seen the energy behind the form. No one can trick you any more. If you focus like you just have, then everyone will be open to you, like a book waiting to be read. Remember to look for the energy beyond the form. First, you must still yourself. Put yourself in a position of none judgment and then allow your own inner sight to lead you to where it knows to go. Do not try to force it, because then it will be coloured by your expectations... It doesn't just have to be with humans that you can use this technique. It is just as successful to use them with animals or plants or rocks. Allow yourself to become an empty space; this will allow the perceptions of the energy behind the form to become one with you, and through your own feelings you will get a strong sense of what is being given out by the other party, whether they be, human, animal or plant. The whole of life is interrelated; by becoming the pause between the notes you can tap into all God's creations."

Today, stop for a moment and experience the energy behind the form. See, do, touch, think or feel something in a way that you have never experienced it before. My old Chinese teacher taught me how to put a molecule of my own feelings into a situation, so that I could feel it for for what it is rather than what it appears to be. This feeling tone allows you to experience the energy beyond the form. At first it will feel silly and uncomfortable, but persevere and soon you will have the ability to see the energy behind any situation. I have used it when I have met people for the first time or when I am in a new situation or walking down the streets of a town or city I have never been to before. When the feeling returns with a negative response I avoid the person or situation. When I get a positive response I know that I can easily move forward.

Of all the techniques that my old Chinese teacher taught me, this was certainly one of the best. Imagine being able to send a molecule of yourself into any situation and knowing if it was appropriate to move forward. If I had known this when I was younger I would have never made some horrible mistakes, such as buying timeshare and many others I would not admit to in these blogs; for you never knows who might be reading them.

Take a look at my Book Trailer

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

The Power of Forgiveness

 The Power of Forgiveness 

One of the most powerful teachings that I ever received from my old Chinese teacher was the Power of Forgiveness. 

How many of us have people or things in our past which have hurt us. Pain which we cannot forget or forgive. These people deserve our rage for what they have done to us. But who are we really hurting. By holding the anger within ourselves we are still being hurt by their actions. I once read a sign which said, 'Holding a Grudge is Like Letting Someone Live Rent Free in your Head.' This sign brought home to me the need to forgive everyone who has trespassed against us and in an earlier part of the Lord's Prayer it says that we should also forgive us our own trespasses. This is not a blog on religion as each of the great religions talk about the power of forgiveness.

I use the word power not in the sense of power over others, but we have the power to release ourselves from the thoughts and hurts of others. It is not until you are able to forgive everyone that you are truly free. This does not mean that you have to accept the misdeeds of others, but if you cannot forgive them then you will carry them with you forever.

There was an old mystic who once said that he who is without sin can cast the first stone. We have all done things that in hindsight that were not for our highest good, but rather dwell on these we should forgive ourselves and release them.

These few quotes do far more than any pages I could write.

Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it
Mark Twain

The Power of Forgiveness. Forgive people who have upset you and you release them and free a part of you for a more creative purpose.
Geof  Spalding

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself
Suzanne Somers

Forgiveness is the final form of love.
Reinhold Neihbur

The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage & the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The Four Centred Disciplines

The Four Centred Disciplines

I am going to take a break from writing blogs for a couple of weeks while I work on my third book in the 33rd Sage trilogy. I hope you have enjoyed the blogs of the Elements of Man and in a few weeks I will return with some new and exciting blogs and hopefully news on the publication date for the 33rd Sage and the Initiate. In the meantime please enjoy the following parable and the teaching on the four centred disciplines. For those who have read the 33rd Sage, now might be a good time to revisit it as the lessons learnt from reading the Elements will transform your next reading.

Blessings and Peace to you all and may the Godforce that lives inside you point you in the direction of your bliss.

In Old China an emperor called his advisors to him and asked, "Who am I?" They said, "You are the Sun, the light, you are the essence."
"Why do you do what I ask," said the emperor? They answered, "Because you are God and we are followers of God."
"If I am God, then I must be all-powerful," said the emperor, and the advisors said, "That is true."
The emperor asked again, "Why do you do the things I ask you?" The advisors said, Because you are God."
"Why do you not just not do them?"
"Because you would have us put to death."
The emperor realized that there was fear. He said, "If I am God, why does not the flower grow where I ask it?" The wise men said, "We will plant it where you want it."
"Why does it not rain when I want it to rain?" The wise men said, "It does not rain because when you want it to rain, that is not what you really want."
The emperor walked away into his garden and looked at the flowers and the birds; he looked at the small stream, at the little fish within it. He saw butterflies and the greenness of the grass, and the softness of the moss. He thought, if I am God, why did I not create this? What is real? I am only God to the people, not to the plants, or the flowers or birds. If there is a God, there must be a God of all; but the flowers do not follow anyone; they do not go here or there for fear of dying. The butterfly does not fear the frog as it flies by, even though the frog will eat it. What is reality?
He returned to the palace and said to his advisors, "What is real. What is true? What is reality?
In your world there is much beauty. But the beauty that you see, hear, touch or taste is only a particle of the beauty that lies around you. In your world are four disciplines that will allow you to find reality.

1. Physical Discipline 
First is a physical discipline, not exercise of the body, but being proud of what you are, and not of what you want to be. The discipline of being able to look at yourself in a stream or mirror and say, I am proud of what I am. Controlling the body and it's movements and not allowing it to move you is a discipline, realizing that you are a carriage that has within a most important rider.
Physical discipline means walking straight and sitting straight, knowing that when you cross a leg or an arm to someone, you are limiting communication. Physical discipline means not running or hurrying; physical discipline means knowing your body, it's muscles, it's bone. It means exercise, not in a religious sense but realizing that you are the God Force, that your body is what it should be and being proud of it.

2. Health Discipline
Foremost within that is respecting yourself. Above respecting all things is respecting yourself. You cannot respect other things without first respecting yourself, healthwise. The foods that Old Chinese suggests are not prescribed by a religion or a discipline. Old Chinese does not suggest that you should not eat meat because it will get you to your higher self, or from this plane faster. There is no diet, no choice of food for a specific, moralistic cause that will get you closer to your higher self.
We know that you are herbivorous and so meat is foreign to your system. There is no needed to worry about the killing of animals. Since there is no death of anything, you should not worry about it. Old Chinese suggest no meat because it causes damage in your body. Meat eliminates calcium from your system, and many other things. The reason for eliminating root vegetables is that the cellulose in them interferes with the correct digestion of carbohydrates.
The food, diet or health you choose should respect your body first. Of secondary importance is the evolution of spirit within the food, but first is evolution of spirit within yourself. Health discipline is the realization that each and everything that is wrong in your body, or that feels wrong with it, is a mental though form. There are no I curable diseases, only incur able people.
You can learn through the discipline of health that when you have a soreness or a congestion, it is because of your though patterns, because of dealing with a person or a resentment. Thought becomes a very important governor of your disciplined health perspective. Eating sugar and salt are equivalent to eating sand; and gluten flour, or anything that contains it, interferes with assimilation of vitamins in most personages.
Respecting yourself nutritionally is not some faddistic religion, not saying I am doing this so will be better than that person. You are doing this because you respect yourself, and you respect yourself because you are the God Force within you. You are your own reality, and so, by respecting yourself, you recognize what the emperor did not. It is easier for a person who is working on their spiritual evolution, or in essence is trying to come in tune.

3. Harmony
In-tuneness means the ability to perceive, to feel to hear, to touch, to taste everything at each and every moment of the day. This is in-tuneness with everything that is going on around you. When the musical instrument is in tune, it plays a harmonious chord. It is pleasing, it is awareness of what is around, and it allows others to feel harmonious. In tune is to be harmonious with all your surroundings.
It is easier for you to be out of tune in your world, than it is to be in tune. More on your world are inharmonious than in tune. It is easier for you not to have a nutritional body, than have a nutritional body. Most people in your world complain or have something wrong with them. That way, if you are like them, nothing is wrong.
Your world thinks that if you at spiritually disciplining yourself, you should be free from disease. That is not true, for the more in tune you become with your nutrition, the more out of tune those around you will feel. They will centre on you, and find every little thing you are reacting to. Before, when someone said to you, "You are not too smart in certain parts," You would have laughed. Now, like a finely tuned instrument, just a little outward vibration can cause you to come out of tune and play a disharmonious chord. It is easier for you to not be in tune. Those who strive for spiritual nutritional health are like fish out of water. In the water it is easy, but once out of your environment, out of what everyone else is doing, you become not very important.
A harmonious person is one that is aware of everything around them and does not combat things. If someone comes to you in an inharmonious way, and you react to them in an inharmonious way, you only create disharmony. The Nazarene once said, "Resist not evil." Your world thought that meant something else. It meant when evil, or negativity comes to you, do not fight it. If you fight it, you create war, dissension. Relax. Be as the rock on the shore as the wave lashes against it - stand firm - and when the tide goes out, the rock stands alone, beautiful. Watch those things that are thrown in, do not try to combat, or jump against the wave.
Your world finds great disharmony; it is the world of disharmony, or the university of disharmony. In reality, disharmony is one of the great dilemmas of your physical plane. How harmonious are you to yourself? - not to those around you; to yourself. Do you feel the new morning? Do you touch the wind?

4. Balance
The fourth discipline is balance; balance of self. In Old China, there was a teacher who told the student, "If you relax or meditate for four to five minutes each day, you would find great things happening."
The student was enlightened and found that it caused an ecstasy. He returned to the teacher and said, "I was so delighted with the results that I am now meditating twenty four hours a day. And the teacher said, "You are unbalanced."
The person who meditates half a second a day is unbalanced. Those who sleep twelve hours a day are as unbalanced as those who try to maintain on two hours of sleep. Those who eat constantly are unbalanced, as are those who eat not at all.
You have come to be within your world, not to escape it. You have reincarnated to be a part if your world, not to be a recluse, a monk, a mystic or hermit; not to withdraw from community or institutional situations, but to live in your world. By living in it you can maintain a balance. Those who can walk on hot stones, or levitate for hours, or, at a breath, can cause a tree to change from here to there; they too are unbalanced. Why do you need to know how to walk on coals? And what will levitation do for you? It may cause you a nosebleed if it goes too high.
You must have a little imbalance within balance. Approximately 3200 years ago, the creation of yin-yang developed in China, to create a balance of spiritual essence and military difficulties. You should watch this theory that puts negative before positive, and remember, he who walks the middle of the road gets hit from both directions.
Consider your eyes: if your right eye saw equally as your left eye, you could not see. If your left ear hear as equally as the right, you could not hear. If your right arm had the same strength as your left arm, there would be inertia. The same strength in the right and left leg would cause inertia. There must be a little imbalance within the balance. Instead of walking down the middle of your path, go from side to side and you will experience energies of either side without getting off the path.
How do you maintain balance in an unbalanced world? How do you ride a muddy water buffalo? Or shake hands with a tiger? Each individual cries out for balance within, for solitude; not a twenty four hour solitude. Each individual needs no more than one minute per hour of the day, and you can balance. But how? When you fight the subconscious  or the would so hard. Consider these things: First, the higher self projects through you outwardly. Energy comes through you from the higher self, which is a combination of all you are or have been, the God Force. There is no energy returned to it. This is a one-way energy path.
Second, as long as you act subconsciously, energy will try to come through the subconscious mind, which is like trying to pick rice in a rainstorm. The energy - or the power, or the inspiration or the light from the higher self - that activates the subconscious, controlling all of your movements, feelings and moods, will cause impulse instead of intuition. It will cause doubt instead of faith; it will cause negativity. By disciplining yourself for twenty four minutes, you can relax the subconscious and the higher self will circumvent it, bypassing it.

Chung Fu
May the infinite self inside each of you reach out today and touch deeply the heart of another. A new age mystic once said, "Love is the answer, Love is the key."
Take a look at my Book Trailer 

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Elements of Creation

The Elements of Creation 

The idea of the point of power or the point of choice, that moment when you can make a decision that will change the rest of your life has always fascinated me. When we commit to a course of action what effect does it have on the world? What happens to the other choices we could have made?

When we reach a point of choice. How much does our emotional state effect what happens beyond the point of choice? Can we create the life we want to live?

For many years I have tried to learn as much about the topic as possible. The journey has led me to ancient manuscripts around the world, to physics through quantum mechanics and the multiple universe theory, to hundreds of mystics and teachers who could throw any light on the subject.

Now I believe it is time to start sharing some of what I have learned in the hope that others who are following the path or about to step onto it spend far less than fifteen years or twenty years or even a lifetime trying to gain this understanding. A teacher should be able to allow his students to step on his shoulders and wish them luck as they go beyond him. For it is only through teaching that you can truly master the subject. As my old teacher said, “We teach what we need to know. Once we master something it is time to move on, because we no longer benefit the student or ourselves through our teaching. A real master touches people as he moves anonymously passed them and changes them forever. The master understands that in the quietness everything is possible.” If I had understood what he meant in those four lines I could have saved myself many years on the path.

Thought creates reality is something I have believed in for a long time. I believe that we create the world that we live in. That the world around is only a mirror of what we are experiencing on the inside. Even the latest research points to our words and feelings effecting our DNA. While I still believe that our thoughts create our reality there has always been something missing. I have been able to change my life, moving from a fairly negative existence to one of a fairly happy and creative life. Once dyslexic, reading and writing forever a struggle, I now find my passion in writing and inspiring others. And yet there has always been something missing. Not that the concept of thought creates reality was wrong but more that it was not the whole picture.

One thing that always amazes me is that the information that you are searching for has generally been with you a long time before you actually realise its importance. It is a bit like buying a book because the subject interested you, only to put it aside. Then one day, months or even years later you pick up the book and start reading it and it answers the questions that you currently have in your mind. In some way we have an ability to know our possible futures. To slip past the bounds of time and buy a book that will give us the answer in the future. 

“Right place right time,” as my old teacher used to say. "Walk don’t run and you will always be in the right place at the right time." While studying and researching into the idea that our thoughts create our reality I had at the same time been studying an old ancient Chinese understanding of the seasons within nature and within mankind. Two wonderful teachers taught me this skill. One an architect/dancer who studied in an old Chinese mystical circle and the second the old Chinese master I met on the beach in Bali. The architect taught me about the theory of the cycles within man and nature and the old master taught me through practice. As I have said previously, he would make me sit for hours in the snow or on a beach on a hot summer’s day and learn from the elements themselves; he taught me about the cycles within man and mankind. How man is like the seasons and that to understand the seasons in nature you could understand the different personality types or cycles within mankind. Studying both these topics side by side I did not see their connection.

It was not until I was reflecting on some of the things that I had created in my life. Sometimes it was easy to create and other times it did not matter how much work I did or belief I had in it nothing seemed to happen. I had read all the books by the experts in creating you future, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and Anthony Robbins to name but a few. I had done all the workshops and as usual I was fired up for a couple or days or weeks about what I had learnt and would put them into action, but that passion soon faded and some of my creations stalled.

Sometimes they failed because it was not the right time; others failed because they were honestly crap. But there were others, which failed, and I was sure I had done everything right. I had visualised what I wanted to create. I had the desire for it. I took action to complete it or show the universe and its inhabitants that I was serious about it. But nothing. I knew as an intuition, a feeling that there was a component missing. It is funny how even the last sentence which was written unconsciously; as the words flowed from what sometime’s appears as my conscious mind but was in reality from the deeper place; a place which was showing me why some of my attempts had failed. Some of you who are reading this will have already picked up on what was missing, but alas I was not so clever. So let me share with you the story of how the penny dropped for me.

I was sitting in a workshop listening to Gregg Bradden give a lecture on …….. And he was talking about the power of feelings and how feelings can connect our heart to our head. He was giving me the answer then of what was missing for me in creating the life that I wanted, but I was not ready or able to hear. He talked about the four forces in the universe and how science has been trying to find a way of tying them all together into one unified field. He talked about the four parts to the DNA. He talked about feelings having the ability to change our DNA. He spoke of the importance of the heart and feelings. He talked about the connection between the heart and the brain and yet I still did not hear him.

In the afternoon break I was in the toilet and a friend shared the urinal with me. He asked me how I was enjoying the seminar. We chatted for a few brief moments, then washed our hands. As we were leaving to go back to the seminar, he said to me that the unified field theory was just another way of looking at the elements. The elements which I had taught him about in conversations and through my book the sage. He said the ether was no more than a combination of the elements, just like the unified field force was a combination of Gravity, Electromagnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces. It was nothing I had not thought intellectually and I was congratulating him on his insight when all of a sudden I was hit with that moment of epiphany. Creation, the source of all that there is just a combination of all the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. There could not be creation without all these elements being present. My years of  training of two different lines of thought or study had crossed over each other at that very moment and I had a number of wonderful revelations. To create what you want you need to have all these elements present. By bringing these elements together in the right amount you collapse the reality from the ether. You collapse one of the many possibilities into reality. We create through our inner combinations of these elements.

I could see that most of what I had created which had failed had one of the four components missing. Just like nature follows the seasons, we need to go through the seasons when we create something. We need the Fire of Winter. The Water of  Spring. The Air of the Summer and the Earth of the Autumn. Everything in nature follows this fourfold process right down to our very DNA. If feeling which is the water in the fourfold process is proven to effect our very DNA then what effect could all the elements have on the very fabric of the universe itself.

How could I have missed the four-step process in creation? I had recognised it in many other aspects of life. I am not saying that I should spend more time talking to people in toilets. It is the realisation that if you are open then the answer can come from anywhere. Sometimes our best teachers are the not the great masters, but the moments and the people we come into contact with in any moment of our life. Life has an amazing way of mirroring back to us what we focus on within.

If you want to take charge and create the life you want it is as simple as the following fours steps. 

Step 1 Fire – Create the Vision
Step 2 Water – Feel the Feeling
Step 3 Air – Create the Plan
Step 4 Earth – Take Action

These four substances come together to form what the ancients called the ether which is the energy, the Chi, the life force within all things. If any part of the cyclical process is missing then what you want to create becomes just another wasted thought. It is through the combination that we contact the substance the ancients call the ether, it is this substance that is within all things. It is as though we do not create the object of our desire it is more that we collapse it into reality. It is as if it was already one of the infinite possibilities and we have collapsed it into reality. Many of the teachers of manifestation tell you to imagine that you already have the object of your desire. To a certain point this is correct, but in reality you do not have to imagine that it does exist because it already does amongst the infinite possibilities that we can choose.

If you have read my first book “The 33rd Sage,” or have been following this blog on the Elements you will already have an understanding of the cycles within man and mankind. For those who haven’t, please read back over the blog or better than that buy a copy of my book, as the story itself was written so that whenever you read it, it seems as if the story is different. This is because each time you read it you come to it with a deeper understanding of the Elements and the cycles within man and mankind. 

 I am going to finish the blog there because in reality you have all you need to create the future that you want. For some of you there will be epiphany’s going off all over the place. For the others, you think you need more and I could have written a book about it, but it is a simple concept. If you follow the seasons and ensure that each of the elements are used then you can create the future you want.

Creating your future is as easy walking from the winter, to the spring, onto the summer and then to the fall.

Blessings and peace to you all and may the living spirit within all things offer up their teachings to you.

Take a look at my Book Trailer 

The 33rd Sage is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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