Friday, 20 December 2013

Winter Solstice

The 33 Sages of the Plum Red Robes were an order of Old Chinese Taoist monks who lived over 2500 years ago. The Taoist sages revered the Winter Solstice as their most sacred day of the year. The Winter Solstice marked the longest night of the year, where the sun is then reborn, bringing in a new energy.

The sages travelled the countryside, walking from village to village, teaching and healing people and helping in whatever way they could. They had great wisdom and had reached that elusive point in their knowledge that many on the inner journey strive for: an ego-less state of spirituality and consciousness where one's sense of self and the eternal nature of things are one. The sages were greatly revered.

It was their tradition to go out and travel the land and teach; they all knew it was important for them to live with the Elements. Some taught agriculture and animal husbandry, while others taught writing, painting, and literature; still others were knowledgable in matters of science and astronomy, and there were those like the 33rd Sage who were healers and spiritual teachers. Each travelled and taught what they knew, but all taught their students about the inner journey. 

It was their tradition for all 33 Sages to return to the monastery in time for the Winter Solstice, which was the most spiritual and sacred time of the year. It marked the lowest ebb of the old sun and heralded in the birth of the new. From the 19th through to the 23rd they would perform a wonderful ceremony. Over these days the sages would drink plum wine, while one of their order would take it in turn to bang bone knockers on a table. Each glass of wine would be followed by a glass of water. The sages did not get drunk and some would have you believe that during the ceremony they would travel of into other worlds and dimensions to receive teachings of their own. 

The Winter Solstice is a special time to throw of the cloaks of the old year and look with joy at the year to come.

I ask you all at this time to raise a glass of plum wine to celebrate your year to come and also to say thanks to the year just gone.

As a special gift for all my friends I am offering you a copy of my next book 'The Way of the Initiate,' which is to be published in Feb 2014. All you have to do is go to either of my websites and send a message to the Author. 

Blessings and Peace