Friday, 22 March 2013
Connect with the Wisdom of your Higher Self - Part 2
As I said in my previous post the information or guidance from the Higher Self can take many different forms. In the early stage when we are not really open to the words, feelings and pictures from our Higher Self, much of this guidance can come from something in the world outside ourselves. Things such as a book that falls of a shelf; the sign on a bus driving past or the words of a stranger. There are an infinite number of ways that the information can come to us.
The key is to be open to the information when it presents itself. In the early stage of your journey you will miss much of the information from the Higher Self because of the influence of your ego/subconscious mind and you will misinterpret what you have seen heard or felt. Don't lose heart, it is like learning any new skill, it takes time. Even now after 30 years I still miss the messages.
At the moment I am going through a flat spot in many areas of my life, whereas in others, especially creatively, things are great. I was walking the dogs early in the morning when I asked the question of why things were not working as well as normal or in the flow as I call it. No sooner than two minutes had passed when along came a tram with a large sign on the side which said Convert Your Thinking. As I reflected on that sign I realized that in the areas of my life that were not working I had allowed negative thoughts to appear and my outer world was only reflecting what I was experiencing on the inside. It was time to convert my thoughts. Obviously the best way to do that is only have positive thoughts, but for most of us that is impossible; so if your are like me and the odd negative thought creeps in then immediately replace it with something positive. A simple example of this was this was when I was at the park with the dogs and a woman let her dog loose and it ran around annoying all the other dogs, while she proceeded to talk on the phone and ignore the dog. I found myself judging her and the lack of discipline for her dog. It was a small judgment but one of many that I had been letting creep into my life. Rather than deny what I had just done I converted my thinking by looking at the positive and saw that she was taking her dog out for exercise and socializing. Who knows what else was going in her life and who was I to judge. The moment I changed my energy the dog relaxed and seemed to be more social and less annoying and became one of the pack.
Interesting. How many times in a day do we have these negative thoughts? And so what I hear you say, they are not hurting anyone, but in fact they are hurting you the thinker of these thoughts because they begin to create a world where more and more seems to be negative. So rather than see the immense beauty this world has to offer we see only weeds. Convert your thinking by changing a negative into a positive. When you see something negative look for the positive within it. If your are open the positive is always there.
To me the first step on my journey was to realize that there is an energy within all things and this energy never dies. To look at this topic I have chosen a section of my upcoming book (The Way of the Initiate) when the young disfigured boys goes off on the apprenticeship with the old Chinese sage.
After a long walk, the Sage and his new apprentice stopped to make camp by a river. The sun was beginning to set and the air around them was beginning to cool rapidly, as it was the night before the Winter Solstice. They set about creating a fire to warm themselves. The crackling of the fire was a good sound that highlighted the beauty of the element of Fire. In a balance, it could keep you warm and provide life, but out of a balance it could destroy, as the young boy had already experienced many years ago. In their time together, the old sage would teach the boy many things, but the most important teaching would be to understand and work with the power of the Elements.
They had not talked at all during the day, both preferring to keep to their own counsel, which for a young boy would normally be very difficult; but this young boy was different. On their journey, he watched the forest coming to life and how the different animals and insects appeared at different times during the day. Each of the creatures of the forest seemed to have their own cycle of when to be active and when to rest. The dragonflies that had landed on his shoulders in the village had seemed to follow him throughout the day, and every now and again they would appear in tandem to keep up his spirits. The long walk had been tiring, but on an emotional level he felt a joy he had not felt in years. He did not want to dwell on it, though, as it would have made him remember his parents and the pain of losing them, which was still very much alive. Better he enjoyed what the day and the forest had to offer.
The old sage prepared for them a simple meal of rice and the few vegetables that they were given by the people of the village. It was enough food to last them a few days, but the old sage was not worried; nature always seemed to provide what was needed.
They were eating in silence when it was broken by the gentle tones of the young boy's voice. "What do I call you?"
The old man smiled; he was not used to having company and had never really thought about introducing himself. "My Name is Chung Fu. It was the name given by my old master when I was about your age. It is the 61st hexagram of the I Ching, and it means ‘Inner Truth’. I suppose we will have to give you a new name, a name that will represent this new journey that you are on. I have thought long and hard about what we should call you, and the same name or picture kept appearing to me all day. It was a picture of a fire, a fire that was here to warm the world. From this day forward, you will be known as Huo shi wennuan: 'The Fire that Warms’.”
The young boy nodded to the sage; he could not speak, as his eyes had filled up with tears. Although it was a great honor to be given a name by an old sage, the name itself brought back memories of that fateful day when his parents died in the fire. He sat with his head bowed, reliving the horrible event as more tears escaped from his eyes, coming in ever increasing volume. Then there were the sighs of grief upon the realization that he would never see his parents again.
The old sage, who had the gift of inner sight, understood what the boy was feeling; he could see it in the astral field that surrounded his body. "Nothing ever dies," he said with such gentleness and tenderness that the boy could not help but look up into the eyes of the old sage, who was also crying. He could feel the young boy's pain, and he wished he could just wish it away, but as in everything, there is and was a teaching.
"What do you mean, ‘nothing ever dies’?" said the young man as he wiped the tears and snot from his face.
"Tell me about you parents. Can you describe them?"
The tears flowed again as the young boy described his parents. He described them in such detail and with such emotion that the old sage could see that they were still alive in his heart. They were the sort of memories that would never die; memories filled with emotion, memories that lived forever.
"That is good. The memories you have will be with you always, but just like your memories, the energy that is your parents will never die. Their physical bodies may no longer exist, but their eternal, immortal, and infinite spirit will live on forever." The boy looked a little confused, so the sage changed tack. "Put your hand up in front of your face. Now move it away from your face, slowly, so that you are still looking at it as it moves away from your face. Now I want you to soften your sight; don't look at your hand directly, but almost look at it out of the corner of your eye. What do you see?"
The boy did as the sage told him. He held the hand in front of his face, then as he began to move it away from his face, he softened his look and turned his head slightly, as if trying to perceive it without his direct vision. At first he saw nothing, but then his focus changed to the point where he was not concentrating too hard or too little. Then it happened. At first it scared him, then it disappeared. He tried again, but in the trying, nothing appeared. Without really knowing what he was really doing or why he was doing it, he released the need to see - and of course, the moment he released it was the moment it reappeared. Watching his hand and moving it ever so slightly, he could see the aura as it wrapped itself around his hand. Even as he moved his hand, the aura changed shape but stayed with him.
"That is the energy that some called God; others call it the Tao. It is the energy that gives life to all things, and when our physical bodies die, this energy moves on." He picked up a rock and held it out to the boy. "Even this rock has the same energy running through it. Once you realize that this energy is in all things will be the moment you begin to realize that you are a part of all things. You will begin to see that you and the Great Tao are one. It will also be the moment when you realize that the word ‘Tao’ is only a pale rendition for the energy itself, for the Tao is unknowable and indescribable. It is everything, and again it is nothing; it is the highest, and also the lowest. It is the 'I am that I am.'
"Now, lift both your hands up and put them in front of your eyes. Put your pointer fingers a couple of inches apart, hold them there for a moment, then move them a little closer. Use the same soft vision that you used when you were looking at your hand. Relax, and allow the magic to happen."
The young boy did as he was told. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, then almost involuntarily he took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then breathed out. A smile lit up his face as first he saw the energy envelop each of his fingers, then shoot from the finger on his right hand and connect with the energy in his left hand. For the next two minutes, he played with the energy, watching it dance between his hands. The more he played with it, the stronger the energy became.
The dragonflies that had followed the young boy on his journey moved closer to the light and became part of the game. Seeming to sense the energy passing between Huo's fingers, the dragonflies played their own game, spiraling in and out of the energy that connected his hands. There was a moment when the aura of the dragonflies connected with Huo's aura. It lasted only a few seconds, but in those seconds Huo felt a strong connection with the dragonflies, so strong that it not only enveloped the boy and the dragonflies, but the fire, the old sage, and everything within a hundred metres as well.
The old sage smiled to himself; he had chosen well. Huo was the one who would eventually take over his role as the 33rd Sage; already he was connected at a deeper level with the Tao or Godforce than any other child he had ever seen. His biggest challenge was to go beyond the ego and see the death of his parents for what it really was, but there was plenty of time for that. It would not be easy, but there would come a point in the teaching where Huo would be able to pull back from the ego's view of the world and see his and his parents’ lives from an infinite view; by being able to detach, he could allow the healing process to occur.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the teachings imbedded in it. For next couple of days why not practicing seeing the energy that exists in all things and play around with the exercises in the story above. When I first tried I almost collapsed in shock when I could clearly see the energy around a tree and then around a person. It was the day I opened up to this wonderful quest I am on.
Blessings and peace and my you spiritual journey always be playful and filled with joy.
The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
The Way of the Initiate will be published mid 2013
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Thursday, 21 March 2013
Connect with the Wisdom of your Higher Self - Part 1
Thirty two years ago, I had chronic fatigue syndrome, and overnight was transformed from a high class athlete and company executive to someone who could barely stay awake more than an hour at a time. Through strange circumstances, I met a teacher who taught me about the Taoist teachings of an old Chinese man. He said that if I listened intently to the teachings and lived with them, there would be a day when I would look at someone and truly know them. I would understand instantly their emotional pattern, their health patterns and even know what words to use to communicate to them in their own language (much of which I share in my first book the 33rd Sage).
After three years of studying these techniques, I met an old Chinese sage on a beach in Bali who became my mentor and taught me a deeper understanding of man and the seasons. He would make me sit for hours at a time in the snow or on the beach on a hot summer's day so that I could see how the seasons changed from moment to moment and day to day. By watching the seasons, I gradually came to understand these same cycles within man and mankind.
The old Chinese sage sent me on a quest. The quest was to research the real story of Jesus and the Holy Graal and in the process I discovered more about who I was and set me on the search for my Higher Self. This quest took me on many adventures across many lands, and although my old Chinese friend is no longer there to guide me, the quest continues. My book 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' is a fictionalized version of that journey. On the cover is a set of stairs which lead up to an open doorway to the light. For me this was representative of the Initiate's journey or the journey to the higher self. It is a journey that anyone can take and a journey where the door is always open. This is not a journey that needs to take place in a mystery school or under the guidance of a guru; in many cases these teachers and teachers can stop you from discovering that to connect with your Higher Self or become the initiate you need to eventually go alone on the inner journey.
The first thing that you need to do is commit to the adventure which is just another word for Initiation. By having the courage to commit to a life where what is around the corner is unknown your next step will appear as if by magic. I say that because every one of us has a different and individual path to connect with the wisdom of our Higher Self. In these writings I will share some of the steps that I have taken on my journey, but remember they are not your steps; you may find that your journey will take you in a completely different direction.
If you feel attracted to some of the steps I share, then work with them but engage with them in your own way. All the time checking in with your feelings to decide whether it is right for you. When I use the term feelings I am not talking about emotion; emotion is the reaction to where we put our focused attention. When I talk about feeling I mean the energy that is expressed by all things. Everything in the universe, whether it be human, animal, mineral or even a situation gives off a feeling tone. When you come into any situation where you are not sure, simply go into your feeling centre and see what feeling arises in you. If you have a strong positive feeling move forward. When you have a strong negative feeling withdraw and in the case of a feeling that is neither positive or negative, stay where you are and wait for more information. Generally in these cases it is because you do not have all the information, so just wait and if you are open to it the information generally appears.
This information or guidance from the Higher Self can take many different forms. In the early stage when we are not really open to the words, feelings and pictures from our Higher Self, much of this guidance can come from something in the world outside ourselves. Things such as a book that falls of a shelf; the sign on a bus driving past or the words of a stranger. There are an infinite number of ways that the information can come to us.
The key is to be open to the information when it presents itself. In the early stage of your journey you will miss much of the information from the Higher Self because of the influence of your ego/subconscious mind and you will misinterpret what you have seen heard or felt. Don't lose heart, it is like learning any new skill, it takes time.
If you are not already I would suggest that you meditate each day. I can hear many of you now but I can't meditate, I cannot focus on my breath and anyone of a million excuses. Whatever you think of meditation it is important for your physical and spiritual health. I am not expecting you to be as good as a Buddhist monk. All I want you to do is meditate or just relax for 24 minutes per day. Listen to the sounds of nature or classical music, it does not matter, what you are trying to achieve is to slow down the brain to work at a lower range. I will explain all the details for the intellectuals in another blog.
For now, all I want you to do is find a place where you won't be interrupted and take 24 minutes of relaxation. If you can do it in nature or before sunrise that is even better. By relaxing in the early morning you set up a calmness that can continue throughout your day.
If anything happens in your meditation or you get a great insight, thank your Higher Self and go back into the relaxation.
For those who are already great meditators take a step back and do it as if it is your first time. Some of us get so caught up in the mechanics of meditation that we do not live in the moment.
Enough of me for now. In the next post we will look at some exercises to increase your awareness and connect to the Godforce which exists around all of us.
Blessings and Peace.
Any questions leave them in the comment box.
The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
The Way of the Initiate will be published mid 2013
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Sunday, 17 March 2013
Connect with Your Higher Self
Some people who read the original post asked me to go into more depth about the Higher Self; what is it and where does it exist? I will do that but I have included the original post for those who have stumbled upon it for the first time.
In the 1970's and 80's there were many channelers, channeling information from a number of great teachers such as Seth, Ramtha and Old Chinese. When the channelers went deep into trance these energies would come through them and teach the students that were drawn to them. For the most part when they came out of trance the channelers would have no idea what information had been channeled.
It is my belief that these beings were coming through their Higher Self and as Old Chinese once taught that when a message comes from our higher self that the ego or subconscious mind would have no memory of what was coming through. If the channeler had a fully memory of what had come through then it was because it was created by his ego to make him or her more special.
In the twenty first century there seems to be many individuals who seem to be channeling information from the gods, Angels, beings from other planets and other dimensions or from great teachers of the past. What makes them different from channelers of the past is that in many cases they have a full memory and understanding of the channeled information. Normally I would have let these teachings go as manifestations of the ego, but I have seen and met many of these, so called, channelers and modern day mystics who have access to the inner worlds. Although much of this information appears to be coloured by the thoughts and belief of the channeler, there appears to be wonderful information that is coming from the area of their Higher Self which is connected with everything.
My old teacher quite often talked about the spiritual quickening which was going to take place on the planet in the last twenty years of twentieth century and on into the twenty first century. I wonder whether this quickening includes greater access to the information that is stored in our higher selves.
Old Chinese was an energy that came through Marshall Lever to teach a group of students who wanted to move beyond the ego and the Earth plane. His teachings required discipline because he believed it was necessary for discipline for the individual to move beyond the ego; for the ego doesn't like discipline because it wants to have its own way. By providing it discipline it tends to quiet and let the higher self come through and around the subconscious mind. This energy from the higher self allows the individual momentary glimpses of the divine. In those moments when we have this connection with the higher self we are connected to all things. The challenge is that as soon as we recognize these moments of pure creativity coming from the higher self; the ego tries to hold on to it, but in the process of hanging on to it, all that is left is the ego and its self importance. Like the Tao the Higher Self is an energy that is indescribable. We have moments of it enlightening our lives or a situation, but because in most cases these moments are so brief we cannot describe them and in the end the higher self withdraws into itself and our ego believes that it does not exist and that it was an epiphany from our own wonderful goodness or intelligence.
You can recognize that it was your higher self because, it is an energy that you cannot put your finger on. You have a wonderful insight and then it is gone; most times you don't even have a memory of what the insight is.
Through discipline, such as meditation, fasting and time spent in nature you can slow down your ego to the point where these insights increase. You can even ask a question and an insight is immediately given; sometimes in the form of a feeling or a single word; sometimes these insights come from something in the outside world such as a sign or a word that would not normally have this effect on you.
Another discipline that allows your higher self to come forward is the discipline of creativity. It would seem funny to use the words creativity and discipline in the same sentence, but to be truly creative, you must have discipline. It is one of those strange quirks of fate that when you are at your most creative, whether a writer, painter, sculptor or anything that is creative, that in that moment of creation your are extremely focused and yet also in a meditative state. People who meditate regularly will tell you that in those moments when you are in your deepest meditation are the moments when you are connected with everything around you. If you want to feel the energy of the higher self then find what is your stick, what it is that drives you creatively. For me I am at my most creative in three situations; firstly when I am writing, secondly when I am teaching spiritual or metaphysical concepts or when I am meditating. In all these situations it is like there is a little voice that I am not aware in my normal life that comes around my subconscious mind and shares its wisdom. The trick I find is not to try and hold on to the little voice, but allow it to share what it needs to share and let it go. When you try to hold onto the little voice or the concept that is coming through it is only your ego which is feeling full of itself as it believes it was the creator of the idea or concept when in reality it comes from the higher self. But I hear you say that if it is from the higher self does that mean that we cannot create by ourselves. My answer to that would be it is the act of creation that we allow a window between ourselves and the higher self. If we could keep our ego out of it and continue in the act of creation like a little child then these moments of connection with the higher self can become longer.
Interestingly last night I had one vision and one dream. The vision occurred during my meditation. When I was completely relaxed what appeared to be a tunnel could be seen off in the distance. At first I thought it was the tunnel to what some have called heaven, but which is in reality a tunnel which can take you to the spirit world and a number of other dimensions based on our belief patterns. Unlike the normal tunnel which usually appeared right beside me this one appeared off in the distance and I found myself just staring at it - not sure whether to go towards it or not. It was then that my spirit guide Bartholomew (great name for a guide - he is also sometimes called Nathaniel, but that is a story for another time) entered my meditation and told me that the tunnel in front of me was the connection to my higher self. Connection was not quite the right word though because we are all connected to our higher self. What Bartholomew explained was that each of us has the opportunity to open up and enter into our higher self, where we will have the knowledge and understanding of what we have ever been and ever will be. I immediately felt nauseous and was almost spat out of the vision. As I opened my eyes I had a feeling that we are not meant to strive towards this connection with the higher self, but through our work on ourselves we draw the higher self to us.
That same night I had a dream where their was a group of us sitting around a table and I was teaching them how to connect with their higher selves. It was fascinating as I was sharing stories and teachings that I had been receiving and yet most of what I was teaching was from my upcoming book 'The Way of the Initiate,' a book that was written in parable form about a disfigured young boy who becomes a wise old sage and an Initiate of an ancient brotherhood.
As I have described elsewhere the higher self is like a library in which each of our lives are equivalent to a book. The Higher Self is an eternal, immortal and infinite energy with the role to grow in knowledge by having experiences in this and other dimensions to allow its knowledge to grow and further add to the knowledge and the experiences of the all that there is or as some would call Tao or God.
The Higher Self does not differentiate between what is good or bad because, like the Tao, it has no understanding of those concepts, because to do so would stunt its own evolution and it would then only choose experiences that fit in with it's own biases. So wherever you find yourself is where you are meant to be, because where you find yourself is the greatest opportunity for you to learn and or experience the lessons that you came to the earthplane to learn. If we came with knowledge of these other life's and experience then we would not achieve what we have come to learn. There is an opportunity given to us in our incarnations where we can experience aspects of the Higher Self and that is when we have memories of who we have been before, but they are only dream like glimpses or the feelings of deja vu when we experience something that we have experienced before. Like walking through a city we have never been to and immediately knowing where everything is or memories of having walked these streets before.
There is even a point in some of these incarnations when due to work on self you open up a doorway between your individual aspect and the Higher Self. In the beginning this door will appear off in the distance but energy will leak from the higher self and you will experience more and more insights about this and other lives or experiences across this an other dimensions. It is difficult to describe the experience because it is one of those things that can only be understood by doing the inner work and having the experience itself.
What I am sharing is what I have learnt from my teachers and glimpses I have had beyond what one called the hidden doorway. My experience will not be your experience because it is clouded by my own belief patterns. The cool but frustrating thing in the early stages of this inner work is that you will suddenly have insights or epiphanies from your higher self, but then you cannot remember what happened, other than strange recollection that something important happened.
After thirty years of working to open up the doorway to my Higher Self I have realized that it is always open; it is just that we are not open to the information coming from. That is why it is important to work on your inner self if you really want to see and connect with what was always there. Of course in the early stages of your journey you will have to believe in an energy that you cannot see and probably do not understand.
It is for this reason that I have written "The Way of the Initiate," it is based on the techniques and teachings that I have followed over the last 30 years. Although it is written as a parable, I have tried to simplify each of the steps so that anyone could follow them for you don't need a great intellect to connect with your Higher Self. All you need is the courage to take the road of the Initiate.
Over the next few months I will share with you some of the steps that I have used along the way. Although these steps have been helpful on my journey and I believe they will be helpful for others on the path, they are not the only way, but one of many.
Blessings and Peace - may your higher self give you a hint of its and your magnificence
The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
The Way of the Initiate will be published mid 2013
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Saturday, 9 March 2013
The Doorway
Everyone has inside them a doorway which leads to the Higher Self. It is not a doorway that you walk towards it is a doorway that comes to you. In fact it is a doorway that is always there and exists within each one of us. The difficulty is and has always been that we tend to put things on the outside and journey towards them, but in truth the reality is on the inside and we create this reality first in our mirror world then it is displayed as an external experience in the outer world.
If you want to change your experience in the outer world you first need to change your experience in the inner world.
The funny thing about these mystical worlds and dimensions is that you first must believe in them before you can actually see or experience them. This in itself presents a problem because in the process we all create different inner worlds because of the beliefs that we hold. An old mystic once told me that to see the real truth you need to get rid of your beliefs. At the time I did not understand what he meant but over the past thirty years as I have travelled to the inner worlds and my inner self I have begun to understand that the form and shape of these inner worlds has been created by me. And yet it is because of these beliefs that the experiences of the higher self and for that matter the energy that we call God is expanded by our own individual journeys.
What is real and does it really matter? If the whole reason for our incarnation to the earth-plane is to gather experiences which can be added to the library called the Higher Self, then it does not matter what we experience; their is no good or bad only our thinking and beliefs make it so.
If we have no beliefs we can see the emperor without his clothes and then experience the all that there is. Have you ever sat in nature, by a lake or in front of a sunset and had a mystical, I am connected with everything, moment? If you have, what happened when you tried to describe it. Did you find that your words did not match the experience? It was because your whole being including your higher self experienced that moment but in the telling it is only your ego which is sharing its experience and this will never be the experience, so that in reality it is impossible to share. That is why it is so important for our spiritual beings to experience as much as life as possible and in that I am not saying we should have more things because that is only the ego. Real experiences are when we are living in the moment and we experience something will our whole being.
One of the simplest ways to experience it is called mindful meditation or being fully present in the moment. In my upcoming book "The Way of the Initiate," the sage teaches the young disfigured boy the art of being in the moment by having him hold a plum and describe what he is feeling. The young boy realizes that with his eyes open he will only see what he expects to see; so he closes his eyes and feels the plum for the first time and it takes him on an experiential journey he would not have expected.
To fully be in the experience sometimes it is necessary to see the experience from a different perspective than you would normally. Each of us has our preferred way in which we experience the world, but these filters we use sometimes stop us from seeing what is truly there.
Blessings and Peace and may your experiences open up a doorway in you that will lead you to your Higher Self.
Geof Spalding
The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.
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