Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Your Higher Self

In the 1970's and 80's there were many channelers, channeling information from a number of great teachers such as Seth, Ramtha and Old Chinese. When the channelers went deep into trance these energies would come through them and teach the students that were drawn to them. For the most part when they came out of trance the channelers would have no idea what information had been channeled.

It is my belief that these beings were coming through their Higher Self and as Old Chinese once taught that when a message comes from our higher self that the ego or subconscious mind would have no memory of what was coming through. If the channeler had a fully memory of what had come through then it was because it was created by his ego to make him or her more special.

In the twenty first century there seems to be many individuals who seem to be channeling information from the gods, Angels, beings from other planets and other dimensions or from great teachers of the past. What makes them different from channelers of the past is that in many cases they have a full memory and understanding of the channeled information. Normally I would have let these teachings go as manifestations of the ego, but I have seen and met many of these, so called, channelers and modern day mystics who have access to the inner worlds. Although much of this information appears to be coloured by the thoughts and belief of the channeler, there appears to be wonderful information that is coming from the area of their Higher Self which is connected with everything.

My old teacher quite often talked about the spiritual quickening which was going to take place on the planet in the last twenty years of twentieth century and on into the twenty first century. I wonder whether this quickening includes greater access to the information that is stored in our higher selves.

Old Chinese was an energy that came through Marshall Lever to teach a group of students who wanted to move beyond the ego and the Earth plane. His teachings required discipline because he believed it was necessary for discipline for the individual to move beyond the ego; for the ego doesn't like discipline because it wants to have its own way. By providing it discipline it tends to quiet and let the higher self come through and around the subconscious mind. This energy from the higher self allows the individual momentary glimpses of the divine. In those moments when we have this connection with the higher self we are connected to all things. The challenge is that as soon as we recognize these moments of pure creativity coming from the higher self; the ego tries to hold on to it, but in the process of hanging on to it, all that is left is the ego and its self importance. Like the Tao the Higher Self is an energy that is indescribable. We have moments of it enlightening our lives or a situation, but because in most cases these moments are so brief we cannot describe them and in the end the higher self withdraws into itself and our ego believes that it does not exist and that it was an epiphany from our own wonderful goodness or intelligence.

You can recognize that it was your higher self because, it is an energy that you cannot put your finger on. You have a wonderful insight and then it is gone; most times you don't even have a memory of what the insight is.

Through discipline, such as meditation, fasting and time spent in nature you can slow down your ego to the point where these insights increase. You can even ask a question and an insight is immediately given; sometimes in the form of a feeling or a single word; sometimes these insights come from something in the outside world such as a sign or a word that would not normally have this effect on you.

Another discipline that allows your higher self to come forward is the discipline of creativity. It would seem funny to use the words creativity and discipline in the same sentence, but to be truly creative, you must have discipline. It is one of those strange quirks of fate that when you are at your most creative, whether a writer, painter, sculptor or anything that is creative, that in that moment of creation your are extremely focused and yet also in a meditative state. People who meditate regularly will tell you that in those moments when you are in your deepest meditation are the moments when you are connected with everything around you. If you want to feel the energy of the higher self then find what is your stick, what it is that drives you creatively. For me I am at my most creative in three situations; firstly when I am writing, secondly when I am teaching spiritual or metaphysical concepts or when I am meditating. In all these situations it is like there is a little voice that I am not aware in my normal life that comes around my subconscious mind and shares its wisdom. The trick I find is not to try and hold on to the little voice, but allow it to share what it needs to share and let it go. When you try to hold onto the little voice or the concept that is coming through it is only your ego which is feeling full of itself as it believes it was the creator of the idea or concept when in reality it comes from the higher self. But I hear you say that if it is from the higher self does that mean that we cannot create by ourselves. My answer to that would be it is the act of creation that we allow a window between ourselves and the higher self. If we could keep our ego out of it and continue in the act of creation like a little child then these moments of connection with the higher self can become longer.

Interestingly last night I had one vision and one dream. The vision occurred during my meditation. When I was completely relaxed what appeared to be a tunnel could be seen off in the distance. At first I thought it was the tunnel to what some have called heaven, but which is in reality a tunnel which can take you to the spirit world and a number of other dimensions based on our belief patterns. Unlike the normal tunnel which usually appeared right beside me this one appeared off in the distance and I found myself just staring at it - not sure whether to go towards it or not. It was then that my spirit guide Bartholomew (great name for a guide - he is also sometimes called Nathaniel, but that is a story for another time) entered my meditation and told me that the tunnel in front of me was the connection to my higher self. Connection was not quite the right word though because we are all connected to our higher self. What Bartholomew explained was that each of us has the opportunity to open up and enter into our higher self, where we will have the knowledge and understanding of what we have ever been and ever will be. I immediately felt nauseous and was almost spat out of the vision. As I opened my eyes I had a feeling that we are not meant to strive towards this connection with the higher self, but through our work on ourselves we draw the higher self to us.

That same night I had a dream where there was a group of us sitting around a table and I was teaching them how to connect with their higher selves. It was fascinating as I was sharing stories and teachings that I had been receiving and yet most of what I was teaching was from my upcoming book 'The Way of the Initiate,' a book that was written in parable form about a disfigured young boy who becomes a wise old sage and an Initiate of an ancient brotherhood.

Blessings and Peace - may your higher self give you a hint of its magnificence

The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, Xlibris and a number of online book stores.

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'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' at

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Healing and the Subconscious Mind

Healing and the Subconscious Mind

"In Old China an emperor stood upon a very high hill. Spread through the valley below him was all of his great army. He could see where a battle would be fought and where the other armies waited. He had developed an intricate system of commands for the generals and officers of his army and the battle beganThe emperor could signal to the right, and the right would attack. He could signal to the left, and the left would attack, or the middle. With another signal, each would retreat then attack again. The battle went on for hours. When the emperor saw a weakness he sent troops to that area and eventually they overcame the other army."
Chung Fu
This analogy fits your conscious and subconscious minds. Your conscious mind is the emperor and your subconscious, the army, does not see what is going on.
When we are talking of healing what we are really talking about is the subconscious mind. When we look at the physician analogy in my previous blog it is important to understand that our subconscious mind is a wonderful, natural force. It is how we exist in this world. It allows us to have memories of past situations and it is the place where the conscious mind implants all it's belief and knowledge. This can can either be a positive or negative experience. If we place in our subconscious the thought that the world and it's people are filled with great beauty, then that is what we will see. On the other hand if we focus on the pain and suffering in the world all we will see is pain and suffering.
Many of my readers will have an understanding of what I mean by the Subconscious Mind or the Subconscious as it has also been called. Before we go into more detail on how to get the best out of and work with the Subconscious I would like to give my quick explanation of what I believe it is and why it is so important.
When we incarnate into our bodies before birth or shortly after. What is is that incarnates? Some have called it the Soul others have called it the Subconscious and I would guess that if you look into many of the religions it will be known by many other names. For me I will call it the Subconscious. It is my belief that our higher self sends of aspects of itself in the form of the Subconscious to inhabit a body to increase its experiences in this plane. When the subconscious takes residence in the vehicle it is blank and has no knowledge of other lives or of the Higher Self. This is done so that went it incarnates it comes without any knowledge; so that it can work through the issues that it came here to experience. It is not a hit and miss exercise as the higher self and the aspect which incarnates understands what are probabilities for it in the first thirteen years of its life. It understands the parents weaknesses and strengths; it understand the culture it is being born into and it understand what is happening on the world at this time. Yes for it's own experience it chooses to live in Africa, Indonesia or America. It is only our misunderstanding of the wonderful opportunity that we call life, that we judge people for where they are born, the colour of their skin, their culture and their parenting. Mark my words it is the choice of the incarnated to where and when they choose and it is only our lack of understanding that makes us judge others to be different or less than we are.
When we incarnate we even choose what Element we will incarnate into as this elemental bias will allow us the best opportunity to experience what we came to earth to experience. When people start to learn about the Elements or deeper understandings of the Subconscious mind it is because they are ready for it. It is time for them to go beyond their Subconscious Mind.
But what is there to go beyond and how do we do it? Although our subconscious is an empty book when we arrive it comes programmed with our elemental perspective. We have also chosen our genetics because that will offer us the right environment in disease and health patterns to experience what we came here for. Incarnation into the Earth-plane is all about experiences; whether we are human, animal, plant or mineral. If you are attracted to these writings then you have done at least six lifetimes as human and many in all the other dimensions.
Even before your are born your subconscious is taking in impressions from your world. The Subconscious mind takes in everything; hundreds of thousands of inputs every minute. As the old computer saying goes, "Garbage in, garbage out." Before you start feeling guilty for the garbage that you have fed yourself or your children. Stop for a moment, breathe and understand that with regards to yourself you can become like the Emperor in our story and start to take control of your Subconscious mind through Conscious Mind. With regards the children you will have to wear that one. Sorry only kidding. Remember that your children chose you for all the crap that you and the world around you has given them. They understood what they were coming here to experience; they chose it. They get their revenge though. Every child feeds back to their parents and society what it taught them in the first thirteen years. We always blame the teenagers, but maybe we should look closer to home and be thankful that our loving teenagers are giving back to us what we taught them, so that we can deal with our own stuff. Scary thought that. Remember there are no victims. This is one concept that I have had the most difficulty understanding as I watch people in pain and suffering.
The subconscious mind has the ability to create in your world whatever you program into it and whatever you program into it is what you will get in return. The key if you want to change your life is to start taking care with what you program into your subconscious.
Begin today by becoming the observer. Watch how you respond to people and situations. When you meet someone new do you react positively or negatively and why?
When you get angry. Why are you angry, is it something they did or are you projecting your weakness onto them? Often I find it is when we meet someone who shows what we don't like about ourselves or a weakness we have that we can react.
If something makes you sad - why?
If you judge something or someone - why?
If you are fearful - why?
Don't be too tough on yourself; just observe; as you begin to become the observer you start to understand why you respond and then you can rise beyond it. Sometimes it can be a great challenge when you have believed these things for many years. Remember you are here to go beyond your Subconscious mind and have it work for you. It is time to understand your Element and then go beyond it to the Element of Ether. If you want to learn more about the Elements my first book 'The 33rd Sage,' is filled with the teachings I received from my old Chinese teacher.
We live in amazing times when all of us have the opportunity to be the creative essence we were meant to be.
Blessings and Peace and May your god give you the strength to realize how wonderful you are. One day you may even discover that the God or the Godforce that you seek has always been inside you.
The 33rd Sage and my second book The 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons, and a number of online book stores. Bricks and mortar stores can order the books through my publishers, Xlibris and Dog Ear Publishing.
Twitter @GeofSpalding
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Saturday, 2 February 2013


Oh where do I begin? Have you ever had a moment when you felt a change occur right throughout your body? This was not a change because I had taken a drug. This was a change which occurred at every level of my being and if the truth be known it effected me in every dimension that I exist in.
Not the way I would normally start writing but I had to prepare you for what actually happened and if I did that by just telling you then you may not have realized how big it was. I was about to walk outside with my iPad and begin writing for the day when all of a sudden my body began to shudder. It lasted only for a few seconds, during which time I experienced an energy enter my being. It was not like I was possessed or anything like that. It was more like an energy from without released something inside me. While I was experiencing the transformation a word appeared in my mind and the word was Pentecost. A word which I had heard before because of my Christian upbringing, but not one I was full au fait with. It was weird but at the same time uplifting. I felt like my whole being had been transformed and somehow uplifted beyond this earthly dimension.

Moments later it was all finished and I was left euphoric and confused as my ego mind tried to understand the experience and hold onto it. But like all mystical moments it did not last and soon I was even doubting that anything had even occurred.

I opened up a page to write but there was nothing forthcoming. I even tried to edit some existing work, but nothing. Then I thought about writing out a parable or two to keep my conscious mind busy and allow what ever was happening to take care of itself. But I could not even copy pages from a book.

I sat there for a moment wondering what to do or if there was anything I needed to do to understand the moment. As I sat there in the front garden reflecting on what I had experienced another thought briefly entered my mind; it was to read.

I fought the thought for a moment, but it was only a moment, for the longer I had been on this spiritual the more I began to listen to these little voices and the quicker I responded to them.
I opened the kindle on my iPad and scanned what books I had to read. I downloaded a couple of books a week and in some cases I never read them. I usually read when I need a break from writing. As I scanned the titles to see if any caught my attention I was shocked to find that one was titled 'Pentecost.' My body began to shudder again and within a millisecond the energy returned and I could feel it through my whole being.

When I came back from where this energy took me I quickly googled the word 'Pentecost.'  I was shocked when I read that it was the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the holy spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension. Shocked because I had just returned from Central America where many people had the belief that we were going to ascend after the end of the Mayan calendar on 21/12/2012. I had never really believed in Ascension and was drawn to lands of the Maya, not in the hope of ascending, but because I knew there was a once in a twenty six thousand year alignment between the sun and the centre of the galaxy and I wanted to be at the sacred Mayan site Palenque when it happened. Not so much because I thought something would happen, although I was hopeful that something major would happen. But I knew if anything was going to happen it would be far more subtle and it would be something that would take years, possible decades before any massive changes would occur or so I thought.

It was during a ceremony when we were at Palenque on the 21/12/2012 that I first saw a vision that I now believe was the opportunity to bring in the new world age.
As we stood in the circle to celebrate the solstice and the end of the Mayan calendar, the rains began to fall and when I say fall it was like the gods were emptying every last drop of water from the sky upon our head. Palenque was definitely the water element aspect of the Five Cities of Light and we were all experiencing the element in all it's glory. Amazingly not one person broke from the circle as ceremony continued; funny how each time a new person came into the centre to lead another part of the ceremony, the rain just got heavier. We stood there for hours getting drenched in the Element of Water and not one person complained or showed their frustration. The negative emotion of the Water Element person is frustration and although we were being challenged not one person showed the least frustration. They were all being challenged by the element and each and everyone of the circle seemed to be able to step above the emotion and see the beauty of water for what it provided. For without water there would be no growth, no life.
When the ceremony was finished most of just laughed and like children we splashed our way around Palenque, enjoying the water falls that appeared on the temples and the rivers that were flowing through the site.
Aluna made the comment that we were here to create our new selves, that our old selves would not be taken into the new world which we and others were creating. As usual my inner self always like to make a physical statement when there is a new teaching for me to learn. It is always great for my story telling but sometimes it gives me wonderful challenges and opportunities for change. When we arrived back in villa after walking the few kilometres from Palenque the first thing I noticed was that there was not one thing that I was wearing or had in my pockets or in my backpack that wasn't wet except for my IPad. Seems that God still wanted me to write.
When I took out my money much of it looked like it was actually made from water and I attempted to squeeze the water out of it and then tried to dry it with a hair dryer. Strangely two weeks later some of the money was still wet. Worse than that was my passport which resembled a sponge and when I looked at the passport photo it looked like my face was dripping away. So much for creating a new me; even my passport was expressing what was happening in the inner worlds.
When we were be drowned in Palenque I had a vision of the two pyramids joined at the base, one pointing into the air and the other into the ground. Inside the two pyramids was one sphere which seemed to fill up the space. Also in the pyramids and I believe emanating from the sphere was what I could only describe as coloured lightening. The lightening was flicking at the sides of the pyramid and each time it struck the sides of the pyramid, the pyramid seemed to lose its shape, not collapse but to be able to morph or change its shape.
Over the next couple of days every time I closed my easy I would see what looked like stone heads come rushing towards me. Over time these heads started to come alive and appeared to be trying to communicate with me. I was a little too thick to understand what they were communicating. When we were in Tikal I meditated in front of the jaguar temple. One minute in and the faces started to come again but this time it was only one face and it kept telling me to be open as it had information for me. To date the only realization I have had is that the pyramid in Palenque was some type of a doorway.
After having spent 30 plus years on my own journey I was quite used to the odd mystical occurrence but since Palenque or 21/12/2012 they seem to have been speeding up.
After what I will call the Pentecost incident I went for a walk through the streets around my home to understand what had happened to me or was still happening to me. While still in the euphoria of the feelings and trying to hold onto the memory of what happened, my attention was drawn to a red car which was parked off to my right. I looked at it out the corner of my eye and the rear passenger door appeared to go all weird and the metal seemed to break down into swirls of colours. I turned towards the car expecting the experience to have disappeared, but to my shock it was still happening. I walked closer to the car and observed the effect for a few more seconds before it disappeared and reestablished itself as a red car door. It was weird but not unusual as I have seen this breaking down of matter a number of times in the last few years. It just seems that since 21/12/2012 things are happening a lot more often.
I can only wonder what will happen over the next three years when the sun breaks through the influence of the dark rift that it has been crossing for the last 30 years, funnily enough about the same time that my spiritual journey began in this lifetime. The end of 2012 was for many seen as the end of a major cycle and the beginning of the next age of man.
What I believe is more important is what we do in the next three years before the sun moves out of the dark rift in 2016; for as we are in the next three years will have a major impact on the next 5,125 world age. It is daunting but also a wonderful challenge to think that what we do in these next three years will set the stage for what happens in the next world age which officially began on the 22/12/2012.
Not only do I believe that it is important for each of us to continue on our own spiritual journeys, but we need to be available to support others on theirs. This is not in the way of telling others what to do because we are all here at this time to experience our own journey. It is important to respect the journey of others and not infringe as we have no way of knowing what they have come here to learn. At the same time if they ask for your help, give them all you have and allow them to take what they need and continue on their journey.
My old teacher said it was the time of the quickening and for those who have the eyes to see or the ears to hear you can see this quickening in every aspect of our lives.
One of the reasons I have been feverishly writing my new book 'The Way of the Initiate - The Legend of the 33rd Sage,' is because I wanted to offer through story a simple guide to help others on their journey. It was also written like a parable with children in mind because I believe many young ones who have incarnated at this time are here to experience this quickening and be the leaders in the early years of the next world age. Unlike some of us they do not have to spend thirty or forty years to reawaken their spiritual beings. Many have come ready to hit the ground running, so to speak, and what they need is parents, teachers and mentors who understand what is occurring and can support them on their journey.

Blessings and Peace and may your connection with the higher self bring a smile to ever cell in your body and reflect it in the world around you.


The 33rd Sage and the 33rd Sage and the Initiate are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Watersons and a number of online book stores or ask you local bookstore to order them in for you.

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