Friday, 25 January 2013

Must Read Books in 2013

The end of the Mayan calendar on the 21st December 2012 was also the beginning of the next world age. It offers all of us an opportunity to literally change who we are and the world we live in. Science is now beginning to tell us what the ancient cultures knew all along, that we live on a world that is full of cycles and we have just finished one of these 5,125 year cycles.

This generation finds itself at a great turning point. We are literally at the shift of an Age as we move from the fifth into the sixth Age of Man. It is at a time when we face a number of spiritual, economic, humanitarian and environmental crises.

I normally don't do book reviews on my blog but I believe that some books can literally change lives and I offer two books to you, that if read, understood and reflected upon can not only change the life of yourself and those around you but the greater world itself. These books could not be any more different and yet it is the differences that make them both so important. I would say that if you only have time to read two books in 2013 (apart from mine, of course - ha ha) that you read Deep Truth by Gregg Braden and Plum Red by Stuart Wilde. One is a scientist and the other a metaphysician. I am not even sure that they know each other, but each of them, who are specialists in their own fields, have a deep understanding of the other's.

What I love about both books is that if you can combine the teachings in both you have all that you need to move forward and thrive in this new world age. On the opposite side of the coin if we do not look into the concepts discussed in the books and continue to allow humanity to head in the direction it is going we may soon be one of the extinct species on the planet.

Whereas Greg is a trained scientist and Stuart a trained Mystic or Metaphysician they both have a deep understanding of science and it's place in the world. At the same time they both have a deep spiritual understanding and although in Stuart's case it may be more obvious, one only has to read the works of Gregg Braden or listen to one of his talks to know what a deep spiritual thinker he is.

It is difficult for me to give away the best bits of each of the books by talking about them in my blog, so I will not give anything away other than give headings or the convepts discussed in the chapters as this will allow you greater joy and moments of epiphany when you read these works.

Plum Red - Taoist Tales of old China is a book by Stuart Wilde which was published by Tolemac (Canada) in 2011, With the writing skills of a Paul Coehlo and the spiritual teachings of a book like the Celestine Prophecy, Plum Red is a must read for anybody on a spiritual journey, but more than that, each of the stories or parables offers insight into how each of us should live our lives. Topics covered in the book include:
A tale about tenacity on your spiritual path
A tale about silent power
A tale about dedication, selflessness and your invisible grace
A tale about shifting realities
A tale about resolving conflict without the need for violence
A tale about flow and bending with the forces of nature to arrive at your proper fortune
A tale about courage and the sacred bond of love

Each of the tales has a teaching that could change your life. What I love about the book is that every time you read one of the stories you will gain a deeper insight into the teachings couched within it.

The Deep Truth published by Hay House in 2011, is no less special and could also be titled the History of the World and Who We Are in Seven Chapters. For many people the concepts in the book will turn your world upside down. Many people go through life believing what they were taught in school or what they see in the media without really questioning what is the truth. This book is a must read if you truly want to understand "Who We Are;" for it is only by understanding who we are that we can begin to make the changes in our lives and in the lives in others that will ensure that the species that we call man can thrive into the future. This might sound a bit extreme talking about extinction of our species, but when you read Deep Truth, you will understand that what I am saying is not too far fetched.
Character headings include:
Who are we? In search of ourselves
The Deep Truth of false assumptions: Discoveries that change everything
Living on the edge: Surviving the tipping points of change
The hidden history of our forgotten past: Places that should not exist
By chance or design: New evidence of human origins
War doesn't work anymore: Why we're "wired" for peace
The end game: Rewriting our history, destiny and fate

Whoever you are and whatever path you are on, simply reading these two books will change the way you look at yourself and the world.

We are always at the point of choice. What choice will you make today that will change your life?

Blessings and Peace

The photo is of my beautiful dog Horatio; who loves to contemplate over the books I read him.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Maya Doves and the Cities of Light - Part 2


Aluna says,"Yaxchillan is the Earth centre of the five cities of light and represents balance. It is hidden deep in the jungle between Guatemala and Mexico on the Usumacinta River. The ancient name for the city was probably Pa'chan. Yaxchillan which means 'green stones' in Maya. The site is particularly well known for its well preserved, sculptured stone lintels set above the doorways of the main structures. These lintels contain hieroglyphic texts and imagery that describes deep shamanic practices.
"Yaxchillan teaches us about balance between the earthly world and the ethereal world. Its    mysteries are buried so deep, that it makes anyone who visits here dive deep within themselves. Here, described in its famous lintels, is the process of capturing, mastering and becoming free of one's individual ego. Once this state of consciousness is achieved,  we become one with all life."

 We made the trip up the river in groups of ten in small boats which was navigated expertly by one of the locals. Every now and again he deliberately spun the boat a little out of control; he had to have his fun and it was wonderful to feel that little bit out of control; especially for an Earth Element whose main challenge is to let go of the need to control.

I even caught the cheeky grin which he shared with me when he realized I understood what he has doing, having spent many years on white water in various boats and canoes. It was interesting each time he let the boat go out of control some of the other passengers showed the odd sign of fear, which was perfect as the negative emotion of the Earth Element is fear and their greatest challenge is to learn to give up the need to control.
When we arrived on the Island the Howler Monkeys began to howl a sound that seemed to touch you at a very deep level. Again some of the others were starting to show signs of fear. The closer we moved towards the entrance the louder the howling became and the more hairs of fear were rising on the groups collective skin. We had heard Howler Monkeys in Palenque but they must have been their quiet cousins. The thought that came to my mind was the wail of the banshees. Whatever fear you needed to go beyond was heightened by the sound of the Howler Monkeys. The monkeys were challenging us to go beyond our fears. If you have ever heard them you will know what I mean, they are damn loud, but there is a beauty underneath their howling, it is the essence of the monkey and it is almost melodic and touched me very deeply.

Once inside the entrance we had to walk through the Labyrinth. It was a doorway which lead into darkness; a darkness so black that you just had to trust in yourself and let any idea of being in control to drop away. You could not see where you were going and yet no one put on their torch; it was as if the whole group understood that the challenge of Yaxchillan was to give up the need to control and trust in the process that spirit was now offering us. With the end of the Mayan calendar we were experiencing no time, an opportunity to create the world that we wanted to live in, but to do so we had to move beyond the elements. Not so much by disregarding them but understanding their lesson and allowing the elements to be come a part of them.

I must admit I loved Yaxchillan as I had spent much of the last twenty years working to go beyond my many fears; skydiving, fire walking, abseiling - you name it I have tried to do to go beyond my fears and in the end I realized it was not my fears but the fears of my ego and how it saw the world. Yaxchillan is such a cool place. It is much smaller than the sites like Tikal or Chchen Itza, but of those who have the eyes to see and the ears to heart and the heart to feel it is an amazing place.
As we wandered through the rest of the site I felt that my own Earth Aspect seemed now to be at peace and I looked forward to Tikal where I was sure the Element of Fire had more in store for me.


Aluna says, "Tikal is the Fire aspect of the cities of light. It is a place of power and nature. Tikal is one of the world's true wonders. In Tikal you can learn about power, but also about the mind and consciousness. The Mayans believe that Tikal is one of the most spiritually powerful places on the earth. Tikal possesses a certain quality of magic that fascinates and enchants. It stretches your mind and heart to hold more wisdom and light.
"The monumental site, with its towering pyramids, looms out of the misty jungle canopy like living sentinels of ancient times. The site speaks to those with open hearts. The ruins of Tikal include more than 3,000 structures extending over six square miles and includes palaces, temples, ceremonial platforms, ball courts, terraces, plazas, avenues and even steam baths. It is paradise."

For me Tikal was the highlight of the trip to the 5 Ancient Cities of Light.
I was drawn to the Maya trip because I knew that the Elements would allow me and those in the group to go through all of them and release the negative emotions of each of the Elements. In Palenque it had been easy as I must have done the Water Element in many previous incarnations. Standing in the monsoonal rain for hours while we did a number of ceremonies, it was easy to allow the water to wash over me and clear me of any emotions of frustration.

If Water was easy the next day at Yaxchillan was more difficult but not greatly so. We arrived at the Earth Element site only to be greeted by the sound of Howler Monkeys. For those not fortunate enough to have heard their sound, it is like the sound of whaling banshees or the devil. For those who were Earth and dealing with the element of fear there were scared shitless. Then on top of that we had to walk through a dark tunnel which we later found out was called the Labyrinth. For the Earth Elements they had to led go of the need to control and step into the dark. It was not easy for some and even for me the first couple seconds there was a momentary panic before I gave over to spirit and walked in the total blackness. When I appeared out the other side I felt free of the need to be in control.

If Yaxchillan was a challenge then Tikal just blew me away. We arrived at group 4 and there before us was the mouth of the dragon. I immediately began to shake as I felt this was to be an Important moment in my life. I knew why I had not been able to finish the final three chapters of the legend of the 33rd Sage. I had to walk into the mouth of the dragon and experience myself. When I came out through the other side I was changed forever. It was in that moments that I realized that the legend of the 33rd Sage was all about me. I was the young boy Huo in my story. Twenty eight years of living and working with the Elements and much of that time on the path of the Initiate. Tears began to run from my eyes and I was sighing and gently sobbing as I realized that the story was always about me. The essence of the 33rd sage is something that we can all tap into; for the 33 sages of the plum Red Robe exist within all of us.

Is there any wonder that since I booked on the Maya trip that The Way of the Initiate - Legend of the 33rd Sage had begun to materialize; for it was my story.
I had not stepped in through the mouth of the dragon and into myself. It was just like the character in my book I had to step through the dragon's mouth and this mouth just happened to be in Tikal. It was in the mouth of the dragon where I would come face to face with the other me; the me that I was to become.

Later on I was meditating standing in front of the Jaguar Temple when all of a sudden the heads which I had seen in visions and meditations over the last few days rushed at me again, only this time it was only one head and it was the head of the king of the Jaguar Temple and immediately he began downloading information to me. Information that was all too much and I spaced at completely. Although physically I was okay, I was mentally exhausted. Who knows what the future will bring. All I know is I have to finish The Way of the Initiate and The Legend of the 33rd Sage.

Rio Dulce

Aluna says, "Lake Izabal is surrounded by lush tropical rainforests inhabited by hundreds of bird species, monkeys and many other animals. The waters of the lake are rich in fish. Unique to that lake is the freshwater sea cow (Manatee); a mammal that can weigh up to one ton. It is the largest lake in Guatemala. It is 45 kilometers long and 590 square kilometers and in some parts is up to 50 feet deep. At its eastern end it drains into the Rio Dulce. I always like to take time here to relax and integrate the previous sites and prepare for the two most powerful sites in the Maya world."

It was Christmas day when we made the one and a half hour boat trip on the lake which lead to out rest stop for the night. The journey was filled with birds of all kinds who seem to be watching us on our journey. I was feeling totally relaxed on the boat as we made the journey across the lake. It is funny how the presence of water or mountains always seem to relax me and allow me to go deep within.

Although we only stayed one night at the hotel by the water if felt like a week as we and especially me was able to reflect on what had happened the previous few days.
Over dinner we were entertained by a local group of Caribbean singers and dancers. The food was okay, the music and dancing enjoyable, but what was even more special was they way this group of people had become so close in such a short time. It seemed like everyone had checked their egos at the door when they arrived on this trip; this is not to say that we all did not bring our individuality on the trip, we certainly did and the Aussies, one certain Pom and a little Mayan knew how to have fun and enjoy themselves. What was brilliant was that everyone accepted each other for who they were and where they were at. On some spiritual trips there seems to be one or two who want to show the others how spiritual they are, but on this trip there was a lot of support and love for fellow individuals on a great journey.

After dinner Aluna showed us that the moon was almost in conjunction with Jupiter and how it would be appropriate to ask for what we wanted to receive as Jupiter was the planet of abundance. I looked up at the moon almost in conjunction with Jupiter and rather than ask for money or material goods I heard myself asking for wisdom. Thirty years on the journey and I am still asking for wisdom and yet the request was what I truly want most, although a little more abundance would help the journey being a little easier.


Aluna says, "Quirigua is the Air aspect of the cities of light. The Maya have a traditional story that speaks about the day the Star Elders - the Invisible Council, left the earth plane for the last time (about 800 years ago). Quirigua is the site where this last exit took place. It is one of the smallest Mayan cities, but one of the most mysterious and powerful due to its splendid series of Star Elder monuments. These living, sandstone obelisks were created to mark important cosmic events. Each spectacular sculpture is that of a Star Elder and is adorned with symbolic information and encircled by gods and sacred animals. The sides and backs are etched with Maya calendar glyphs giving dates to significant events. The date of Quirigua's turning point in history is immortalized on a huge boulder known as Zoomorph G. Half a dozen of these curious rounded sculptures, resembling mythical and real animals are found in Quirigua. Some believe the Zoomorph is a map of the universe and contains necessary information needed to enter and exit the Earth's Hologram. The Acropolis, which was created out of white quartz crystal, amplifies the energy needed to generate these cosmic migrations.
"Quirigua has mesmerized countless travelers. British author Aldous Huxley, noted that Quirigua's Stela commemorate, '...human triumph over time and matter and the triumph of time and matter over man.'

"Qurigua is permeated with heart energy. Here we take the longest journey anyone can make. It is a journey of 13 inches. It is the journey from our mind to our heart. The power of the heart energy in this site, combined with a lightness of spirit, helps us allow this 13 inch journey to take place."

Interestingly as the Air Element, Quirigua is the place of the left brain mind. It is the summer and as we walked around the sandstone sculptures one could feel the heat of the air as there was very little cover from the elements. I always had difficulty with the heat of the day and I wonder whether it came from my difficulty with Air element people who I often saw as superior due to my dyslexia in my younger years. I always felt judged by those I saw as my academic superiors and with the benefit of hindsight I can now see that what I was seeing, as there judgement, was no more than me judging myself.

The negative emotion of air is judgment and it is one of the emotions that disconnects us from each other as it makes one better and one worse. Eg beautiful/ugly, fat/thin, smart/dumb etc. That is one of the reasons that I like the Elements, for as we begin to understand our own element and the elements in others we can begin to celebrate the differences rather than judge them.

Walking around Quirigua was not such a special time for me. Others described it as their favorite site; for me it was uncomfortable as I relived my previous judgments of myself and others. It was then that I was attacked by thousands of little midges or small black flys which appeared out of nowhere and attacked those who had not sprayed themselves with insect spray.

I found that during this trip that when I said anything or judged anything that within minutes I was being challenged by it. This happened twice within an hour at Quirigua. I watched as the midges had attacked Raphael and inflicted hundreds of bites. I said that I would normally be the one who would be bitten and I did not have one bite. My smugness did not last long as within a minute I was covered in bites.

You think I would learn but no, not me. Only minutes later I was saying how on these trips I bring first aid kits and Homoeopathic remedies and I end up treating others as I don't get sick. This time it took about fifteen minutes as the first signs of Montezuma's revenge started gurgling up inside me.

Quirigua was an interesting challenge, it taught me about judgement and it also taught me that the logical aspect is important but only if it is in concert with the heart; for the heart sees the connection in all things where the mind sees the individual.


"Copan is the ether aspect of the cities of light. It is the most powerful site in the Maya lands and it is renowned for its magnificent Maya Ruins and dozens of living Stela. Copan's rich stone sculptures and intricate hieroglyphs make it an incomprehensible mystery on the 'La Ruta Maya.' The entire area is shrouded in mystery. Stories of UFO sightings abound throughout the surrounding villages. Its rich stone sculptures and intricate hieroglyphs are legendary. During the reign of its most illustrious king, Waxak Lahun Ubah K'awil (also known as '18 Rabbit), the royal sculptors displayed their innovative talents in many Stelae that we're commissioned by 18 Rabbit. The hieroglyphic stairway, a stairway into the sun, includes the longest single glyphic text found at a Maya site.

"There are many things that draw the spiritual traveler to Copan. Several translations have been offered regarding the meaning and purpose of Copan. Copan means 'Xuxpi' or Xukpi,' which is related to an inner dimensional Celestial Bird. According to the mystical world of the Mayas, the Celestial Bird was in charge of taking your spirit from one place to another. You can see the Celestial Bird in Copan's temples such as Rosalila. Copan could be considered a 'bridge' or 'Copantl,' which means 'pontoon or bridge.' there are those that think Copan is a bridge between dimensions and is by many considered the most powerful site in the Mayan world.

"It is also home to the Butterfly Man (from Copan)

"Copan, has also been called the Valley of the Kings and is located in the western part of Honduras. It was a great Mayan civilization and was governed by an enlightened dynasty for centuries. Most of the Mayan Archeological sites today bear the name given to them by their discoverers. In the case of Copan it is different. According to Don Diego Garcia de Palacio's letter, which is considered as the first written account of these remarkable ruins; it assures us that these ruins were known by this name during the 16th Century. Investigations have not yet agreed on the Etymology of the word 'Copan.' Several translations have been offered regarding its meaning such as 'bridge,' 'Capital of Co.' Others say it comes from the Nahuatl language and they add the ending 'tl,' thus converting it to 'Copantl,' which means 'pontoon or bridge.'

"While we are in Copan I will take you to the new museum, 'El Museo de las Esculturas.' You start entering the museum as if you are entering the mouth of a snake. You then continue walking through a long dark tunnel, representing the excavated tunnels in the inside of the Acropolis. It also symbolizes Xilbaba - The Mayan Underworld. At the end of the tunnel you will see a replica of the famous Rosalila temple. It is quite a moving experience.

"In Copan, we can seal in all the energy, light and wisdom which we have collected along our journey through the cities of light, with the help and power of the sun. It is here that many enlightened ones discovered a bridge within. The bridge allows one to transform themselves and transmit themselves to another world or reality. It is here that the emergence of the dove was completed. This is where one could literally walk into the sun.

"The Mayans believed that the ancestors came from the Pleiades. The Mayan Indians knew the earth was round centuries before the Europeans made this discovery and the Mayan calendar is a mathematical and spiritual gift to mankind.

"The Popul Vuh states that several Gods, including Hung Hpu, Xbalanque and the Great God-King Quetzalcoatl, returned to the stars after their earth life ended. As with all myths about the Mayan Gods and Goddesses, Mayan myths discuss connections with beings from other realms who came to earth to seed the planet.

"Many people see the story of Popul Vuh as the story of extraterrestrial Gods who came down and made man in his own image. When they first made man he was so perfect - living as long as they did. They could see far and wide using their senses of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience."

For me Copan was all about the Dancing Jaguars. All through the sites we visited there seemed to be a seriousness. In fact we had only seen one smiling face and that was on a head that we found in a pile of rocks. I always thought enlightenment was about lightening up and the Mayan sculptures did not seem to be light. That was until we saw the Dancing Jaguars. Two fat waterlilly jaguars dancing and pointing towards each other or were they pointing towards the jaguar god. Anyway, I sat between the dancing jaguars and underneath the jaguar god and meditated. It was only a couple of minutes into the meditation that I began to understand that the jaguar was the keeper of the time continuum and as we had come out of the previous age it was their energy that would bring in the new age or the next 5,125 year cycle.

Copan is the ether aspect of the Cities of Light and having worked on all the elements in the previous sites I found it the easiest and most pleasurable. It was also perfect that my birthday occurred when we were in Copan and at dinner that night the group celebrated my birthday, just like they had done with Norm on the previous night. Knowing what to expect I  ran from my table and hid when the lights went out. The look on the waitresses was precious, when they could not find me at the table. Not one to be normally stuck for words I was deeply touched by the gesture and my large piece of birthday flan or whatever it was.

One of the things that I enjoyed most on this trip was not the sacred sites and the pyramids, although they were wonderful and they initiated a number of visions that I am still trying to understand. It was the fun and friendship that I enjoyed with the group. Each night over dinner and a glass of red wine, stories were told and fun was had. Of course some of the group were louder and at times very entertaining. I would put Tod, Norm, Tas, Enrique and maybe even myself at the louder end of the group. It was brilliant to watch as the group which had been fairly serious on the first few days came together and began to lighten up and really get to know each other. I am sure some of the conversations were much deeper than they would have had at home with their own family and friends and yet at the same time there was a lightness and playfulness to it.
There is so much more that happened on this journey to the lands of the Maya; a journey that was made easier by Aluna and her support team of Rapahael, Enrique, Norm and a cast of thousand energies that pervaded the sites, but I will leave that to others to tell. My hope is anyone who reads these blogs will think about taking a journey to the lands of the Maya and be open to anything that happens when you get there.


My new book the 33rd Sage and the Initiate is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other wonderful bookstores and online sellers. If you want to read more about 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' have a look at my website on or my translatable blog at


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Sunday, 13 January 2013

Maya Doves and the Cities of Light

Maya Doves 2012

I was lucky and privileged to be one of 39 individuals who came together to experience the Maya Doves tour of the Mayan Ancient Cities of Light organized and led by Aluna Joy.
For many the Maya calendar was about the end of the world and the closer I came to the trip the more I could see, hear and feel the increase in people's fears as the date got closer to 21/12/2012. Even some of my own friends were questioning my need to be in Palenque Mexico on the 21st of December. It is hard to describe to anyone who hasn't experienced an inner pull to a sacred site, but for those who have had those feelings, it is easy to describe. One day I woke up knowing that I wanted, no it is more correct to say I needed to be in the land of the Maya for the end of their calendar.
There are many reasons I could give to satisfy the curiosity of many of my friends, such as to experience the culture and sacred sites of the Maya; to be there when their calendar ended; to experience the galactic alignment - an event which happens only once every 26,000 years or even to experience another culture. But the real reason was none of these. I felt drawn to the land of the Maya by a force which is far beyond my capacity to explain. My spiritual journey really began in 1983 when the Sun was first starting its 33 journey across the galactic centre. Of course I did not know it at the time, for what I was experiencing was the beginnings of the spiritual quickening which was affecting our planet. Many people all across the planet were beginning to feel this pull to the more spiritual aspects of their lives.
My old teacher Stuart Wilde termed the phrase the quickening or maybe it was his old Chinese teacher. As one of the leading metaphysicians on the planet Stuart was one of those individuals who was always one step ahead of the curve and many of his students were prepared for the quickening. The quickening has occurred on many levels and you just have to look at the world around you to see evidence of it.
Was it any wonder that as part of my 33 year journey aligned to the sun going through the galactic centre that I would be drawn to the Maya lands during this time. If anybody has read any of my books or blogs you will see that I am highly influenced by the number 33. The reason for this has many aspects but the the most important would be a teaching by my old Chinese teacher which taught about the 33 energies beyond the earthplane which are in charge of ours and the earth's evolution. It is these same 33 energies who have been called the White Brotherhood and many other names over the last few thousand years. In my second book The 33rd Sage and the Initiate I share many of the teachings that I received from my old Chinese teacher about the teachings from the 33 energies. These 33 energies guide and support our evolution, but because we have free will we have the ability to choose or disregard the energies that they bring forward. Even when we are doing things which are negative or do not support our highest energy, they do not judge and allow us to learn from our own mistakes; for they realize that we are all Eternal, Immortal and Infinite and this one lifetime just adds another book to the library that is our higher self.
Although it may seem like I am wandering in my thoughts as I explain the Maya Doves tour of 2012, I could not do it without some explanation of how I got there and if I am to be honest the spiritual journey always seems like we are wandering, as spirits little voices point us in the direction for our highest good and it is only that sometimes we do not always hear these voices which causes us to wander off the path every now and again.
It is funny how what may appear as little choices can have a major impact on our lives or send us off in directions that we would not previously have thought possible. For me the booking of my Maya trip was one such turning point. Initially it was booked out and I had to go on a waiting list, but as usual when something is meant to happen a space on the trip became available. The moment I booked the trip was the moment when all writing on my third book in the 33rd Sage series stopped. It did not matter what I did, I could write no more. It was becoming frustrating, I had taken a year and a half off from the corporate world to complete the series and here I was not able to write another word of the third book.
It was during one of these moments of frustration that the little voice whispered to me in the stillness of my mind. At first I cold not hear anything, then it became a rumbling sound as if coming through rushing water. Each time it came I could feel and hear only one word - Legend. I explored the word for a couple of days but was no closer to any deep understanding, so I decided to start to write about what the word meant, for in many times I learn about things through writing about them. It is as if a channel opens up within and information flows forward that I would not consciously know or create.
After writing a few pages about the term Legend a picture started to form in my mind of my old Chinese teacher, but this was not a contemporary picture but a picture of him in ancient China. The more I looked the more I saw and so I started to write. After a couple of hours I had the first few chapters of the Legend of the 33rd Sage or The Way of the Initiate. Over the next few months I wrote feverishly as one chapter after another appeared on my iPad before me (I have shared many of the first draft chapters on my blog). It is written in almost parable form and it is the story of how a young boy becomes apprentice to an old Chinese sage and walks the path of initiation. Each of the chapters represents one of the steps along the path of the Initiate.
Although it was only a first draft I could feel the power and energy that were in each of the chapters. For anyone who had the eyes to see or ears to hear what they had in front of them was a guide to initiation. It was the culmination of my thirty years on the path. The more I learnt the simpler the concepts became and so by the time I shared them in the story many would have appeared too simple, but the words of my old teacher came back, "if you cannot express an idea simply then you do not understand it."
Everything was going swimmingly until I reached chapter 30. Then all of a sudden I could write no more. Just like the final book in the 33 Sage series I could not go any further. In hindsight I could see that I needed to go to the lands of the Maya before I could complete both books, but at that stage I did not have the benefit of hindsight.
It was only a couple of weeks now before the trip to Central America and although I could not write I found myself with more than enough on my plate just preparing for the trip. As with any pilgrimage one has to prepare the outer self and the inner self and if one is entering sacred sites it is always good to get permission of the gatekeepers before entering.
My preparation included walking 14 kilometers per day, when I would imagine walking in the lands of the Maya and asking the gatekeepers for permission. I felt this permission was granted for Palenque but not as yet for the other sites. I could sense there was something that I was not quite understanding. I gave up on trying to understand it and gave it over to spirit while I completed all the outer world stuff like first aid kits, torches and all manner of stuff I would need on the outer journey.
Of course when we arrived in Villarhermosa my baggage was nowhere to be seen, which was appropriate as Aluna had said that part of this journey was to leave our old baggage behind and my inner being had taken it literally. After a few days of wearing the one same outfit Tas who I shared a room with was kind enough to lend me some clothes. The lesson for me was that I did not need anywhere near as much as I thought I needed. This was the first of many lessons I was to learn on this trip from the universe and the wonderful people I was surrounded by on this journey.
Palenque was the first sacred site on our Journey and we arrived there on the Winter Solstice 21/12/2012 - the end day of the Mayan calendar.
I would like to share a little bit about each of the sacred sites that we visited, but before each I thought I would like to share the words that Aluna Joy has written about each of these sites because in those few words much is shared.
Aluna said, "Palenque is the water aspect of the cities of light. It is considered the home to the great hall of records, a living library of ancient wisdom. It is also aligned with the solstices, equinoxes, eclipses and zenith passages of the sun and was built with advanced sacred geometry. Palenque and the surrounding sites like Bonampak and Yaxchillan, have held mystery and intrigue for hundreds of years. It is considered by many to be an ancient school for spiritual initiates. In some writings it is considered the head of a huge, geographical dove grid anchoring a new definition of peace and wisdom. It is also the centre of the Earth's Merkaba that connects with the universal grid. The locals call Palenque the navel of the world. Palenque shelters a living library that reveals universal truths to those who listen with an open heart.
"The area that encompasses Palenque, Yaxchillan and Bonampak is where the ancient starry ones lived heaven on earth. Pacal Votan's energy, a Cosmic Messenger, still radiates from the temple of inscriptions in Palenque. Many of the Great Masters influence the energy of this area, including the elder race we call the Star Elders or the Invisible Council. It is even believed that Jesus healed the sick and performed baptisms in the Queen's Falls when he visited during his so-called 'lost years.' it is believed he learned from the star elders about cosmic time, and he taught them about the heart and peace. Palenque is an activator for intuitive understanding. By listening to the site, we are able to access the Hall of Records. This knowledge is stored in the intuitive water in our bodies."
As we stood in the circle to celebrate the solstice and the end of the Mayan calendar, the rains began to fall and when I say fall it was like the gods were emptying every last drop of water from the sky upon our head. Palenque was definitely the water element aspect of the Five Cities of Light and we were all experiencing the element in all it's glory. Amazingly not one person broke from the circle as ceremony continued; funny how each time a new person came into the centre to lead another part of the ceremony, the rain just got heavier. We stood there for hours getting drenched in the Element of Water and not one person complained or showed their frustration. The negative emotion of the Water Element person is frustration and although we were being challenged not one person showed the least frustration. They were all being challenged by the element and each and everyone of the circle seemed to be able to step above the emotion and see the beauty of water for what it provided. For without water there would be no growth, no life.
When the ceremony was finished most of just laughed and like children we splashed our way around Palenque, enjoying the water falls that appeared on the temples and the rivers that were flowing through the site.
Aluna made the comment that we were here to create our new selves, that our old selves would not be taken into the new world which we and others were creating. As usual my inner self always like to make a physical statement when there is a new teaching for me to learn. It is always great for my story telling but sometimes it gives me wonderful challenges and opportunities for change. When we arrived back in villa after walking the few kilometres from Palenque the first thing I noticed was that there was not one thing that I was wearing or had in my pockets or in my backpack that wasn't wet except for my IPad.
Seems that God still wanted me to write.
When I took out my money much of it looked like it was actually made from water and I attempted to squeeze the water out of it and then tried to dry it with a hair dryer. Strangely two weeks later some of the money was still wet. Worse than that was my passport which resembled a sponge and when I looked at the passport photo it looked like my face was dripping away. So much for creating a new me; even my passport was expressing what was happening in the inner worlds.
When we were be drowned in Palenque I had a vision (similar to Aluna's) of the two pyramids joined at the base, one pointing into the air and the other into the ground. Inside the two pyramids was one sphere which seemed to fill up the space. Also in the pyramids and I believe emanating from the sphere was what I could only describe as coloured lightening. The lightening was flicking at the sides of the pyramid and each time it struck the sides of the pyramid, the pyramid seemed to lose its shape, not collapse but to be able to morph or change its shape.
Over the next couple of days every time I closed my easy I would see what looked like stone heads come rushing towards me. Over time these heads started to come alive and appeared to be trying to communicate with me. I was a little too thick to understand what they were communicating. When we were in Tikal I meditated in front of the jaguar temple. One minute in and the faces started to come again but this time it was only one face and it kept telling me to be open as it had information for me. To date the only realization I have had is that the pyramid in Palenque was some type of a doorway. If I get any more insights I will share them.
Talk about instant Karma. On this trip it was as if when I had a thought I would be challenged by it immediately.
We all survived our trial by water.
One sacred site down and another four to go.
I personally was worried what I would experience at the next two because their elements of earth and fire matched with my own elemental preferences and I wondered what lessons they would have for me.
My new book the 33rd Sage and the Initiate is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other wonderful bookstores and online sellers. If you want to read more about 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' have a look at my website on or my translatable blog at
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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Legend of the 33rd Sage - Chapter 31

Chapter 31 - Riding the Dragon

Time seemed to speeding up and yet he was not aging. The old sage was now in his late sixties and yet if you met him he would have appeared to be a man in his early to late thirties. It was not his diet that made the difference, although these days he needed to eat little to maintain who he was. As he made the journey from Ego to Spirit he realized that he no longer had any real needs. He accepted life for what it was; somedays he would eat, other days he would not. Some days he would stay in a Pagoda, other days he would sleep under the stars. To him it mattered not; from the quieting of the ego he understood that he was all things and he would draw to him what he needed on his journey. Of course there would come a day when the journey ended and he would shake of his mortal body and enjoy the freedom and lightness of being that he experienced in the spirit world.

There was a part of him that would have been quite happy to go to sleep one night and for his physical body not to wake up; for he knew that he was Eternal, Immortal and Infinite. It was with those thoughts that he went to sleep next to an open fire, with the full moon and all the nocturnal animals for company.

He drifted down in his levels of consciousness to the point where he was in a deep sleep. It was the level he experienced in his deepest meditations; the level where all things are connected. It is the level where the heartbeat that can be felt is the heartbeat of creation, which is accompanied by a song not unlike that of a bird song. Some mystics had called it the sound of the earth, but it was far deeper than that and Huo had remembered hearing the sound when he went up the tunnel and into the spirit world.

In what appeared to be a dream he was once again sucked up the tunnel and spat out into the spirit world. For a few moments he floated around the world and reconnected with some of the places and people he had seen and met previously. It was such a freeing experience to throw off the physical body, part of him wondered why we ever incarnated in human form. He knew the answer was to experience a life of emotion and the ego; to understand its strengths but also it's weaknesses and ultimately to transcend the human condition.

In many ways he was already more spirit than ego; he had seen the energy beyond the form; had experienced the wonders of the Tao and been one with nature. But deep in his heart centre he knew that his journey was not over. There was much more that he had to do in this world. Maybe this journey to the spirit world would give him some more answers or at least send him on the next part of his journey. In his inner self he asked to be shown where to go next on his journey.

He stopped floating through the air when he came to lake which reminded him very much of the Lake of Li, in the Forest of K'an. He floated down to the shore of the lake and there to greet him was the old log, from the real Lake of Li; the log where his students would sit when he would teach them.

He sat upon the log as if he was visiting an old friend. To him the log was very sacred. It reminded him of all the students he had ever taught and how their faces would light up when he told them one of his stories; stories which often came from so deep within him that he did not know the story himself until he began to tell it.

He was sitting on the log when he heard a sound coming from the water of the Lake of Li. The sound was off in the distance from the other side of the lake. He watched as a wave of water rushed towards him. Rather than being scared, he was mesmerized by the rising wave of water. Beneath the sound of the oncoming wave he heard another, deeper sound, it was almost guttural like the sound of an animal clearing its throat.

He watched in awe as the wave crashed over the top of him. Drenched, he did not try  to move or run as he could feel the energy in the wave. When the wave crashed back into the lake there left behind was a twenty foot dragon. Huo could not believe it. In all his wonderful life he had never seen a dragon. The dragon was red in colour, with shinny skin that glistened in the sun; skin that kept changing in colour from red to blue, brown and green. It had five claws on each foot.

The dragon seemed to be smiling at him.

He could sense its power. Rather than be scared of it the sage moved towards it. By the time he had reached the dragon it was sitting, relaxed as it did not fear him.

Anybody watching from a distance would have thought the sage and the dragon were sizing each other up, ready to strike. That could have not been further from the the truth, for within both of them was a deep respect for the other. Normally the dragon would put the person, who came before them, through a number of trials to see if they were worthy. The dragon knew this one was worthy; he could feel it with every ounce of his being.

He wondered why the sage had called him into being, for he could see that the sage was already well on the way towards his spiritual goal. The dragon opened up its feeling centers and allowed itself to enter into the old sage.

The sage could feel the energy as the dragon entered him. He opened himself up to allow the dragon to see all of him; even those aspects that he had hidden from the rest of the world.

In moments the dragon was reliving the sage's life. It was an ability that dragons had, so it was fruitless to try and hide anything from them. Everywhere the dragon looked there was a lightness to the Sage's being. The dragon could feel that Huo had wanted something but he could not feel what it was. In all the lightness there was one small shadow. This must be what the sage wanted help with.

He sent his energy into the shadow. It was as if a bright purple light was shone into the darkness revealing all there was to be seen.

The sage felt as if his heart was being ripped apart. The intensity of the pain forced him to look deep inside his heart. Without the purple light he would not have been able to do it; it was as if the purple light somehow made it more bearable. What the purple light was really doing was to increase his own vibration for a few short moments so he could become one with his shadow; for to go to the next stage he would have to be free of his shadow, his ego, otherwise the energy would destroy him.

Huo stepped into his shadow and there waiting for him were his parents and the love of his life Quing. All four of them embraced and Huo experienced a great release as he realized that he had was still feeling guilty for what had happened with his parents in the fire that many years ago. He could see that they were still very much alive and the guilt just fell away. It was in that moment that he understood the true power of forgiveness was to forgive yourself.

He turned to face Quing, although older she still looked beautiful. They stared into each others eyes for the longest time, seeing other lifetimes they had shared together and lifetimes in other dimensions yet to be shared. "Till we meet again," said Quing.

Huo watched as the loves of his life moved out of the shadows and back into the light where they belonged.

Huo awoke far calmer and more peaceful than he had ever felt in his life. Although it may have only been a dream, he realized that there had been a great release of energy while he slept and he was now different from the man who went to sleep.

He looked around himself and everything seemed different, lighter somehow. It was not just the landscape which looked lighter, he felt lighter himself, like he had been released by a burden which he had carried for years.

He put his hand inside his robes and removed the dragonfly pendant that had given him so many good memories. He looked at the pendant and a smile came to his face. In his mind's eye he could see his parents, Quing and Chung Fu they were all smiling and laughing and with a gentle wave they all turned and walked away from him.

The old sage was overcome with joy, rather than lose the greatest influences in his life he know understood they were always with him. All he had to do was look inside his heart; they were always there. There was no more guilt; he was what he was and in doing so he had taken the most courageous journey that anyone can take the journey within, the journey of the warrior sage. His life was sacred and he was dedicated to his own journey.

He stood, gathered his pack and continued on, free from the voices of the ego which had always tainted how he had seen the world.

As he walked away anyone watching would have seen him hang the dragonfly pendant on the branch of a tree.

Later that day spirit would ensure that a young girl on her own journey would walk past the tree that day and the pendant would come into her life.


My new book the 33rd Sage and the Initiate is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other wonderful bookstores and online sellers. If you want to read more about 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' have a look at my website on or my translatable blog at

Sunday, 6 January 2013

The Legend of the 33rd Sage - Chapter 30

Chapter 30 - Spiritual Discipline

After a year of listening to other philosophers and their philosophies the old sage found he was becoming even more silent; it was not that he did not disagree with what others said, he found it easier for him to be just what he was. He understood that he was not his mind or his body but an eternal, immortal and infinite being who had chosen this lifetime to evolve. From day to day he continued to wander the land every now and then he would sit for a while and teach or tell stories or just talk to people. Wherever he found himself was where he was meant to be.

He understood that he was an infinite being who had cloaked himself in a body to experience life in the earthplane. His daily discipline was focused on what he could do to transcend this experience and be able to understand his journey better. He would open himself up to where spirit wanted him to be on this day.

As he wandered he thought about writing down some of the stories he told to his students and others that sat and listened, but he soon realized that the story itself was the key and it was a story that should evolve over time. In this way it would keep the essence of the story alive but allow for the story teller to share it through their own instrument. This would allow the story to grow and evolve in ways that the original storyteller would not think possible. Huo thought to himself that it was very much like what happens to humans who incarnate to add to their own story to the library of the Godforce; a story that is written each time on an empty soul adding to the Godforce in ways that the Godforce may not even have thought possible. Here we all were insignificant in our own way and yet at the same time without us the universe would be different. As Huo pondered this he was both humble and overawed at the same time.

Who would have thought a poor disfigured boy would have grown into a humble sage who travelled the countryside telling stories, teaching and healing. He wondered where the Tao would lead him next, but he didn't need to wait long as his next journey was as close as his next decision.

As he contemplated where to go next he was overcome by a feeling of nausea. At first he thought it might be the rice he had eaten night the night before, for it had been in his pack a long while, as he had not met anyone or had any fresh food for many days. As the nausea waves enveloped his whole body, he felt a strange shift in his being and all of a sudden his consciousness was ripped from his physical body and transported through a long tunnel into a place of exquisite beauty. The bright light and the sheer beauty was almost too much for him that he had to close his eyes. As he became used to the energy that surrounded he opened his eyes again and surveyed the landscape.

The picture before him reminded him of one of the landscapes painted by prince Heng, for there was a flowingness in all objects that could not normally be seen with the naked eye. In the past the sage had only been able to perceive this aliveness or flowingness out the corner of his eyes. Now he could see it with all his being as his consciousness was no longer weighed down by his physical body.

He floated around the new world. He could have walked but with is new found lightness of being it seemed more appropriate to float and allow the energy of heaven to lead him through this new land. He wondered for a moment where he was, but it did not matter it was just one more experience given to him by the Godforce. Some would have called this place heaven, others might have seen it as a resting place between lifetimes.

Just when he stopped to contemplate where he was, he was picked up on a beam of light and transported out into the universe. He looked back to see the earth rushing away from. It was a humbling experience. The earth which had seemed so big was now less than the size of a pin head as his consciousness continued its journey across the galaxy. He soon could see galaxies by the millions rushing by. The universe was far bigger than he could ever comprehend. In his feeling centre he could feel voices talking to him, telling him that there was an infinite number of universes and he himself was existing in all of them at the same time.
The words, images and feelings continued to flow into him at such an extraordinary rate that he could not keep up with them. He tried to understand what he was seeing, hearing and feeling but it was all too much. The nausea increased and he was shot back into his body.
He opened his eyes.

He was back on earth, on the side of a mountain, sitting in a lotus position, trying to comprehend what just happened. He realized his ego was trying to hold on to the experience, so he turned his focus away from the experience and onto the feelings of nausea that he was still experiencing. The feelings were not unpleasant. It was like there had been a shift in who he thought he was and the nausea was either a reminder of the change or his resistance to it.


My new book the 33rd Sage and the Initiate is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other wonderful bookstores and online sellers. If you want to read more about 'The 33rd Sage and the Initiate,' have a look at my website on or my translatable blog at